Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 33,281 to 33,300 of 33,519
Language of Description: English
  1. Ostavština Lavoslava Schicka - trezor

    • The Lavoslav Schick Collection - Treasury (protected area for especially valuable material)
    • Nacionalna i sveučilišna knjižnica
    • ŠIK - Schick - R 7883-7888
    • English
    • 1932-1938
    • The collection does not have a unified code, but the archivists will know what it refers to, as all of the documents left to the lIbrary by Shick's widow after WW2 are stored together, each documents with its own refrence code. There are several hundred of his speeches, letters, articles, etc.
  2. Državno ravnateljstvo za Ponovu Osijek

    • The Osijek State Directorate for Nationalised Property
  3. Костопільський гебітскомісаріат, м. Костопіль Рівненської області

    • Gebietskommissariat Kostopol

    The copies of documents from this collection are stored in USHMM and described as follows: Opis 1 Folder 13, Census of the Jewish Population in Berezna. (undated). 31 pp. Folder 3, Information on confiscated property. 1941-1943. 48 pp.

  4. NIOD Library Collection

    The NIOD library is the only library in the Netherlands specialising in the Second World War. Its acquisition policy focuses on studies of war and conflict in the 20th and 21st century in their political,cultural and social contexts. The heart of the library collection consists of publications on the Netherlands and the former Dutch East Indies at the time of the Second World War. Local and regional studies, together with memoirs, form an important part of this collection. The aim is to make the core collection as comprehensive as possible. The library also holds publications about the Seco...

  5. Općina Rijeka

    • Comune di Fiume -Rijeka
    • The municipality of the town of Rijeka
  6. Riječka prefektura

    • Prefettura di Fiume
    • The prefecture of Rijeka

    The collection is important for the study of the state policy/politics of the Kingdom of Italy in the area of ​​Rijeka (Kvarner province) from 1941 to 1945 and the neighboring areas annexed beginning of World War II . Most of it consists of cabinet and general files whose content is similar , with the cabinet records documenting more political , administrative and general and administrative jurisdiction of the creator. Cabinet and general files are archived from 1924 to 1945 according to three classification systems , and the names of their individual components best reflect the content of ...

  7. Općina Opatija

    • Comune di Abbazia
    • The municipality of the town of Opatija
  8. Židov

    • Hajehudi
    • The Jew

    "The Jew" touched on the daily politics in interwar Yugoslavia (following the goings-on in its capitals) and how the everyday politics touched upon Jews in all areas of Yugoslavia. Secondly, it kept up a continuous 'intergationist' (assimilationist) vs Zionist debate, clearly standing on the side of the latter; thirdly it followed anti-Semitic incidents in the country, as well as news from the Jewish worlds outside of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia.

  9. Úřad vrchního zemského rady v Moravské Ostravě

    • Oberlandrat in Mährisch Ostrau
    • Oberlandrát v Moravské Ostravě
  10. Рівненська районна управа, м. Рівне Рівненської області

    • Rovno District Administration

    Copies of documents, preserved at USHMM, are described as follows: Opis 1 Folder 17/27, Correspondence with Rovno Gebietskomissariat concerning the Jewish property. 1943. 25 pp. Folder 16/26, Ibid. 1943. 46 pp.

  11. Daugavpils apriņķs vecākais

    • Kreisleiter Dünaburg
    • Daugavpils County Leader

    Jewish property, acquisition and use, hiding of Jews by Latvians, participation in mass killings, food supply to Jews, certifying of civil parish employees of being of non Jewish origin (1942).

  12. Documentation from the Archive of the Main Commission for Investigation of Crimes against the Polish People, the Institute of National Remembrance in Poland

    The Commission gathered much documentation from various sources: documentation from the offices of the German authorities that left Poland with the withdrawal of the Wehrmacht, as well as loot and documentation that came into the hands of the Allied forces. Additionally, the Commission itself gathered much documentation during its visits to persecution sites in Poland, and it received documentation from various bodies, for instance completed questionnaires regarding the persecution of the Jews.

  13. Претура Піщанського району, с. Піщани

    • District Pretura, Pishchany District, Village of Pishchany
  14. Префектура Очаківського повіту, м. Очаків Очаківського повіту.

    • County Prefecture of the Ochakov County, Town of Ochakov, Governorate of Transnistria

    The fonds’ inventories are systematized according to the structural-chronological principle. Included are directives of the Romanian occupation authorities dealing with restrictive and discriminatory measures with regard to the Jewish population of Transnistria: an order of the governor of Transnistria that Jews be employed only by permission of the Directorate of Labor and the General Inspectorate of the Gendarmerie (1943); copy of a decree of the Governorate of Transnistria (4 August 1943) that Jewish labor be compensated at 75% of the salary established for local residents; a telephonogr...

  15. Голтська міська примарія, м. Голта Голтського повіту.

    • Golta Town Primaria (Golta District, Golta County)

    Inventories of the fonds’ files are systematized chronologically. Materials housed in the fonds include a copy of an order of the Sixth Army Corps forbidding the use of Jews as couriers (1943); lists of Jewish specialists working in the primaria technical service and in workshops in the city of Golta (1943); a receipt of the Golta hydroelectric power plant for payment for the illumination of the forced labor camp for Jews located at the former October 25 factory on Radzhele Mikhai Street (1943); a list of food items necessary for Camp no. 1 and the Golta ghetto for June 1943, and also of ex...

  16. Префектура Голтського повіту, м. Голта Голтського повіту.

    • County Prefecture of the Golta County, Town of Golta, Governorate of Transnistria

    The fonds’ inventories are systematized according to the structural-chronological principle. Included are directives of the Romanian occupation authorities dealing with restrictive and discriminatory measures with regard to the Jewish population of Transnistria: an order of the Golta prefecture that Jews be sent from the local ghetto to work at the Akmechetka camp (Domanevka district) (1943); copies of decrees (7 December 1942) of Transnistria governor G. Alexianu on procedures for the internment of the Jewish population in ghettos and on using Jews for work in institutions, enterprises, an...

  17. Миколаївська обласна комісія по сприянню в роботі надзвичайної комісії по установленню і розслідуванню злодіянь, вчинених німецько-фашистськими загарбниками і їх спільниками, і заподіяних ними збитків громадянам, колгоспам, громадським організаціям, державним підприємствам і установам СРСР, м. Миколаїв

    • The Nikolaev Regional Commission to Aid the Work of the Extraordinary State Commission to Ascertain and Investigate the Crimes of the German-Fascist Invaders and their Accomplices and the Damages Caused by them to Citizens, Collective Farms, Public Organizations, Enterprises, and Institutions of the USSR, City of Nikolaev

    The fond includes two inventories systematized chronologically. Among documents contained in the fond (op. 2) are proceedings of the commission with information on the mass shooting of Jews in June 1942 at the Nikolaev cemetery and in the Snigirevka district (Nikolaev region) (1944). The documents are in Russian.

  18. Примарія села Мар'янівка Велико-Врадіївського району Голтського повіту

    • Village Primaria, Village of Mar’ianovka (Velikaia Vradievka District, Golta County)

    Inventories of the fonds’ files are systematized chronologically. Materials housed in the fonds include list of Jews residing in the territory of the village of Mar’ianovka (1942) The documents are in Romanian, Russian, and Ukrainian.

  19. Претура Мостівського району, с. Мостове Мостівського району Березівського повіту.

    • District Pretura of the Mostovoe District, Village of Mostovoe (Berezovka County)

    The fonds’ inventories are systematized according to the structural-chronological principle. Documents on “the Jewish question” contained in the pretura fonds may provisionally be divided into the following thematic groups: 1. Directives of the Romanian civilian and military authorities that defined the legal status of the Jewish population of Transnistria; 2. Orders of local authorities dealing with the forced labor of the Jewish population; 3. Documents on the situation of Jewish doctors and on hygiene and sanitary conditions in which the Jews of Transnistria lived; 4. Materials on financ...

  20. Балтська фабрика по виробництву валянок Дирекції індустрії Губернаторства Трансністрії, м. Балта Балтського р-ну Одеської області

    • Felt Boot Factory of the Governorate of Transnistria Directorate of Industry, City of Balta (Balta District, Balta County)

    The fond includes one inventory systematized according to the structural-chronological principle. Materials in the fond include a report of the board of directors of the Balta felt boot factory addressed to the Governorate of Transnistria Directorate of Industry on the number of Jews brought in to work there, a list of these, and a list of men from the Balta ghetto who did not show up to work on 13 August 1943; letters from the felt boot factory board of directors to the prefect of Balta county and the leaders of the Balta ghetto requesting that Jews be sent to work at the factory (1943), a...