Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 33,121 to 33,140 of 33,519
Language of Description: English
  1. Apgabala komisāra Rigā darba pārvalde

    • Arbeitsverwaltung Riga
    • Labour Administration Riga

    Office of accountant, order, correspondence with general commissar and institutions about labour of prisoners of war, statistics, salaries, lists of employees and also contains Kontrollbook Revich Adele, born on March 9, 1912, worked in 1942-1943, list of Jews working in August-October 1941 in Riga.

  2. Jēkabpils pilsētas valde

    • Jekabpils City Council
    • Jacobstadt Stadtverwaltung

    The fonds contains information about the history of the town and activities of the city council since the 19th century. The war period documents include information about purchases and acquisitions of Jewish property, use of Jewish belongings, granting of former Jewish apartments (1941-1942), and a list of war prisoners (1942).

  3. Jēkabpils apriņķa vecākais

    • Kreisleiter Jacobstadt
    • Jekabpils County Leader

    The fonds contains information about the district administration since 19th century. The war period documents show information about the Jewish property.

  4. Tiesu palātas prokurors

    • The Trial Chamber Prosecutor

    The fonds contains information about trials and police activities, as well as about the Communist Party. The wartime documents include information about Jewish property, cases that were dismissed (including cases brought by Jews, July 1941), the burning of Audrini village, and escapes by prisoners of war from their place of settlement (1942).

  5. Dobeles pilsētas valde

    • Dobele City Council
    • Stadtverwaltung Dobeln

    The fonds contains information about the administration of the town since 1918. The wartime documents include lists of Jewish belongings and purchases of Jewish property (February 1942).

  6. Daugavpils pilsētas valde

    • Daugavpils City Council
    • Stadtverwaltung Dünaburg

    The fonds contains a large amount of information about the town history and its administration since the 19th century. The wartime documents include information about forced labour, a list of Jews who were working, a list of Jews who were provided with food and food carts, and lists of ghetto inmates (1941-1943).

  7. Ludzas pilsētas valde

    • Ludza City Council
    • Ludza Stadtverwaltung

    The fonds contains information about the town history and activities of the city council since the 19th century. The wartime documents include lists of Jewish property in Ludza and information about the acquisition and use of Jewish property.

  8. Rīgas apriņķa vecākais

    • Kreisleiter Riga
    • Riga County Leader

    The fonds contains information about the activities of district administration since 1919. The wartime documents include a list of Jews living in the district and information about people sent to the Riga ghetto, mixed marriages, and the fates of children from mixed marriages (1941).

  9. Tirdzniecības un rūpniecības akciju sabiedrība "Kūdra"

    • Trade and Industry Joint Stock Company "Peat"
    • Torfwerk Kudra

    The fonds contains information about the work of pit factories throughout Latvia. The wartime documents include lists of ghetto inmates with dates of birth working at the Torfwerks throughout Latvia (Aizpute, Garoza, Misa, Sloka-Kemeri, Priedasine, Olaine, Salaspils, Skrunda, Smārde, Kukas, Ploce); rules about treatment of Jews at work; increasing of working capacity by providing of additional food rate; and a list of Jews from Priedaine Torfwerk who were sent back to the Riga ghetto on October 28, 1943.

  10. Madonas pilsētas valde

    • Madona City Council
    • Stadtverwaltung Madohn

    The fonds contains information about the town history and its administration since 1920. The wartime documents include information on Jewish property, food rationing for Jews (September 1943), and food provisioning for Madona concentration camp.

  11. Ilūkstes apriņķa policijas iestādes

    • Ilukste District Police Institutions
    • Polizeibehörden Kreis Illuxt

    The fonds contains information about activities of the police institutions in the district since 1919. The wartime documents contain information about Jewish property.

  12. Krustpils pilsētas valde

    • Krustpils City Council
    • Stadtverwaltung Kreuzburg

    The fonds contains information about the town history and its administration since 1919. The wartime documents show lists of Jewish property, purchases of Jewish property, and bills for collecting and guarding of Jewish belongings (1941-1943).

  13. Ventspils apriņķa policijas iestādes

    • Ventspils District Police Institutions
    • Polizeibehörden Kreis Windau

    The fonds contains a large amount of information about activities of the police institution in the district since 1920. The wartime documents include information about Jewish property, (October 1941), arrests of escaped Jews and transferring them to the Ventspils security police, deserters from SS Legion, (July 1944), arrests of Roma (1944), list of Russians in the district (1945).

  14. Apes pilsētas valde

    • Ape City Council
    • Sradtverwaltung Ape

    The fonds contains information about the town’s history and its administration since 1919. The wartime documents include lists of confiscated property and belongings; information about establishment of a depository for cultural artefacts (books, etc.) of Jews and communists (1942); interdiction to provide Jews with footwear (1941); and lists of inhabitants, including some Jews (1941-1942).

  15. Rīgas apgabaltiesas prokurors

    • Riga District Court Prosecutor
    • Riga Kreigerichts Staatsanwalt

    The fonds contains information about supervision of criminal and civil cases since 1917. The wartime documents contain information about unlawful acquisition of Jewish property, escapes from prisoner-of-war camps, and interdiction of contacts with Jews.

  16. Valmieras apriņķa policijas iestādes

    • Valmiera District Police Institutions
    • Polizeibehörden Kreis Wolmar

    The fonds contains information about the activities of the police administration in the district since 1919. The war time files contain lists of nationalized and ownerless Jewish property (1942).

  17. Jelgavas apriņķa policijas iestādes

    • Jelgava District Police Institutions
    • Polizeibehörden Kreis Mitau

    The fonds contains information about activities of the police institutions in the district since 1919. The wartime documents contain information about prisoners of war and war refugees, pursuit and apprehension of communists, Jews and Roma, Roma escapes from prisons (1941-1942), and lists of persons drafted into the German Army (1944).

  18. Daugavpils pilsētas policijas iestādes

    • Daugavpils City Police Institutions
    • Polizeibehörden Stadt Dünaburg

    The fonds contains a large amount of information about activities of the police institutions in the district since 1920. The wartime documents include instructions to the chief of the Jewish camp (ghetto) and information about guarding the ghetto, internal rules, and a report about unnamed police members arresting Jews and taking their belongings in 1941.

  19. Rēzeknes apriņķa policijas iestādes

    • Rezekne District Police Institutions
    • Polizeibehörden Kreis Rezekne

    The fond contains a large amount of information about activities of the Police Institution in the district since 1920. The wartime documents include information about Jewish property, acquisition of former Jewish belongings, confiscation of radios and bicycles, divorcing of mixed marriages, hiding of Jews, baptizing of Jews, list of Christian priests who baptized Jews, measures for preventing demonstration of November 8, 1941 (commemorating the Revolution of 1917) at the places of mass executions and Jewish cemeteries, Jews from Rezekne prison working at factories in Rezekne, Ortskommandant...

  20. Rīgas apriņķa policijas iestādes

    • Riga District Police Institutions
    • Polizeibehörden Kreis Riga

    The fonds contains information about the activities of the police administration in the district since 1919. The wartime files contain Drechsler’s orders (August 1941) regarding restrictions for Jews (wearing of Star of David, occupations, use of transport, etc.).