Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 33,081 to 33,100 of 33,519
Language of Description: English
  1. Dokumentālā filma “Upuru sadedzināšana”

    • Documentary “The Incineration of Victims”

    This documentary history of the Holocaust attempts to address questions such as "How, and why, was it possible for the Holocaust to happen?"

  2. Documentary “Jehovah’s Witnesses Stand Firm Against Nazi Assault”

    This documentary is about a tiny group of Germans who refused to be bullied by supporters of Hitler into doing anything which they considered to be against God's Word or condemned by Jesus. They preferred to die (and many did) rather than to kill another person.

  3. Dokumentālā filma “Un atkal cerība”

    • Documentary “And There is Hope Again”

    This documentary is about Jewish culture in Latvia. It includes footage of M. Vestermans; the ensemble “Ufkum”; a children’s theatre: art theorist T. Vlasova; artist H. Risins; sculptress L. Novozeneca; jeweller Z. Smarkovics; the ensemble “Kinors”; Art historianH. Dubins; and musicologist L. Krasinska)

  4. dokumentālā filma “Un atkal cerība”

    • Documentary “Rescuers and Survivors”

    The film is dedicated to Zanis Lipke, who saved 55 Jews in Latvia during the Nazi occupation.

  5. Dokumentālā filma “ Vilkači”

    • Documentary “Werewolf”

    A Soviet-style film about events of World War II in Latvia, including Latvian collaboration with the German regime. A few shots show a burning synagogue and an assault on Jews.

  6. Kinožurnāls “Latvijas hronika” Nr.14/15, 1990.g.

    • Newsreel “Chronicle of Latvia” Nr.14/15; 1990.g.

    Footage includes unveiling of the memorial stone at the site of the former Great Choral Synagogue on July 4, 1989;. Bikernieku and Rumbulas cemetery, people with flowers at Bikernieku and Rumbulas cemetery,, a monument to the victims of fascism; conversation with Johanna Lipke about Zanis Lipke; procession through former streets of ghetto; opening of the Zana Lipke monument, by sculptress L. Novozeneca, at Meza kapi; and Yad Vashem in Israel.

  7. Kinožurnāls “Padomju Latvija” Nr. ½, sižets “Latvija -mūsu mājas” ; 1989.g.

    • Newsreel “Soviet Latvia” Nr. 1/2; "Latvia – our home"; 1989

    Footage includes establishment of Jewish Cultural Association of Latvia in 1988, former Jewish theater (view of lobby; speakers: M. Vulfson and academic J. Stradins; sculptress L. Novozeneca and Rabbi M. Nidels); Jews visiting the former ghetto area; a monument to the victims of fascism; sculptress L. Novozeneca creates an image of Zanis Lipke; girls singing in Hebrew.

  8. Kinožurnāls "Ostland Woche” Nr. 4

    • Newsreel “Ostland Woche” Nr. 4

    A few shots: anti-Soviet exhibition in Riga. Anti-Semitic posters are visible in some plans.

  9. Kinožurnāls “Die Deutsche Wochenschau” Nr. 29

    • Newsreel “Die Deutsche Wochenschau” Nr. 29

    A few shots: hostilities in Ukraine; a Jew being beaten; Jews in custody.

  10. Kinožurnāls “Padomju Latvija” Nr. 5/6, 1945.g.

    • Newsreel “Soviet Latvia” Nr. 5/6

    A few shots: the discovery of a mass grave at the Šķedes sand dunes; mass grave contains the bodies of civilians murdered during the German occupation period (May, 1945).

  11. Dokumentālā filma “Pretrunīgā vēsture”

    • Documentary “Controversial History”

    This documentary about events from World War II is told from three different points of view – those of Latvians, Russians, and Jews, respectively.

  12. Komitet pomoshchi evreiskim bezhentsam (g. Zagreb)

    • Odbor za pomoc židovskim izbeglicam (Zagreb); Committee for Aid to Jewish Refugees (Zagreb)

    The collection's contents are described in one inventory, which is arranged by structure and chronology. Deposited in the collection are documents connected with the activities of the Zagreb HICEM Committee regarding the reception, settling, and transport to third countries of Jewish refugees from Germany and Austria. It includes correspondence with HICEM committees in Austria, the United States, Britain, Germany, Italy, and other countries, and with the Union of Jewish Religious Communities of Yugoslavia, the German Jewish Aid Society, the Jewish religious community of Brody, the JDC, the ...

  13. Velikie lozhi evreiskogo ordena "Bnei-Brit" v lugoslavii i Gretsii i ikh dochernie lozhi

    • The Grand Lodges of B'nai B'rith in Yugoslavia and Greece and their Affiliated Lodges (consolidated collection)

    The collection includes documents reflecting the activities of the Grand Lodge of B'nai B'rith in Yugoslavia and its affiliated lodges "Serbia," "Sarajevo," and "Zagreb." These include circulars from leaders of the Grand Lodge to affiliated lodges; a register of proceedings of the "Serbia" lodge, and a list of its board members; brief biographical information oThe collection includes documents reflecting the activities of the Grand Lodge of B'nai B'rith in Yugoslavia and its affiliated lodges "Serbia," "Sarajevo," and "Zagreb." These include circulars from leaders of the Grand Lodge to affi...

  14. Dokumental'nye materialy razlichnykh lits (kollektsiia)

    • Documentary Materials of Various Individuals (consolidated collection)

    The collection's contents are catalogued in two inventories, which are arranged by document type in order of the collection originators' surnames. The collection constitutes an accumulation of various individuals' documents united only by authorship or by the documents' belonging to a particular individual. This collection of documents was compiled by archival staff from unsystematized files. The collection includes notes (author unknown) on the situation of Jews in Austria; correspondence of S. Barber with Jewish émigrés from Czechoslovakia on helping them obtain residency rights in countr...

  15. Kollektsiia materialov po istorii i kuiture evreev v Evrope

    • Collection of Documents on the History and Culture of European Jewry

    The collection's contents are described in one inventory arranged geographically and thematically. It consists of documents from Austria (67 files), Belgium (1), Britain (1), Czechoslovakia (1), France (3), Germany (87), Latvia (1), Poland (3) Yugoslavia (1), various countries of Europe, Asia and Africa (40), Zionist organizations (8), Jewish emigration (4), Jewish political organizations (8), societies against antisemitism (4), studies of Jewish religion, philosophy and culture (23), and miscellaneous materials. Among the materials of Austrian Jewish organizations, it holds the charters of...

  16. Dokumenty politicheskogo, ekonomicheskogo i voennogo kharaktera uchrezhdenii i organizatsii Frantsii, Bel'gii, i dr stran (kollektsiia)

    • Political, Economic, and Military Documents of Government Offices and other Organizations in France, Belgium, and other Countries (consolidated collection)

    The collection constitutes an accumulation of documents of various institutions and organizations, often of undetermined collection provenance, compiled at the Central State Special Archive. These are documents of a political, economic, and military nature of various institutions and organizations in France, Belgium, and other countries. The collection includes materials on history, philosophy, politics, and economics, as well as information on the armed forces, police, intelligence activities, political Parties and organizations in various countries. The collection's contents are described...

  17. Evreiskaia obshchina (g. Zagreb)

    • lsraeliticka bogoštovna op ina (Zagreb); Jewish Community of Zagreb

    The collection's contents are catalogued in one inventory. The collection's documents consist primarily of correspondence: internal community correspondence (on public events, the execution of intracommunity administrative duties, educational issues, religious issues, the distribution of Zagreb synagogue positions, and so on); correspondence with Jewish and Zionist organizations, including the Union of Jewish Religious Communities of Yugoslavia, the Ashkenazi community of Belgrade, the Sephardic community of Sarajevo, the Hochschule for Jewish Studies in Berlin, the Dr. Bernard Singer Jewis...

  18. Talsu apriņķa vecākajs

    • Talsi County Leader
    • Kreisleiter Talsen

    The fonds contains information about the district administration since 1919. The wartime documents include information about the Jewish property – belongings left after eviction of Jews, misappropriation and purchase of Jewish property. Destruction of the Jewish cemetery in Talsi (October-November of 1942), interdiction of contacts between non-Jews and Jews working for Organization Todt in Mersrags and Upesgriva (May, 1943).

  19. Tukuma apriņķa vecākais

    • Kreisleiter Tukums

    The fonds contains information about the district administration since 1919. The wartime documents include regulations to wear the Star of David, lists of Jewish property, applications to allocate former Jewish property and belongings (1941-1943).

  20. Rīgas pilsētas Galvenā un personālā valde

    • Main Board and Staff of City of Riga
    • Haupt- und Personalamt der Stadt Riga

    List of doctors and nurses who were dismissed or who did not appear to work, including Jewish doctors, June-August of 1941; Jewish property, including it acquisition; establishing of ghetto; transfer of Jewish schools and hospitals to the ghetto suburb; stopping of gas supply to the ghetto (1941); closing of ghetto in 1943; establishing of commission to take over the ghetto and renaming of ghetto to Russensiedlung.