Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 32,961 to 32,980 of 33,519
Language of Description: English
  1. Vyriausioji sveikatos valdyba

    • Hauptgesundheitsverwaltung
    • Central Health Administration

    Documents of administration, lists of staff members (doctors and nurses), list of Jewish property and equipment, information about infectious diseases, documents about healthcare, correspondence. There are various administrative documents about personnel and staff, lists of personnel and doctors, lists of Jewish doctors, statistics about diseases, documents concerning the County doctor’s observation of mass killing site in Švenčionys where 5000 Jews were murdered on 14 September 1942.

  2. Lietuvių aktyvistų frontas

    • Lithuanian Activist Front of the Lithuanian General Region

    Documents of the activities of members of the Lithuanian Activist Front, including reports, orders, correspondence, and a memorandum about the situation in Lithuania in the first days of the Nazi occupation, their attitude toward the Jews, lists of troops of the battalions, etc.

  3. Jurbarko miesto savivaldybė

    • Municipality of Jurbarkas City

    Circulars prohibiting Jews from trading; reports regarding prohibition of issuing documents to Jews; punishment for locals who hid Jews; correspondence regarding Jewish property. Lists of Jewish landowners (with family names); documentation about Jewish property. Certificates for those who were given Jewish property. Various kind of reports, including about number of Jews in Jurbarkas, obligation to wear Star of David, etc.

  4. Marijampolės apskrities ir valsčių savivaldybės

    • Municipalities of the Small Rural Districts of Marijampolė County

    Files from the municipalities of 22 small rural districts of Marijampolė County. Lists of the residents (includes many Jewish names) of the district, lists of nationalized Jewish property, correspondence concerning the labour of war prisoners, list of the Marijampolė Judenrat, correspondence concerning food supply and Jewish property, lists of arrested Jews, lists of Jewish property and lists of local residents who have bought Jewish belongings and property (October 1941).

  5. Panevėžio miesto savivaldybė

    • Municipality of the City of Panevėžys

    The fonds consist of the personal documents (applications of residents to obtain passports); documents about the activities of the municipality (lists of businesses, schools, shops, etc. with information about the owners and lists of teachers, doctors, traders, shopkeepers, etc.); documents about attitudes toward Jews from summer–late autumn 1941 (lists of arrested Jews, documents about confiscation of private property, etc.).

  6. Marijampolės apskrities viršininkas

    • Chief of Marijampolė County

    The subfonds No. 7 contains the files and documents on war refugees from Klaipėda region (German Memelland, which was occupied by the Nazis on March 23, 1939), the lists of the chiefs of the Jewish metrics registration departments (1920–1940), the applications of the residents (there are many Jewish names) to go abroad (January–December 1939), the lists of the residents (there are Jewish names) who were not allowed to go abroad (January–December 1939); orders and instructions from the chief of the county to the chiefs of the small rural district and the chiefs of the police precincts concer...

  7. Sudovi Oružanih snaga NDH

    • Court-martial of the Independent State of Croatia

    The collection consists of the writings of some of the military courts of the ISC/NDH from the period 1941-1945, with data on military-judicial practices of the Independent State Of Croatia (reports on criminal cases, the statements on the proclamation of penalties).

  8. Redarstvena oblast za grad Zagreb

    • The city of Zagreb law enforcement unit

    Most of the collection consists of police records with personal data and the reasons for the arrest. Among other things preserved there are certificates, paid invoices, purchase orders, records of persons who have changed their religion, records of the parish police jurisdictions, etc.

  9. SS ir policijos vadas Vilniuje

    • Der SS-und Polizeistandortführer Wilna
    • Chief of the SS and Police in Vilnius

    Various documents concerning the Jews in the Vilnius region (attitudes toward Jews, establishment of the ghettos); registers of the residents by nationality; maps and drawings of the Vilnius administrative region and the localisation of police stations; lists of the headquarters of the criminal police, SS, and self-defence police; working conditions of police stations, social-political descriptions of local residents in the region; lists of Nazi enterprises in the region, etc.

  10. Ustaša. Hrvatski oslobodilački pokret

    • Ustasha. Croatian Liberation Movement.

    Follows the organization of the Ustasha movement and its institualization: the formation of the main political body, Glavni ustaški stan (GUS; Main Ustasha HQ, which had offices in most major towns in the country); reports on the formatian of camps; lists of suspicious individuals; list of partisan fighters, etc.

  11. Zbirka dokumenata Službe državne sigurnosti Republičkoga sekretarijata za unutarnje poslove Socijalističke Republike Hrvatske

    • Collection of documents of the State security agency of the Federal unit for the interior affairs of the Socialist Republic of Croatia

    This collection of materials of different origin is created by the State Security Service, or earlier OZNA (Department for the protection of the people) and UDBA Administration (State Security). Part of the material relates to the original material of the Ustasha police, military and other government and institutions of the ISC, and part is the result of the original documentation. The material is grouped into thematic sections (political parties to II. World War II Ustasha movement between the two world wars, and the NDH Ustasha movement, organization of the NDH government, the judiciary, ...

  12. Ministarstvo skrbi za postradale krajeve Nezavisne Države Hrvatske

    • The Ministry of Welfare for the War-Affected Areas of the Independent State of Croatia (ISC)

    The collection holds pleas for help from refugees within the ISC. Note that the refugees in question mostly are non-Jewish, as the dates point it is towards the end of the war, but the collection might be interesting to appraise the general atmosphere of social welfare after the collapse of Italy in 1943. It is not excluded some of the cases handled within the collection refer to the remaining Jews in Croatia.

  13. Ministarstvo unutarnjih poslova Nezavisne Državne Hrvatske

    • The Ministry of the Interior of the Independent State of Croatia

    The collection comprises papers from the Cabinet Office and Minister's office: categorized as very secret, secret, general files and documents, subsection of personal and computationally-economic affairs, records of the office assistant minister and the president's office, the files of the general section (IA to ID), the Administrative Department (II-A to II-C) and supervisory departments (NO to NO-III-IV), the administrative department of the General Directorate for Internal Administration (RU, RU BI to B-III), a very secret and secret papers of the Secretariat, Director General of the Gen...

  14. Ministarstvo pravosuđa i bogoštovlja Nezavisne Države Hrvatske

    • The Ministry of Justice and Religious Affairs of the Independent State of Croatia

    Sub-collection, referring to the work of the Department of Justice holds both the secret and general records of the General Judicial Department, drafts and bills, laws and orders, rules and circulars and interpretations, personal correspondence of clerks, judges, clerks and general legal staff, financial records of the Judicial Foundation, with individual and group payments to the Judicial Foundation; calculations, and accounts of the Foundation, reports from the penitentiaries, judicial and other prisons, lists of convicts, pardon applications, files of bar associations, of lawyers and not...

  15. Ministarstvo državne riznice

    • The Ministry of State Treasury

    The task of this office was to monitor and manage economic enterprises or assets of persons who left the ISC, Jews especially. The office had a branch in Osijek, Sarajevo and Banja Luka. From the original current records were selected following collections: Ponova (=nationalized property office) - Regional Office Osijek; Ponova - Regional Office Sarajevo; Ponova - Regional Office Banja Luka, immigrant and immigrant camp Caprag-Sisak; immigrant camp Požega; immigrant camp Bjelovar; Ponova office in Brodski Šamac; Ponova office in Koprivnica; Tax Office Srem Karlovci; Tax Office Slavonski Bro...

  16. Antifašistička fronta žena Hrvatske

    • The Womens' Antifascist Front of Croatia

    Lists of prisoners from the concentration camp Jasenovac; memories of former prisoners in the camp

  17. Banovina Hrvatska. Kabinet bana.

    • The governance of Croatia, Governor’s office
  18. Ustaška nadzorna služba

    • The Ustasha Intelligence Unit

    The collection contains personal files and various financial documents: bills that arrived to (concentration) camps, and which relate to the consumption of goods in the camps, orders for shoes, slippers, wood, food and clothing, lists of dead prisoners, documents relating to the sending of packages to inmates, list of people coming into camps. Preserved are reports from the field and reports on detainees, by day.

  19. Odbor u stvari podavanja Židova za potrebe države

    • Committee regarding the contribution of Jews towards the needs of the state
  20. Banovina Hrvatska. Odjeljak za državnu zaštitu, Zagreb.

    • Governance of Croatia; Department of state security, HQ in Zagreb.