Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 32,521 to 32,540 of 33,375
Language of Description: English
  1. Дніпропетровська Українська допоміжна управа, м. Дніпропетровськ.

    • Dnipropetrovsk Ukrainian Auxiliary board, city of Dnipropetrovsk
    • Dnipropetrovska Ukrainska dopomizhna uprava, m. Dnipropetrovsk

    As an occupation authority body, Dnipropetrovsk City Board was involved into the Nazi population policy and the Holocaust. Below are selected files which contain occupation and Holocaust-related information. File 1. Orders by city board about its structure, introduction of rationing system, forbiddance to population to sell and exchange foods, license issuing. 60 pages. File 2. Orders and decrees by the German military commandant to population about punishment for signaling to Red Army, about forcible mobilization of population to compulsory public works. Plan for creation of industrial coo...

  2. Колекція фонду "Пам'ять Бабиного Яру"

    • Collection of the “Memory of Babyn Iar” Foundation
    • Collection of the "Memory of Babi Yar" Foundation
    • Коллекция фонда "Память Бабьего Яра"
    • Всеукраїнська єврейська рада
    • Колекція фонду "Пам'ять Бабиного Яру"
    • English
    • 1920-2015
    • 1. Card index, includes names of the Jews perished in Babyn Iar and other sites of mass murder of the Jews in Ukraine during the WWII. 2. Photograph collection, includes personal and family photos of the Jews perished in Babyn Iar and other sites of mass murder of the Jews in Ukraine during the WWII. 3. Audiocollection, contains testimonies recorded from those Jews who survived Babyn Iar, as well as the other sites of mass murder of the Jews in Ukraine during the WWII.
    • Card index contains over 22.000 names of the Holocaust victims. - Photo collection contains over 1000 personal and family pictures. - Audio-collection contains over 60 testimonies recorded on tapes.
  3. Колекція Асоціації Праведників Бабиного Яру

    • “Righteous of Babyn Iar” Association collection
    • "Righteous of Babi Yar" Association collection
    • Коллекция Ассоциации Праведников Бабьего Яра

    Handwritten and typewritten statements and testimonies from the Jews who were given aid during the Holocaust as well as from the Gentiles who rescued the.

  4. Колекція Центру «Героїзм євреїв у Великій Вітчизняній війні»

    • Collection of the “Jewish Heroism during the Great Patriotic War” Center
    • Card index of the Jewish veterans of the Second World War. - Card index, biographies and photos of the Jews whom "Hero of the Soviet Union" decoration was awarded; - Card index, biographies and photos of the Jews whom "Orden of Glory" decoration was awarded;
  5. Δηλώσεις Περιουσιών προς τις Γερμανικές Αρχές (1943)

    • Declaration of Property to the German Authorities (1943)
    • Diloseis Periousion pros tis Germanikes Arches (1943)

    The archive contains 4.200 declarations of mobile/immobile property corresponding to 13.400 Jews and they are all dated on the 1st of March 1943.The cards contain personal information as well as itemized lists of real and material property subsequently aryanized by occupying forces and Greek collaborators.

  6. Αρχείο Ισραηλιτικής Κοινότητας Θεσσαλονίκης

    • Archive of the Jewish community of Thessaloniki
    • Archeio Israilitikis Koinotitas Thessalonikis

    The Archive covers the period from the last years of the ottoman administration in the City until the begin of the deportation in spring 1943 (mainly the years 1917-1943). Registration books, records and correspondance of the Jewish Communal Council, the Rabbinical Court, the Commission of Education, other institutions, Salonica Palestine S.A.. The bulk of the material was written in Ladino.

  7. Vichy-i követség iratai, 1940-1944

    • Records of the Hungarian Embassy in Vichy, 1940-1944

    With the defeat of France in 1940 and the signing of the armistice, the so called French State with its capital in Vichy emerged. The Hungarian state appointed an Ambassador to this nominally sovereign entity in unoccupied France. Its Embassy processed hundreds of cases which are part of this collection. Most of these cases concern questions of citizenship and passport-related requests. There are documents concerning visa and travel requests, requests to return to Hungary but also certificates of birth, marriage and change of religion. Other documents concern cases of the arrest, internment...

  8. Kállay Miklós miniszterelnök iratai

    • Personal Files of Prime Ministers and other governmental officials: Miklós Kállay

    Miklós Kállay (1887-1967), politician, Minister of Agriculture in the cabinet of Gyula Gömbös who then served as Prime Minister of Hungary between 1942 and 1944. Kállay belonged among the more moderate members of the establishment but largely kept the ministers who served under his predecessor Bárdossy in their positions. His premiership was characterized by a new Hungarian foreign policy aimed at the cautious distancing of the country from Nazi Germany and the initiation of negotiations with the Western Allies, especially Great Britain. Hungary refused to deport its large Jewish population...

  9. Bárdossy László miniszterelnök iratai

    • Personal Files of Prime Minister László Bárdossy

    László Bárdossy (1890-1946) was a diplomat, politician, foreign minister and then Prime Minister of Hungary between 1941 and 1942. He introduced the so called Third Anti-Jewish Law in 1941, which closely resembled the racial definitions of the Nuremberg Laws, banning marriage as well as sexual intercourse between Jews and non-Jews. The infamous massacre of Kamenets-Podolsk in 1941 took place during his time in office when the deportation initiated by Hungarian authorities led to the first Nazi mass murder with over 10 000 Jewish victims. Moreover, Hungary entered the war against Yugoslavia ...

  10. Teleki Pál miniszterelnök iratai

    • Personal Files of Prime Ministers and other governmental officials: Pál Teleki

    The collection contains a fragment of the semi-official correspondence of Pál Teleki between 1924 and 1941 that relate to his diverse public activities and his second time as Prime Minister between 1939 and 1941. A large part of the collection concerns Transylvania. The collection also contains his correspondence regarding social questions, correspondence with other leading politicians, correspondence related to his scholarly life and his correspondence related to the boy scout movement.

  11. Imrédy Béla miniszterelnök iratai

    • Personal Files of Prime Ministers and other governmental officials: Béla Imrédy

    Béla Imrédy (1890-1946), Director of the Hungarian National Bank, Minister of Finance, Minister of Economic Coordination and subsequently Prime Minister of Hungary between 1938 and 1939. The first anti-Jewish law was adopted during his premiership. He initiated the Second Anti-Jewish Law in late 1938 that was meant to further limit the socioeconomic opportunities of Hungarian Jews and aimed to reduce Jewish involvement to a mere 6%. The law was eventually to be adopted under his successor Pál Teleki. In 1940, Imrédy left the governing party to launch his radical rightist party Party of Hung...

  12. Gömbös Gyula miniszterelnöki iratai

    • Personal Files of Prime Ministers and other governmental officials: Gyula Gömbös

    Gyula Gömbös (1886-1936) was a politician and soldier, member of the Hungarian Parliament, Minister of Defense (1929-1932) and eventually Prime Minister of Hungary (1932-1936). During the 1920s, Gömbös oscillated between the governing party led by Prime Minister István Bethlen and a more radical race protectionist platform. Upon becoming Prime Minister, Gömbös announced a wideranging plan of reorganization with the aim of establishing a more modern and rightist authoritarian state, opposing the more liberally oriented conservative elite in particular. He reformed the army by giving posts to...

  13. Darányi Kálmán miniszterelnök iratai

    • Personal Files of Prime Ministers and other governmental officials: Kálmán Darányi

    Kálmán Darányi (1886-1939) was a politician who served as Minister of Agriculture and later as Prime Minister of Hungary (1936-1938), replacing the deceased Gyula Gömbös. In March 1938, the program of Győr, a massive program of military and infrastructural development, was initiated under his premiership. The program was conceived by Béla Imrédy, Minister of Economic Coordination who was to become his immediate successor. At first pursuing balancing acts, Darányi clearly shifted to the right in the latter parts of his premiership. He was to initiate the First Anti-Jewish Law that was eventu...

  14. Miniszterelnökség, Társadalompolitikai Osztály (1938-1941)

    • Records of the Prime Minister’s Office, Department of Social Policy (1938-1941)

    1938 was a significant moment of change in the history of inter-war Hungary as it brought the beginnings of war preparation, the first stage of successful border revision, the first generally applied anti-Semitic law but also an interrelated new phase in social policy. The collection of the Department of Social Policy at the Prime Minister’s Office from the years 1938 to 1941 contains a fragment of the papers created during the functioning of the Department of Social Policy and Propaganda as well as the Social Policy and National Policy (Nemzetpolitikai) Service. The collection also contain...

  15. Кozma Miklós iratai (1897-1941)

    • Papers of Miklós Kozma (1897-1941)

    Miklós Kozma (1884-1941), director of Magyar Távirati Iroda (the Hungarian News Agency, MTI), Minister of the Interior, Governor of Kárpátalja. Kozma served as an army general during the First World War and began his public career as a member of the National Counterrevolutionary Army of 1919. He was the Head of Department for National Defense and Propaganda at the Supreme Commander and later served as the rapporteur for military affairs at the Military Office of the Regent. In 1920, Kozma was appointed head of the semi-official Bureau of the News Agency (even though the News Agency was oper...

  16. A Magyar Távirati Iroda iratai. Kőnyomatosok (1920-1949)

    • Records of the Hungarian News Agency. Lithographs (1920-1949)

    The Hungarian News Agency circulated a huge amount of diverse materials in the inter-war period and the years of the Second World War. They were still called lithographs though they actually consisted of stencil materials by this time. For the Hungarian papers, the Hungarian News Agency sent daily, weekly and confidential reports, economic editions and related dispatches. It circulated separately prepared news for foreign consumption. It also had internal handouts and so called unpublished communiqués. With the sole exception of the confidential reports, all of these were prepared without i...

  17. Sztójay Döme miniszterelnöki iratai

    • Personal Files of Prime Ministers and other governmental officials: Döme Sztójay

    Döme Sztójay (1883-1946), politician, diplomat and soldier. Sztójay served as Hungarian ambassador in Nazi Germany between 1936 and 1944. Upon March 19, 1944, Horthy was to appoint him to be Prime Minister and Foreign Minister in the collaborationist government of Hungary. Sztójay held these function between March and August 1944 and was thus directly responsible for the mass deportations of close to half a million Hungarian Jews to Auschwitz-Birkenau during these months. He was sentenced to death and executed in 1946. The collection is a fragment of the semi-official correspondence of Döme...

  18. Mentesítési osztály

    • Bureau of Exemptions

    In the years of anti-Semitic radicalization in the late 1930s and early 1940s, Hungarian legislation increasingly redefined the category of Jews in a racial manner. The definiton it adoped was in some respects stricted than the Nazi Nuremberg Laws of 1935. At the same time, under the German occupation of Hungary and the Holocaust in 1944, certain people defined and persecuted as Jews could be exempted. The major means of this was to acquire the status of an internationally protected person, which the neutral Embassies operating in Budapest at the time would grant. Next to this, there was al...

  19. Zsidók anyagi és vagyonjogi ügyeinek megoldására kinevezett kormánybiztosság iratai

    • Records of the Government Commissioner’s Office for Solving the Material and Financial Affairs of the Jews

    The Holocaust was not only the largest genocidal operation in 20th century Hungarian history but also a gigantic campaign to systematically rob the wealth of Hungarian Jewry. In Hungary, the Europe-wide campaign of robbery usually referred to by the name of Aryanization had various initiators and a large segment of benefactors in society while it was also planned as a state-directed and -controlled process. In June 1944, a Government Commissioner’s Office for Solving the Material and Financial Affairs of the Jews was newly established. As of July 23, Albert Turvölgyi, who until then served ...

  20. Magyar Rádió és Telefonhírmondó iratai

    • Records of the Hungarian Radio and Telephone News Agency

    The records of the Hungarian Radio at the Budapest City Archive provide an invaluable and underutilized source for the study of the era of Nazism and the Holocaust in Europe. Hungarian radio records exist not only for the years of anti-Semitic radicalization in Hungary but also for 1944, the main year of the Holocaust in Hungary as well as the early postwar period when the first wave of dealing with these recent pasts could be observed. More concretely, the collection contains the existent scripts of Hungarian radio shows originally broadcasted on short and medium waves between the years 19...