Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 26,201 to 26,220 of 33,375
Language of Description: English
  1. Демидовская городская управа

    • Demidov town council

    Orders, commands and warrants of a city mayors: on registration of population and on issue of uniform identity cards as a supplement to passport; on introduction of labor service; on taxes and duties; on establishment of city- and and volost' police; on mobilization of an unemployed people for railway tracks cleaning; on necessity of communist literature collection. Orders on households registration in Smolensk city and suburban areas; on rename of streets, lanes, squares and parks. Acts of seizure of city residents' property. Birth and death certificates of Smolensk residents for 1942-1943...

  2. Типография издательства газеты "Новый путь"

    • Printing office of the publishing house of the newspaper “New way” (“Novyi Put”)
  3. Владимирская волостная управа

    • Vladimirovka district council

    Orders, commands and warrants of heads of districts. Warrants for heads of districts and prefects on residents' forced labor, on recruitment of the labor force in Germany. Prefects' reports about residents that are leaving the forestry without an authorization. Passports, issued by occupational authorities; report and accounting books of passports and certificates.

  4. Юшковская волостная управа

    • Yushkovo district

    Orders, commands and warrants of heads of districts. Warrants for heads of districts and prefects on residents' forced labor, on recruitment of the labor force in Germany. Prefects' reports about residents that are leaving the forestry without an authorization. Passports, issued by occupational authorities; report and accounting books of passports and certificates.

  5. Рославльская городская управа

    • Roslavl town council

    Orders, commands and warrants of a city mayors: on registration of population and on issue of uniform identity cards as a supplement to passport; on introduction of labor service; on taxes and duties; on establishment of city- and and volost' police; on mobilization of an unemployed people for railway tracks cleaning; on necessity of communist literature collection. Orders on households registration in Smolensk city and suburban areas; on rename of streets, lanes, squares and parks. Acts of seizure of city residents' property. Birth and death certificates of Smolensk residents for 1942-1943...

  6. Батуринская районная управа

    • Baturino district council

    Orders, commands and warrants of heads of districts. Warrants for heads of districts and prefects on residents' forced labor, on recruitment of the labor force in Germany. Prefects' reports about residents that are leaving the forestry without an authorization. Passports, issued by occupational authorities; report and accounting books of passports and certificates.

  7. Духовщинская городская управа

    • Dukhovshchina town council

    Orders, commands and warrants of a city mayors: on registration of population and on issue of uniform identity cards as a supplement to passport; on introduction of labor service; on taxes and duties; on establishment of city- and and volost' police; on mobilization of an unemployed people for railway tracks cleaning; on necessity of communist literature collection. Orders on households registration in Smolensk city and suburban areas; on rename of streets, lanes, squares and parks. Acts of seizure of city residents' property. Birth and death certificates of Smolensk residents for 1942-1943...

  8. Андреевская районная управа

    • Andreevo district council

    Orders, commands and warrants of heads of districts. Warrants for heads of districts and prefects on residents' forced labor, on recruitment of the labor force in Germany. Prefects' reports about residents that are leaving the forestry without an authorization. Passports, issued by occupational authorities; report and accounting books of passports and certificates.

  9. Глинковская районная управа

    • Glinka district council

    Orders, commands and warrants of heads of districts. Warrants for heads of districts and prefects on residents' forced labor, on recruitment of the labor force in Germany. Prefects' reports about residents that are leaving the forestry without an authorization. Passports, issued by occupational authorities; report and accounting books of passports and certificates.

  10. Ельнинская городская управа

    • Yelnya town council

    Orders, commands and warrants of a city mayors: on registration of population and on issue of uniform identity cards as a supplement to passport; on introduction of labor service; on taxes and duties; on establishment of city and and volost' police; on mobilization of an unemployed people for railway tracks cleaning; on necessity of communist literature collection. Orders on households registration in Smolensk city and suburban areas; on rename of streets, lanes, squares and parks. Acts of seizure of city residents' property. Birth and death certificates of Smolensk residents for 1942-1943 ...

  11. Смоленская городская управа

    • Smolensk town council

    Orders, commands and warrants of a city mayors: on registration of population and on issue of uniform identity cards as a supplement to passport; on introduction of labor service; on taxes and duties; on establishment of city- and and volost' police; on mobilization of an unemployed people for railway tracks cleaning; on necessity of communist literature collection. Orders on households registration in Smolensk city and suburban areas; on rename of streets, lanes, squares and parks. Acts of seizure of city residents' property. Birth and death certificats of Smolensk residents for 1942-1943 ...

  12. Главное планово-экономическое управление смоленского областного Совета Народных Депутатов

    • Planning Commission of the Committee of the Smolensk Oblast Council

    Descriptions of 3 collections copied by USHMM: Statements and copies of statements of Nazi’s misdeeds against peaceful citizens and prizoners of war, acts of registers and summary tables of damage to the economy of Smolensk oblast. 1943-1944 Information about the locations of the following Jewish ghettos and camps for the Soviet POW: - 2 camps named “Ward-1” and “Ward- 2” in the city of Dorogobuzh - POW camp #112 on Shua station in Ekimovichskyi district (currently Roslavlskyi district) - Ghetto in the villages of Tatarsk and Monastyrschina in Monastyrschenskyi district - POW camp in the vi...

  13. Американский еврейский объединенный комитет по распределению фондов (Джойнт). Европейское исполнительное бюро

    • American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, European Executive Bureau
    • Amerikanskii evreiskii ob"edinennyi komitet po raspredeleniiu fondov (Dzhoint). Evropeiskoe ispolnitel'noe biuro

    For the most part, the collection reflects the activities of the JDC European Executive Bureau in Paris during the period 1933-40. The collection includes the JDC charter (1931); accounts of JDC activities (1932-38); minutes of sessions of the presidium of the JDC executive committee in New York (1929-33, and 1938), of the JDC managing committee in New York (1937-38), and the JDC presidium and executive committee (1938); reports by members of its managing committee and board of directors (1938-39); minutes of the meeting of subsections of the European Executive Bureau in Paris (April 1935)....

  14. Комитет по делам еврейской эмиграции (ГИЦЕМ) (г. Париж)

    • Emigration Association (HICEM)
    • Komitet po delam evreiskoi emigratsii GITsEM HIAS JCA

    The collection's contents are catalogued in three inventories. The inventories are arranged according to structure. The collection contains the HICEM charter (January 1935); accounts of HICEM activities for 1926-39; circulars to HICEM branch offices (1933-40) on rules for filling out a central card file of émigrés; on conditions of emigration to Uruguay, Ecuador, Haiti, and other countries, and on procedures for statistical calculation of émigré data; minutes of sessions of the HICEM administrative council for 1930, 1934-39, as well as of the HICEM commission on émigré doctors for 1934-35, ...

  15. Еврейская община (г. Афины)

    • Juive communauté (Athènes)
    • Jewish Community of Athens, Greece
  16. Сионистское палестинское бюро (г. Салоники)

    • Bureau Palestinien (Salonique)
    • Palestine Office (Salonika)
  17. Еврейская община (г. Салоники)

    • Juive communauté (Salonique)
    • Records of Jewish Community of Salonika, Greece
  18. Оперативный штаб Рейхсляйтера Розенберга по делам оккупированных областей (Берлин-Шарлоттенбург)

    • Einsatzstab Reichsleiter Rosenberg fur die besetzten Gebiete (ERR) (Berlin-Charlottenburg); The Reichsleiter Rosenberg Task Force for the Occupied Territories (ERR) (Berlin-Charlottenburg)
    • Operativnyi shtab Reikhsleitera Rosenberga po delam okkupirovannykh oblastei (Berlin-Sharlottenburg)

    The collection includes a photocopy of G6ring's directive establishing headquarters in German-occupied territories for the confiscation of valuables from Jewish and Masonic organizations, Rosenberg's orders establishing the Task Force and laying out its objectives, as well as memoranda and correspondence of the ERR special headquarters in the Ukraine and Croatia. The collection further includes logs of searches carried out in Zagreb and Ragusa (Dubrovnik) among Jews and members of Masonic lodges; lists of Masonic lodges in Yugoslavia and lists of Jewish writers; inventories of Jewish belles...

  19. Коллекция документов "Евреи – участники Великой Отечественной войны"

    • Collection of documents "Jews-participants of the Great Patriotic War"
    • Kollektsiya dokumentov "Jevreji uchastniki Velikoj Otechestvennoj Vojny"

    The collection consists of various correspondence, personal documents (certificates, confirmations, diplomas); periodical press (1941-1945); photos and CV of the soldiers of the Soviet Red Army, their memories about everyday life and fightings in the army; memories about the war; personal belongings and military awards of the soldiers and officers of the Soviet Red Army.

  20. Šeinė Sideraitė

    Autorės mokslo darbai (disertacija, straipsniai, pranešimai), atsiliepimai, recenzijos, užrašai; asmens, mokslinės, tarnybinės ir visuomeninės veiklos dokumentai: mokslo baigimo diplomas, pažymėjimai, darbo licenzija, autobiografijos, charakteristikos-rekomendacijos, prašymai kelionėms į užsienį, autorės gautų apdovanojimų dokumentai, stažuočių, konferencijų, seminarų pažymėjimai, sertifikatai, įsakymai, pažymos apie paskyrimus, perkėlimus tarnyboje, komandiruotes, endokrinologijos tarnybos Lietuvoje organizavimo, skydliaukės tyrimo, veiklos Respublikiniame priešstruminiame komitete dokumen...