Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 25,581 to 25,600 of 33,375
Language of Description: English
  1. Hans Peter Frank collection

  2. Irmgard Piepenbrock: school certificate

    Leaving certificate issued from the commercial college “Handelsschule der Schwestern Unserer lieben Frau zu Ahlen (Westf.) (Berufsfachschule)“.German 

  3. Kartel Convent: Various papers

    This collection contains circulars from the KC in Great Britain and the American Jewish KC Fraternity, Inc.

  4. Robert Loebl diary

  5. Kurt Gerron: personal papers re Theresienstadt film

    Readers need to book  a reading room terminal to access this digital contentThis collection comprises the papers of Kurt Gerron which were created during the course of making the infamous propaganda film, which he directed and which was shot in Theresienstadt-Ghetto in 1944. It was originally entitled Theresienstadt. Ein Dokumentarfilm aus dem jüdischen Siedlungsgebiet but came to be known as Der Führer schenkt den Juden eine Stadt. The papers consist of descriptions of the days' shooting; itemized camera shot descriptions; narrator's text and related correspondence and papers. The pap...

  6. Eyewitness testimony collection

    Readers need to book  a reading room terminal to access this digital contentThis collection consists primarily of testimonies of Holocaust survivors who describe life before during and after the Nazi era. Most of the material focuses on the period of persecution. Some of the items in the collection are not testimonies per se but contemporary documents which were donated and later subsumed into this collection. These latter have nonetheless been catalogued and indexed in the same way as the testimonies.

  7. Gilel Storch: copy correspondence and article re Storch's war-time activities

    This collection comprises two separate deposits both made by Hilel (Gilel) Storch, a Latvian Jew and Swedish resident, who helped save the lives of thousands of European Jews during the Nazi era.The earlier deposit (765/1-2) consists of two folders of copy correspondence with enclosures between Storch and two historians, Gerald Fleming and Monty N. Penkower respectively. The later deposit (765/3) is a copy article with translation about the life of Hilel Storch. In order to place the contents of these files in context there followers a brief resumé of Hilel Storch's life and war-time activi...

  8. Press cuttings re the internment of refugees

    Collection of press cuttings regarding the internment of aliens and refugees c1940

  9. Eyewitness testimonies

    Eyewitness testimonies covering a variety of subject matter

  10. Hermann Perl: Correspondence and papers

    This microfilm collection contains the personal correspondence and papers of Hermann Perl, a German Jewish immigrant to Great Britain.

  11. Jews of Krakow: copy news cuttings

    This collection contains copy news cuttings concerning the Jewish population of Krakow, in Polish.

  12. Statements re war crimes

    Statements re war crimes 

  13. Various copy documents re Jewish education during the Third Reich

    Copy papers which document discrimination against Jewish educational institutions and professionals during the Nazi era. The subject matter ranges from dismissal on racial grounds of Jewish academics from 1933, through the separation of aryan and non-aryan instruction, c1938, to the closure of Jewish schools, 1941-1942. A substantial part of the material relates to institutions in Köln and Frankfurt a. M..This collection originally consisted of four separate collections (801, 801a, 801b, 801c).

  14. Arbeitsgemeischaft fuer Wehrgeistige Forschung e.V

    Arbeitsgemeischaft fuer Wehrgeistige Forschung e.V: Information leaflet 

  15. Centralverein: Poster receipt for antisemitism donation, nd

    Poster in the form of a receipt for 500 RM as ‘a building block in the dam against anti-Semitism'. 

  16. Cook book with annotations

    Cookbook entitled Grundrezepte als Schlüssel zur Kochkunst with pencilled annotations by the owner

  17. Peter Hartman collection

    The contents of this archive document 3 narratives all of which relate to the same extended family. The first deals with Peter Hartman the main protagonist who came to England shortly before the invasion of his homeland, Czechoslovakia, by the Nazis in March 1938. There is general correspondence documenting his life and activities (1951/2) and family correspondence mainly between him and his parents during the early part of the war, prior to the latter's deportation and murder by the Nazis (1951/1). In addition there are scanned photographs of family members (1951/7) and official documentat...

  18. Edgar Dreyfus: Family papers

    The papers in this collection document in part the lives of a French Jewish family and their experiences during the German occupation.