Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 24,341 to 24,360 of 33,375
Language of Description: English
  1. Hilfsverein der Juden in Deutschland: Correspondence with the Council of German Jewry

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  2. Yom Hashoah 2003

  3. Council for German Jewry: Correspondence

    Readers need to reserve a reading room terminal to access a digital version of this archive.This collection consists of correspondence of the Council for German Jewry on the following subjects: dismissals of Jewish staff at Göttingen University (608/1); Austrian Jewish refugees from the Burgenland; various synagogue congregations in Germany (608/2); emergency relief organisation for German scientists abroad (608/3). Also a report by the Jewish Agency for Palestine re emigration, 1933-1934 (608/4)

  4. Reichsbund jüdischer Frontsoldaten: Correspondence and papers

    Readers need to reserve a reading room terminal to access a digital version of this archive.Most of the papers in this collection relate to the activities of the Westdeutscher Landessportverband which was affiliated to the Sportbund im Reichsbund jüdischer Frontsoldaten, consisting of correspondence and circulars, detailing the activities of the organisation, and shedding some light on the relationship with other bodies such as the Zionistische Vereinigung für Deutschland and the Deutscher Makkabikreis

  5. Material relating to the persecution of the Gypsies under the Nazis

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  6. Komitee Ehemaliger Politischer Gefangener: Reports and statistics about concentration camps and other papers

    Readers need to book  a reading room terminal to access this digital content This collection consists of original reports and personal accounts concerning conditions in concentration camps with special reference to Neuengamme and Dachau. There are other papers covering such topics as political resistance to Nazism and plans for creating a free, democratic Germany. The material was collated and produced by an organisation called the Komitee ehemaliger politischer Gefangener.

  7. Dr George F.J. Bergmann: Diaries and personal papers

    Amongst the papers in this collection are a set of typescript transcripts of his diaries which document in detail his experiences in the Foreign Legion and in prison. They also provide a full report on the infamous trial of French officers and guards at Hadjerat M'Guil.

  8. Fritz Goldschmidt: Diaries and eyewitness testimony

    This collection consists of a 288 page manuscript diary and a 71 page personal account, both of which provide valuable evidence for the persecution of German Jewry in the Third Reich.

  9. Walter Rauff: Personal papers and material documenting his war time activities

    The papers in this collection are part of the background material which was used by John Ware for his documentary ‘Colonel Rauff's Refuge', Granada, World in Action, 8.8.1983, 8.30 pm.

  10. Fritz Gross: Unpublished writings

    The papers in this collection are evidence of the eclectic interests and significant output of the Austrian emigré writer, Fritz Gross. These volumes of original typescript writings include numerous short dramas; anthologies of poetry; essays on a wide variety of subjects and biographical sketches of famous people.

  11. Adolf Eichmann Trial: Transcripts and other papers

    This document collection contains two separate archival fonds. The Eichmann trial papers include verbatim transcripts of the trial proceedings and of the Eichmann appeal proceedings. They are copies of simultaneous translations and as such may not be completely accurate. Full transcripts of the trial and appeal proceedings are at 621/1-2. Incomplete copies of the same are at 621/4-5. The copies, translations and transcriptions of mainly Nuremberg documents which are evidence of Eichmann's involvement in the extermination of European Jewry at 621/3 were deposited by the Institute of Jewish A...

  12. Brody-Pauncz family papers

    The papers in this collection document the lives of a Hungarian Jewish family which managed to survive the Holocaust thanks, in large part, to the efforts of the Swedish diplomat, Raoul Wallenberg. Of particular interest is material relating to Nazi persecution at 627/4 and 627/5. There is evidence of a relationship with Raoul Wallenberg, the Swedish diplomat who saved the lives of some 90,000 Jews in Hungary. George Brody was made a manager of one of the properties bought by the Swedish government in Budapest to give protection to Jewish citizens.This collection also contains material on t...

  13. Mrs Ben Courts née Ella Mayer: Personal papers

    This collection of personal papers, mostly correspondence, of Mrs Ben Courts (née Ella Mayer) sheds some light on the conditions of Jews in Germany in the immediate pre-war years and the processes involved in escaping to England. The bulk of the collection comprises correspondence from friends and family members in Germany about whom very little is known.

  14. Kitchener Camp, Richborough, Kent: Records

    The documents in this collection offer an insight into the day to day lives of the inmates of the Kitchener Camp for refugees near Sandwich at Richborough, Kent in 1939. This collection comprises 4 separate deposits. The core material was deposited by Phineas May in October 1987 (Accession numbers 54096-54102) when he was Honorary Custodian of the Jewish Museum at Bloomsbury House. He also deposited the entertainments licence at 644/5 in May 1988. In addition Peter Mansbacher, a former inmate of the camp, deposited some material which includes a brief autobiographical sketch at 644/7 and me...

  15. Charlotte Lewin: Personal and family papers and correspondence

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  16. Michael Zylberberg: Personal papers

    This collection consists of the writings, correspondence and personal papers of Michael Zylberberg, journalist, and survivor of the Warsaw Ghetto. This collection contains many of his published and draft articles, along with some correspondence and other papers including autobiographical notes.

  17. Thomas Cook and Son Ltd: Storage record book

    This storage record book of Thomas Cook's Lisbon depot, is thought to be significant because it apparently contains the names of many Jews who left possessions during the years 1942-1943, much of which remained unclaimed, and was presumably disposed of by Thomas Cook staff in due course. The following notes were supplied by the depositor, who was (in 1977-1978) the Thomas Cook General Manager for Europe and who retrieved the volume from the Lisbon office of Thomas Cook