Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 24,321 to 24,340 of 33,375
Language of Description: English
  1. Rolf Pakuscher: report re departure from Auschwitz

    This report provides an account by a former Auschwitz inmate of the last days of the camp and of the subsequent fate of prisoners who ended up in Sachsenhausen.In addition to the original typescript report, there is a transcript by the depositor and notes regarding provenance and authorship by the depositor. The report is missing at least one page and the transcript is incomplete. The partial transcription of the report was an attempt to make the text of the original more accessible. The depositor does not know the intended readership of the original.

  2. Hans Litten: Correspondence

    This microfilm collection of correspondence of Irmgard Litten contains copy letters to her son whilst in concentration camps Lichtenburg and Dachau; copy correspondence to various authorities including Hitler, Hess and Göring asking for clemency; and some original letters from Hans Litten and various authorities. Most of it is typescript.

  3. Kulturbund Deutscher Juden: Correspondence

    Readers need to reserve a reading room terminal to access a digital version of this archive.I: original correspondence between the Polizeipräsident of Berlin and the KBDJ concerning all the activities of the organisation, eg. Theatrical performances, engagement of the actors, venues etc, 1933-1935R:\Document collections\MF54\Working images\29 Frames 392-632II: Forbidden Jewish texts including essays, lectures, poems, play scripts, short stories, anecdotes etcR:\Document collections\MF54\Working images\29 Frames 633-1203; R:\Document collections\MF54\Working images\30 Frames 1-187III: G...

  4. Jews in Nazi-occupied Czechoslovakia: Various collections

    Readers need to reserve a reading room terminal to access a digital version of this archive.This microfilm collection comprises 3 separate, unrelated deposits. They have been filmed in the following order. 578/II contains the family correspondence of Gerda Mayer (née Stein) from her parents in Prague, 1939-1940. 578/I contains the surgical case notes of Dr Erich Springer, whilst inmate and surgeon in Terezin, 1943-1944. 578/III contains the papers of Dr Walter Feuereisen, chief medical officer of the Jewish community in Prague, deposited by his brother.

  5. Dachau: Report by former inmate, and prisoners' possessions list

    This collection comprises two separate deposits: a copy report by a former inmate, Eric Walters, of Dachau and Buchenwald, on conditions in those camps and a microfilm collection of proforma lists of Dachau inmates' possessions.According to a note at the beginning of the report, Eric Walters, the author, mentions that it was written between March and October 1939, after he was released from Buchenwald. The report entitled Tiere bewachen Menschen has been published in English under the title Monsters and Men.The provenance of the microfilm lists of Dachau prisoners' possessions is unknown. T...

  6. Documents re Nazis in Spain

    Readers need to reserve a reading room terminal to access a digital version of this archive.This collection of documentation on microfilm and in hard copy details the activities of the Nazi Party and the Auslandsorganisation in Spain.

  7. Switzerland and Jewish refugees: Reports by JUNA and other material

    Readers need to reserve a reading room terminal to access a digital version of this archive.This collection of material on the fate of Jews and Switzerland during the Nazi era, comprises several deposits, the first three of which share the same provenance, the other two being unrelated. Parts of this archive were used to create the three dossiers in this collection.The three dossiers, all produced in 1955, and apparently emanating from the same source, have been produced in the same format. Namely, an introductory essay on a topic punctuated by references to related transcript documents (Be...

  8. Papers re Dr Otto Ernst Schueddekopf of the Hielscher Group

    Readers need to reserve a reading room terminal to access a digital version of this archive.This microfilm collection consists of affidavits and other statements by former members of the 'Hielscher Group', an anti-Nazi resistance group, in support of another member, Otto-Ernst Schüddekopf, with regard to post-war court proceedings. The statements provide useful information on the workings of the Hielscher group, supplemented by a deposition from Friedrich Hielscher, himself

  9. Dr Bela Berend: Trial Judgement and other papers

    Readers need to reserve a terminal in the reading room to access the digital version of this archiveThis collection contains the personal papers of Dr A.B. Belton, formerly Bela Berend, Rabbi of the Budapest Ghetto, 1944. The papers document, in part, his activities in Hungary during the war; his trial by the Hungarian authorities for war crimes; his involvement with post war libel cases relating to his role as leader of the Jewish Council in Budapest, 1944; his relationship with prominent figures in the United States; his views about Israel and politics in the Middle East.According to a no...

  10. Jewish Refugees Committee, Leeds: Correspondence and papers

    Readers need to reserve a reading room terminal to access a digital version of this archive.This microfilm archive of correspondence and papers was created by the Leeds office of the Jewish Refugee Committee. Most of the correspondence is either addressed to David Makovski or written by him. The overwhelming majority of letters in this collection relate to the fate of individual refugees.

  11. Das Laterndl: Various papers

    Readers need to reserve a reading room terminal to access a digital version of this archive.This microfilm collection of programmes, reviews, photographs, etc relates to "Das Laterndl", the London-based, Austrian exile, anti-Nazi theatre. Also included in the collection is material relating to the life and work of Jura Soyfer, a young Austrian communist party member who was recognised as leading social commentator in the 1930s and who was arrested after the Austrian Anschluss in 1938 and died in Buchenwald in 1939.

  12. Charles Singer: Correspondence re victimisation of academics in Nazi Germany

    This microfilm collection of correspondence documents the concerns of the distinguished academic, Charles Singer and colleagues, in relation to the restrictions on academic freedom in Nazi Germany and in particular the discrimination against non-aryan professors during the Heidelberg University Jubilee celebrations, 1935.

  13. Third Reich: Personal accounts

    Readers need to reserve a reading room terminal to access a digital version of this archive.This collection comprises two deposits whose relationship to each other is not known. The first consists of correspondence and reports concerning participants in two famous acts of protest during the Third Reich: the Rosenstrasse Protest in which the (mostly) Aryan partners of a specially segregated group of Jewish prisoners protested at their detention by the Nazis in a former welfare office for the Jewish community in Berlin, 1943; Das Sovjet-Paradies Aktion in which 500 Jews and Germans were arres...

  14. German Jewish representative organisations: documents re the creation of a national representative

    Readers need to reserve a reading room terminal to access a digital version of this archive.Collection of mimeographed documents relating primarily to the activities of the Reichsvertretung der jüdischen Landesverbände. The papers consist of minutes of meetings regarding a proposed constitution for a German Jewish representative organisation and records of meetings of regional Jewish organisations such as the Preussischer Landesverband jüdischer Gemeinden. The end date coincides with the founding of the Reichsvertretung der deutschen Juden, in 1933, the first German Jewish organisation trul...

  15. Reichsvertretung der Juden in Deutschland: Records

    Readers need to reserve a reading room terminal to access a digital version of this archive.Original and mimeographed documents of the Reichsvertretung der Juden in Deutschland. Also included within 602/8 is a file of transcribed correspondence regarding Gross-Breesen, a non-zionist training camp set up by the Reichsvertretung to prepare young people for life abroad (not Palestine).The papers include committee minutes, reports, memoranda, circulars and correspondence detailing all aspects of the organisations activities.

  16. Reichsvereinigung der Juden in Deutschland: Reports and papers

    Readers need to reserve a reading room terminal to access a digital version of this archive.Original and mimeographed documents relating to the foundation of the Reichsvereinigung der Juden in Deutschland

  17. Reichsvertretung der Juden in Deutschland: Correspondence with the Council for German Jewry

    Readers need to reserve a reading room terminal to access a digital version of this archive.The material consists mainly of emigration arrangements for German Jews, includes original letters from Dr. Leo Baeck and Otto Hirsch. Folders 606/3-7 contain correspondence re the possibility of emigration to Kenya.