Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 12,961 to 12,980 of 33,861
Language of Description: English
Language of Description: Russian
  1. Agnes Feher papers

    The collection documents the Holocaust-era experiences of Agnes Feher, originally of Miskolc, Hungary, who survived the German occupation of Budapest under a false identity. The collection consists eight pre-war and war-time photographs taken in Miskolc and Budapest, Hungary; postwar photographs in the Pocking, Germany, displaced persons camp and in Belgium; as well as identity and travel documents relating to Agnes Feher's immigration to Israel. Also includes a certificate of her journeyman level status.

  2. Esther Fish collection

    The collection consists of three black and white photographs of Esther Fish and her extended family family from Novogrudok, Russia (Navahrudak, Belarus). Photograph descriptions: 1. Copy print; black and white image of two men and one woman sitting, three women and one man standing behind them, and three children seated on the ground in front of them; verso: blue and black ink inscription: “Lilla’s mother, Malka/Lilla’s Uncle, Jankel Chiz/Lilla’s parents, Esther and Aronchik/Her sister, Slata and her husband. I didn’t/remember her other sisters name./The three children are Ester/and Aronchi...

  3. George Lewenson collection

    Collection of four photographs depicting gatherings in the Schliersee and Rosenheim displaced persons camps, including a memorial for the Warsaw Ghetto uprising.

  4. Szliferstejn and Mitelsbach family collection

    Contains documents pertaining to the Szlifersztejn and Mitelsbach families, living in the Warsaw ghetto from 1939-1941. Primarily contains correspondence written to Joseph and Tola Stein in New York. Also includes a family photo of the Szlifersztejns, several official marriage contracts, a notarized property document, newspaper clippings regarding a member of the family who emigrated to the U.S. and died before the war, and several Red Cross or other official third party inquiries into the well-being of the family.

  5. Andreas Tsagatakis collection

    Collection of three antisemitic publications: "La France colonie Juive" [France: colonized by the Jews], "Les Coulisses du Front Populaire: Comment Les Juifs ont mis la main sur le mouvement ouvrier et révolutionnaire" [Behind the Scene of the Popular Front or Backstage with the Popular Front - How Jews took control of the worker's and revolutionary movements], and "Le Cabinet No. 100" [Cabinet number 100 - at the time of the Stavisky Affair].

  6. According to Doyle : a cartoon history of world war II [Book] a cartoon history of world war II

  7. The Saturday Review of Literature [Magazine]

    Saturday Review of Literature, dated May 6, 1943 with a drawing on the cover of a Nazi bayonet stabbing through two books. One of the articles titled, "They Burned Books..." by Stephen Vincent Benet

  8. Time (New York, New York) [Magazine]

    Time magazine, dated February 27, 1989, with a portrait of the Ayatullah Khomeini. Contains article about the censorship of Salman Rushdie's book, "The Satanic Verses" with a photograph on page 2 of the book being burned

  9. Collier's (New York, New York) [Magazine]

    Collier's magazine, dated January 27, 1945, with a reproduction of a painting on the cover. The painting is by William Pachner and shows President Roosevelt in his 1941 annual message to Congress.

  10. Bulgarian People's Bank, Giumiurdzhine (Fond 1254, Opis 1)

    Contains questionnaires with declarations and information regarding Jewish valuables.

  11. Jules Glanzberg collection

    Group of 11 black and white photographs relating to the escape and survival of the Glanzberg brothers; pre-war, wartime and post-war images.

  12. Labor Ministry and Social Services selected records (Fond 490)

    Contains agreements between the Bulgarian Government and Soviet military representatives regarding passports for Jews and Turks; assistance for Jews after World War II; correspondence with the National Committee of Liberation regarding homelessness and destitution, persecution of Bulgarians by Nazis, and immediate relief after liberation; correspondence with the Central Jewish Consistory regarding assistance with coal; appeals from Jewish organizations for restitution of property and money confiscated under the Defense of the Nation Act; appeals (arranged by geographical place) from politic...

  13. Administration of towns in Ksanti, Thrace (Fond 649, Opis 1)

    Contains information relating to the personnel of the municipal administration of towns in Thrace. Also includes statements, declarations, correspondence relating to the insurance and assistance fund for employees, and wage record books.

  14. Warsaw during German bombing, shelling; Hitler & Generals

    Map. Goering, Keitel, von Ribbentrop, Himmler, and Hitler in a map conference; also present, Rommel, Bodenschatz. Preparation for bombing Warsaw. Intertitle: "Nach Ablehnung der Uebergabe wird der Kampf fortgesetzt." Bombs loaded into plane. Aerial shots of bombs being dropped on Warsaw. Thin black columns of smoke from outskirts of town. Soldiers firing bombs from land. Smoke. Hitler in plane looking through telescope. Buildings on fire. Soldiers advancing [footage is dense, grainy, scratched]. Polish soldiers surrendering, running with hands raised. German soldiers carry an injured man in...

  15. Libstug family collection

    Consists of 71 photographs, some in duplicate, of the Libstug family's time in the Föhrenwald Displaced Persons camp, and one magazine in Hebrew, entitled "Bamidbar" (1947).

  16. Andrzej Bodek collection of Warsaw and Łódź documents and ephemera

    The Andrzej Bodek collection of Warsaw and Łódź documents and ephemera include Polish reports about conditions in the Többens factory where Jews from the Warsaw Ghetto worked and about typhus vaccines; correspondence with the Generalgouvernement Amt Für Raumordnung regarding the "Financial situation of the 'Jewish residential area' of Warsaw"; six posters in Yiddish and Polish produced by the Łódź Jewish community after the war; one grave rubbing from the grave of a Jewish woman from Wrocław; and one presentation folio dedicated to Dr. L. Zunz.

  17. Germany Navy; World War I

    Large steamships docked in Ösel. VS of cargo, including military supply wagons and cannons being loaded onto freighters/warships by German naval personnel (in uniform). Sailors in uniforrm operating hoist. Horses are also being loaded onto the ship. Sailors pose alongside the ships, smoking, walking, socializing, smiling for camera. Overhead shot, hundreds of men boarding the ships with their gear on their backs. Horses and more cargo go on with them. Tracking shot of ship leaving harbor, in the foreground the image is a teaming sea of sailors' hats on deck (viewer can only see the tops of ...

  18. Bulgarian Red Cross (Fond 156)

    Contains correspondence with various Red Cross organizations abroad, including the International Committee of the Red Cross, regarding prisoners of war (POWs ), and missing in action (MIAs), etc.

  19. Bulgarian Legation in Bucharest (Fond 327)

    Contains reports and press clippings from the Romanian press regarding underground communist activities in Dobruja and Bessarabia; correspondence between the Bulgarian and Romanian Minister of Foreign Affairs regarding individual persons of Jewish origin and about the sinking of the "Struma" (Sṭrumah); correspondence regarding passport renewals for Jewish volunteers in the Civil War in Spain; and correspondence regarding visas and transit lists for people of non-Jewish origin. Also includes a registry of incoming documents and passports issued.

  20. Ministry of Health (Fond 372)

    Contains drafts and correspondence regarding medical services, mobilization of Jewish dentists, and payments for confiscated dental equipment of Jewish dentists. Includes name lists of doctors sent to Thrace and Macedonia and lists of people mobilized to the health services (including mobilized Jewish doctors).