Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 81 to 100 of 120
Language of Description: English
Language of Description: Latvian
Language of Description: Ukrainian
Country: Russia
  1. Германская секция Международного союза расистов (г. Берлин)

    • Records of the International Association "Alliance Raciste Universelle," Berlin
    • Bund "Völkischer Europäer", Abteilung Deutschland (Berlin)

    This collection contains organizational information about this pro-Nazi alliance, also known as European Union of Racists, whose purpose was to repulse puported Jewish influence on national life in various countries. Included are organizational bylaws, samples of the alliance periodical Judenkenner, materials on Jews and Freemasons, correspondence with local branches of the alliance and with Munich NSDAP headquarters, announcements of lectures, reports from sympathetic visitors to Germany who repudiated "Jewish hate propaganda," membership lists, and proofs of racial purity.

  2. Юшковская волостная управа

    • Yushkovo district

    Orders, commands and warrants of heads of districts. Warrants for heads of districts and prefects on residents' forced labor, on recruitment of the labor force in Germany. Prefects' reports about residents that are leaving the forestry without an authorization. Passports, issued by occupational authorities; report and accounting books of passports and certificates.

  3. Орловский плацдарм

    • Orel Beachhead

    Views of destroyed Oryol. Military entry of Soviet Army in Oryol, mine clearance of the bridge, cemetery of Soviet and German soldiers, concentration camp — prisoners release; captured German vehicles; funerals of deceased Soviet soldiers. Work of the commission for investigation of fascist crimes. Group of Soviet commanders. Residents return home. Medical help for injured Soviet pilot.

  4. В городской чрезвычайной комиссии г. Ленинграда

    • In the city Extraordinary Comission of Leningrad

    January of 1944. The meeting of Extraordinary State Commission for investigation of fascist invaders crimes in the presence of members of expertise bureau. Among them: engineers Bronnitsky, Kuprianova, professors Farmakovsky, Fomin and corresponding member of the Academy of Architecture Fedorova.

  5. Управление службы безопасности (СД) (г. Веймар)

    • SD-Abschnitt (Weimar)
    • Records of the SD‐Abschnitt Erfurt und Weimar

    63 files

  6. Владимирская волостная управа

    • Vladimirovka district council

    Orders, commands and warrants of heads of districts. Warrants for heads of districts and prefects on residents' forced labor, on recruitment of the labor force in Germany. Prefects' reports about residents that are leaving the forestry without an authorization. Passports, issued by occupational authorities; report and accounting books of passports and certificates.

  7. Еврейская община (г. Салоники)

    • Juive communauté (Salonique)
    • Records of Jewish Community of Salonika, Greece
  8. Материалы бывшего военного архива

    • Archivalien des ehemaligen Heeresarchivs
    • Records of the Former Military Archive
  9. Белгородчина в период Великой Отечественной войны Советского Союза 1941-1945 гг.

    • Belgorod Oblast during the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945

    Fond contains materials related to the patriotic activity of partisans in Belgorod Oblast, to the fascist atrocities, economical and cultural loss. Materials are also related to the combat activity in the region, reconstruction of national economics, to the Belgorod citizens who participated in the War.

  10. Коллекция документов периода оккупации Волотовского района немецко-фашистскими захватчиками

    • Collection od documents related to the period of Nazi occupation of Volotovo district

    Documents related to the Nazi occupation policy of Volotovo district of Novgorod Region

  11. Сионистское палестинское бюро (г. Салоники)

    • Bureau Palestinien (Salonique)
    • Palestine Office (Salonika)
  12. Коллекция документов периода оккупации Шимского района немецко-фашистскими захватчиками

    • Collection of documents related to the period of Nazi occupation of Shimsky District

    Documents related to the Nazi occupation policy in Shimsky district of Novgorod Region

  13. Еврейская община (г. Афины)

    • Juive communauté (Athènes)
    • Jewish Community of Athens, Greece
  14. Коллекция документов периода оккупации Новгородского района немецко-фашистскими захватчиками

    • Collection of documents related to the period of Nazi occupation of Novgorod Region

    Documents related to Geman occupational policy and liberation of Novgorod

  15. Еврейская община (г. Берлин)

    • Jüdische Gemeinde (Berlin)
    • Records of Jewish Community, Berlin
  16. Коллекция документов периода оккупации Старорусского района немецко-фашистскими захватчиками

    • Collection of documents related to the period of Nazi occupation of Starorussky District

    Documents related to the Nazi occupation policy in Staraya Russa

  17. Коллекция документов периода оккупации Солецкого района немецко-фашистскими захватчиками

    • Collection documents related to the period of Nazi occupation of Soletsky District

    Documents related to the German occupation policy in Soletsky District

  18. Коллекция документов по Великой Отечественной войне 1941-1945 гг.

    • Collection of documents related to the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945

    Documents related to the period of occupation of Belgorod Oblast, Nazi atrocities, materials related to the liberation of the occupied territory; original letters of soldiers, memories of the participants of the war from Belgorod; award sheets (copies from TsAMO), memories of hospital staff.

  19. Ейский районный отдел социального обеспечения и попечительства ейской районной управы

    • Department of the social work and guardianship of Yeysk district administration

    Личные дела жителей города Ейска.