Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 1 to 9 of 9
Language of Description: English
Language of Description: Italian
Holding Institution: Archivio di Stato di Mantova
  1. Ente gestione e liquidazione immobiliare beni ebraici di Mantova

    • EGELI - Mantova
    • Management and Liquidation Office of Jewish Real Estate Properties in Mantua

    La documentazione comprende complessivamente 296 pratiche inerenti l'amministrazione dei beni ebraici confiscati. Il fondo contiene: - verbali di presa in consegna e di riconsegna dei beni; - decreti di confisca; - decreti della Prefettura di dissequestro; - lettere tra la banca, le Istituzioni (es. Intendenza di Finanza - Ufficio danni di guerra; Prefettura; Capo della Provincia di Mantova; Comando germanico), gli ebrei interessati, la Comunità ebraica, EGELI (Ente di gestione e liquidazione immobiliare); - inventari dei beni sequestrati; - schede di valutazione dei beni sequestrati; - fat...

  2. Carcere giudiziario di Mantova

    • Mantua Judicial Prison

    This fonds contains registers of the Mantua Judicial Prison.

  3. Comitato di Liberazione Nazionale di Mantova e Provincia

    • Mantua and District Area National Liberation Committee

    This fonds contains acts of the Committee created after the liberation of Italy from Nazi-fascism, on July 25th, 1945. The Mantua Committee had previously worked secretly, since July, 1944. The National Liberation Committee watched over public order, waiting for democratic election. Local committees depended on District Committee, which in turn was subordinated to the Regional one. In the fonds there are also pictures testifying atrocities perpetrated by the Nazis against Italian soldiers, in September 1943.

  4. Corte straordinaria d'assise. Sezione di Mantova

    • Extraordinary Court of Assizes. Mantua Section

    This fonds contains the acts of the Extraordinary Court of Assizes, established in April, 1945 in Mantua (as in all the chief towns of Italy) in order to judge collaborationist crimes committed between September 8th, 1943 and April 25th, 1945.

  5. Direzione didattica I circolo di Mantova

    • Educational Direction of the First Circle of Mantua Schools

    This fonds contains documents of the schools of Mantua that are part of the first Educational Circle: personal files of the teachers, personal files of the school workers, school registers, school reports and the like. This fonds is very useful for the reconstruction of the career of Jewish students or teachers before and after anti-Semitic laws (1938).

  6. Prefettura di Mantova

    • Mantua Prefecture

    The fonds contains documents of the Mantua Prefecture, deposited in the Mantua State Archive in different moments. It also keeps documents from other corporate bodies, such as "Imperial regia delegazione provinciale", "Congregazione municipale" and "Regio commissariato".

  7. Provveditorato agli studi di Mantova

    • Mantua Education Offices

    This fonds contains acts of the Mantua Education Offices: registers of the students and teachers from Mantua and its province, reports of the visits to schools, community libraries, kindergartens, private institutions and communications with municipalities.

  8. Questura di Mantova

    • Mantua police-headquarters

    This fonds contains mainly personal files of anybody that was considered a “subversive person” by the Italian Government since the end of the XIX century: first of all, republicans, anarchists, socialists; then, anti-fascist in general and, after World War II, fascists and anarchists.

  9. Confederazione Nazionale Sindacati fascisti Professionisti ed Artisti Comitato Provinciale di Mantova

    • Unione Provinciale Professionisti e Artisti (UPPA)
    • Mantua District Union of Professional people and Artists (National Confederation of Fascist Syndicates)

    During the fascist period, trade-unions freedom had been abolished: only corporative syndicates (protecting a specific workers’ category) were allowed to operate (law n° 563, issued in 1926). This kind of syndicates were legally responsible for all the workers, even though they were not formally enrolled in. Italian government could watch over syndicates’ leaders, and also remove them. This fonds contains acts of the Mantua District Union of Professional people and Artists, that was part of the National Confederation of Fascist Syndicates.