Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 41 to 60 of 120
Language of Description: English
Language of Description: Italian
Language of Description: Slovak
Holding Institution: Lietuvos Centrinis Valstybės Archyvas
  1. Marijampolės apskrities ir valsčių savivaldybės

    • Municipalities of the Small Rural Districts of Marijampolė County

    Files from the municipalities of 22 small rural districts of Marijampolė County. Lists of the residents (includes many Jewish names) of the district, lists of nationalized Jewish property, correspondence concerning the labour of war prisoners, list of the Marijampolė Judenrat, correspondence concerning food supply and Jewish property, lists of arrested Jews, lists of Jewish property and lists of local residents who have bought Jewish belongings and property (October 1941).

  2. Marijampolės apskrities viršininkas

    • Chief of Marijampolė County

    The subfonds No. 7 contains the files and documents on war refugees from Klaipėda region (German Memelland, which was occupied by the Nazis on March 23, 1939), the lists of the chiefs of the Jewish metrics registration departments (1920–1940), the applications of the residents (there are many Jewish names) to go abroad (January–December 1939), the lists of the residents (there are Jewish names) who were not allowed to go abroad (January–December 1939); orders and instructions from the chief of the county to the chiefs of the small rural district and the chiefs of the police precincts concer...

  3. Mikrofilmų, gautų iš TSRS valstybinių archyvų, kolekcija

    • Collection of Microfilms Received From the USSR State Archives

    The fonds consists of documents, reports, lists, and various kinds of materials concerning annihilation of local residents (mostly Jews) in all of Lithuania.

  4. Ministry of Domestic Affairs of the Lithuanian Soviet Socialist Republic (Vilnius)

    This fonds contains official orders, decrees, proclamations, and announcements from the occupying authorities. Proclamation by the Liberation propaganda headquarters in Lithuania: proclamation urging people to fight the "Jewish constitution" and demeaning Jews. Appeal to fight Soviet rule; appeal to fight the Jews. The Jews accused of deporting Lithuanians. Proclamation of the information bureau of Lithuania in Berlin (part 4 is addressed to Jews: they are advised to "get out of Lithuania to avoid becoming unnecessary victims"). Call to expropriate Jews' property.

  5. Ostlando filmų įmonės Lietuvos skyrius Vilniuje ir Ostlando filmų bendrovės Kauno skyrius

    • Filmbetriebe Ostland Zweigstelle Litauen, Wilna; Ostland-Film-Gesellschaft m. b. H. Zweigstelle Kauen)
    • Vilnius and Kaunas Departments of the Ostland Films Company in Lithuania

    Documents related to Nazi propaganda films; list of movie theatres in Lithuania; list of the theatres’ staff members, list of Jewish staff members.

  6. Palestinos žydų fondams - Pamatinio Palestinos fondo (Karen Hajesod) ir Žydų tautinio fondo (Karen Kajemet Lejisroel) - remti draugija

    • Associciation for Support of Jewish Palestine (Karen Hayesod), Lithuanian Branch, 1920‒1940

    "This collection consists of records and correspondence files with local branches of the Karen Hayesod across Lithuania from 1920 to 1940, concerning the registration of local organizations and fundraising activities for the Jewish settlements in Palestine before World War II. The collection also includes minute meetings; correspondence with Zionist organizations worldwide, local banks, and Lithuanian government authorities; bylaws; donor lists; cashier books; and financial reports" (From: USHMM finding aid).

  7. Panevėžio apskrities valsčių savivaldybės

    • Municipalities of the Small Rural Districts of the Panevėžys County

    Documentation, reports, orders and announcements of the chiefs of the small rural districts of Kupiškis, Miežiškiai, Naujamiestis, Panevėžys, Piniava, Pumpėnai, Rozalimas, Šeduva, Šimonys, and Troškūnai. Information includes administrative documents, applications of residents to obtain passports, reports about everyday life in the county, statistics about residents, correspondence, etc. There are also reports and decrees by the general advisor for internal affairs for municipalities of the small rural districts of Panevėžys County concerning attitudes toward local residents and attitudes to...

  8. Panevėžio apskrities viršininkas

    • Der Kreischef des Kreises Ponewesch
    • Regional Administration of Panevėžys County

    Various kinds of documentation concerning the situation in the town and district; orders, reports, and circulars of the head of the district; lists of residents, lists of confiscated private property of local Jews throughout the district; applications of residents to obtain private property and houses of Jews; reports of the chief of Panevėžys County to the Gebietskommissar about lists of people who had received private property of Jews for free or had bought them; lists of people (295 names) who had purchased private property of Jews made up by the liquidation commission of the head of the...

  9. Panevėžio miesto savivaldybė

    • Municipality of the City of Panevėžys

    The fonds consist of the personal documents (applications of residents to obtain passports); documents about the activities of the municipality (lists of businesses, schools, shops, etc. with information about the owners and lists of teachers, doctors, traders, shopkeepers, etc.); documents about attitudes toward Jews from summer–late autumn 1941 (lists of arrested Jews, documents about confiscation of private property, etc.).

  10. Pavienės tarnybos policijos lietuvių ryšių karininkas Tvarkos policijos vado Lietuvoje štabe

    • Der lit. Verbindungs-Offizier für die Schutzmannschaft des Einzeldienstes im Stabe des Kommandeurs der Ordnungspolizei Litauen
    • Liaison Officer of the Individual Police Service of the Lithuanian General Region under the Chief of the Ordnugspolizei in Lithuania (Kaunas)

    This collection contains "the important confidential circular No. 3 of 16 August 1941 signed by V. Reivytis, director of the Police Department, sent to the police chiefs of the counties concerning the detention, rounding up, and guarding of male Jews. Essentially, it meant the beginning of the mass extermination of the Jews in Lithuanian provinces. The same collection contains reports by the police chiefs of the counties and rural districts to the director of the Police Department concerning the detaining and rounding up of Jews." Galina Žirikova, Lietuvos centrinio valstybės archyvo fond...

  11. Petras Baublys

    Personal fonds of Pediatrician Petras Baublys who 1942-1944 worked as a director of an orphanage in Kaunas. Help for the Kaunas ghetto underground organization to hide children in the orphanage. The fonds consist of articles, abstracts, publications, reports and conferences' papers, various notes on medicine topic and issues, correspondence, lectures' material; various documents and photos with collegues.

  12. Pirmasis generalinis tarėjas ir generalinis tarėjas vidaus reikalams

    • Der erste Generalrat und Generalrat für die innere Verwaltung
    • First General Counsellor and General Adviser for Internal Affairs

    The fonds consists of documents from the Lithuanian Provisional Government, including circulars, declarations, announcements, etc.). This institution collaborated with the Nazis and had anti-Jewish ideology.

  13. Reichsleiterio Rosenbergo operatyvinio štabo okupuotoms sritims Darbo grupė Lietuvoje

    • Einsatzstab Reichsleiter Rosenberg für die besetzten Gebiete Arbeitsgruppe Litauen
    • Vilnius Branch of the Rosenberg Operative Command of the Lithuanian General Region

    "Documents about the looting of Jewish cultural valuables in Lithuania are very scarce"(Galina Žirikova, Lietuvos centrinio valstybės archyvo fondai : holokausto Lietuvoje tyrimo šaltinis (The Collections of the State Archive of Lithuania: a Source of Research on the Holocaust in Lithuania, Vilnius: Valstybinis Vilniaus Gaono Žydų Muziejus, 2011, p. 11. Correspondence of the Rosenberg Operative Command in Lithuania concerning various questions and research, reports of the Herman Kruk working groups in the Vilnius ghetto about the activities of the collecting of the valuables, reports o...

  14. Religijų reikalų taryba prie Lietuvos TSR Ministrų Tarybos

    • The Board of Religious Affairs Under the Council of Ministry of the Lithuanian Soviet Socialist Republic

    Register of communities; surveillance files of Jewish religious communitie; correspondence concerning activities against members of the Jewish religious communities during the period of Soviet occupation.

  15. Rokiškio apskrities policijos Južintų punktas

    • Police Department for Južintai County, Rokiškis District

    Various administrative documents; personnel files of the staff; pay registers; applications of residents to join the police precinct; information about Poles in the district as well as war refugees, prisoners of war, Jews; reports about criminal incidents and various protocols concerning crimes; certificates issued to police officers of the sef-defence battalions; lists of police officers; lists of arrested people; other items.

  16. Rokiškio apskrities žydų koncentracijos stovykla

    • Rokiškis Concentration Camps for Jews

    The file consists of the documents about the staff of the concentration camp (pay register); an application rom the head of the Jewish property liquidation committee to the head of the concentration camp requesting more payment for overtime.

  17. Saugumo policijos ir SD vadas Lietuvoje

    • Der Kommandeur der Sicherheitspolizei und des SD Litauen
    • Chief of the Security Police and SD of the Lithuanian General Region

    "The most important documents of the collection are monthly reports by the chief of the security police and SD in Lithuania sent to the Reich Main Security Office (RSHA) in Berlin concerning the political and economic situation and popular sentiment in the General Region of Lithuania. In the reports mentioned there are special paragraphs dealing with the activities of the partisans, the resistance movement and the Jews" (Galina Žirikova, Lietuvos centrinio valstybės archyvo fondai : holokausto Lietuvoje tyrimo šaltinis (The Collections of the State Archive of Lithuania: a Source of Resea...

  18. Saugumo policijos ir SD vado Lietuvai Kriminalinės policijos Alytaus rajonas

    • Security Police and SD Commander of the Lithuanian Criminal Police in Alytus District

    Documentions concerning confiscation of Jewish property, proceeding files for people who were accused in stolling Jewish belongings.

  19. Saugumo policijos ir SD vado Lietuvai Lietuviškasis Kauno skyrius

    • Litauische Abteilung-Kauen des Kommandeurs der Sicherheitspolizei und des SD in Litauen
    • Chief of the SS and SD in Lithuania, Kaunas Department

    Various documents on the activities of the staff of Lithuanian SS and SD department (includes documents about collaboration with local partisans – for example: reports by the leader of the Vilijampolė partisan unit to the chief of the security department of the Kaunas administrative region about arrested Jews on June 23, 1941; list of residents (mostly Jews) arrested by partisans of Vilijampolė partisan unit), orders to the Auxiliary police, applications from residents to release relatives who were in custody. Documents and correspondence with the Lithuanians state security about attitude o...

  20. Saugumo policijos ir SD vado Lietuvai Lietuviškasis Marijampolės skyrius

    • Litauische Abteilung Mariampol des Kommandeurs der Sicherheitspolizei und des SD in Litauen
    • Chief of the Security Police and SD in Lithuania, Marijampolė Section

    There are documents and correspondence concerning arrests of local residents, among whom were Jews, Soviet activists, and communists.