Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 61 to 80 of 120
Language of Description: English
Language of Description: Italian
Language of Description: Multiple
Country: Russia
  1. Уполномоченный по нацистской четырехлетке - Геринг, г. Берлин

    • Records of the Beauftragter für den Vierjahresplan (Göring)
    • Commissioner for the Four‐Year Plan

    Consists of directives for organizing the Four-Year Plan, with estimates of labor needed from civilian prisoners, foreign workers, and POWs; a 1936 memorandum from Hitler about German foreign policy, including preparation for war with the Soviet Union, "Lebensraum," and ascriptions of collective Jewish responsibility for economic crimes; information about Göring's conferences with military commanders and the Agriculture Ministry regarding increasing food production for Germany from the Occupied Territories; records about Göring's orders on forced mobilization of the male and female populati...

  2. Министерство авиации Германии, г. Берлин

    • Reichsluftfahrtministerium (Berlin)
    • RLM
    • Ministry of Aviation

    Leaflets, photos of airplanes, intelligence reports

  3. Еврейская религиозная община (г. Вена)

    • Israelitische Kultusgemeinde (Wien); Jewish Religious Communit), of Vienna
    • Evreiskaia religioznaia obshchina (g. Vena)

    The collection's contents are catalogued in three inventories. The inventories are arranged by structure and document type. The collection has charters of the Jewish religious community of Vienna — and of affiliated organizations: the Union to Aid Jewish Students, the Union for the Care of Orphans, Jewish Literary Association, the Mendelssohn Jewish Literary Union, and others. It contains the minutes of meetings of the community board for 1891-1938 as well as community financial documents — statements, estimates, summaries, income statements, cashbooks for 1928-37, and tax tables. The colle...

  4. Еврейская религиозная община (г. Грац)

    • Israelitische Kultusgemeinde (Graz); Jewish Religious Community of Graz
    • Evreiskaia religioznaia obshchina (g. Grats)

    The collection's contents are catalogued in two inventories. The inventories are arranged by document type. The collection features documents of the Jewish Religious Community of Graz, the community's committee for the social security of Jewish émigrés, the Graz chapter of Hashomer Hatzair, and other Jewish organizations of Graz; community circulars for 1933; minutes of community meetings for 1922-38; correspondence with the Vienna taxation and revenue board, Jewish charitable organizations, community members, and lawyers regarding the election of board members and officers of the community...

  5. Берлинское сионистское объединение

    • Berliner zionistische Vereinigung; Berlin Zionist Union*
    • Berlinskoe sionistskoe ob"edinenie

    The collection's contents are catalogued in one inventory; the inventory is arranged by document type. The collection includes the charter of the BZU; minutes of meetings of the BZU board for 1937; minutes of sessions of electoral caucuses, and materials on the election of delegates to the delegate assembly; minutes of the 1936 twenty-fifth congress of the Zionist Federation of Germany; minutes of preelection meetings of BZU members for 1938; circulars on admitting new members and on improving the work of Hebrew language courses; membership cards; and instruction booklets for new members. T...

  6. Синагогальная община (г. Бромберг)

    • Synagogen - Gemeinde (Bromberg)

    Letters, records of meetings of members of community

  7. Имперское министерство внутренних дел (г. Берлин)

    • Reichsministerium des Innern (Berlin)
    • Records of the Reichsministerium des Innern (Berlin)

    Consists of arrest reports as well as reports on other Gestapo activities such as raids and persons killed while trying to escape. The reasons for the arrests are included in the reports and include printing illegal material, spreading atrocity reports, suspicion of espionage, illegal possession of weapons, membership/leadership in illegal organizations, and being a Communist, foreigner, or Jew. Also included are reorganization plans for the Sipo Hauptamt in January 1938 and the whole Reichsministrium in July 1941.

  8. Центральное объединение немецких граждан иудейского вероисповедания (г. Берлин)

    • Centralverein deutscher Staatsburger judischen Glaubens; Central Association of German Citizens of the Jewish Faith (Berlin)*
    • Tsentral'noe ob"edinenie nemetskikh grazhdan iudeiskogo veroispovedaniia (g. Berlin)

    The collection's contents are catalogued in three inventories arranged by structure and document type. Most of the materials in this collection originate from the 1920s and 1930s. The collection includes the charter of the Central Association and its local chapters; minutes of meetings of the Central Association's committee on drawing up a new charter (1926-28); minutes of the Central Association's board (1931) and of chapters (1932-38); reports by leaders of Central Association chapters on their activities; and reports on the state of the Jewish community in various German cities (1932-35)...

  9. Американская объединенная восстановительная организация. Управление делами

    • American Joint Reconstruction Foundation
    • Amerikanskaia ob"edinennaia vosstanovitelnaia organizatsiia. Upravlenie delami

    The collection's contents are catalogued in three inventories. Each of these contains three sections: secretariat documents, documents of the finance department, and printed materials. The collection contains the JDC charter of 1924; the JDC's assignment of legal rights to the newly created American Joint Reconstruction Foundation; listings of transferred bonds, promissory notes, bills of exchange, and other securities (1924); and accounts of the Reconstruction Foundation's activities for 1924-26 and 1937-39. The collection also contains correspondence of JDC administrative council members ...

  10. Правление синагогальной общины (г. Штеттин)

    • Vorstand der Synagogen-Gemeinde (Stettin)

    Archival records of the synagogue in Stettin (Szczecin, Poland) and the history of Jews in the region from 1906 to 1937: it consists of a bulletin and various documents of the "Reichsvertretung der Juden in Deutschland" regarding the need to better organize statistics on Jewish organizations; correspondence, statistics and clippings on the emigration of Jews from Szczecin (Stettin).

  11. Союз австрийских сионистов (г. Вена)

    • Verband der Judenstaatszionisten österreichs (Wien)
  12. Комитет по делам еврейской эмиграции (ГИЦЕМ) (г. Париж)

    • Emigration Association (HICEM)
    • Komitet po delam evreiskoi emigratsii GITsEM HIAS JCA

    The collection's contents are catalogued in three inventories. The inventories are arranged according to structure. The collection contains the HICEM charter (January 1935); accounts of HICEM activities for 1926-39; circulars to HICEM branch offices (1933-40) on rules for filling out a central card file of émigrés; on conditions of emigration to Uruguay, Ecuador, Haiti, and other countries, and on procedures for statistical calculation of émigré data; minutes of sessions of the HICEM administrative council for 1930, 1934-39, as well as of the HICEM commission on émigré doctors for 1934-35, ...

  13. Великая ложа Германии еврейского ордена "Бней-Брит" (УОББ) (г. Берлин)

    • German Grand Lodge of B'nai B'rith (Berlin); Grossloge für Deutschland des Unabhangigen Ordens "Bne Brith" (UOBB) (Berlin)
    • Velikaia lozha Germanii evreiskogo ordena "Bnei-Brit" (UOBB) (g. Berlin)

    The collection's contents are described in three inventories; the collection has a geographical index. Deposited in the collection are the constitution of the Independent Order of B'nai B'rith; charters of the Grand Lodge and of affiliated lodges in Germany and the United States; the charters of the order's committees on youth organizations and Jewish women's organizations; the charters of affiliated lodges' courts of honor; draft charters of youth organizations; the charters of the women's charitable society Schwesternbund, of the Eintracht lodge's women's organization, and of the women's ...

  14. Американский еврейский объединенный комитет по распределению фондов (Джойнт). Европейское исполнительное бюро

    • American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, European Executive Bureau
    • Amerikanskii evreiskii ob"edinennyi komitet po raspredeleniiu fondov (Dzhoint). Evropeiskoe ispolnitel'noe biuro

    For the most part, the collection reflects the activities of the JDC European Executive Bureau in Paris during the period 1933-40. The collection includes the JDC charter (1931); accounts of JDC activities (1932-38); minutes of sessions of the presidium of the JDC executive committee in New York (1929-33, and 1938), of the JDC managing committee in New York (1937-38), and the JDC presidium and executive committee (1938); reports by members of its managing committee and board of directors (1938-39); minutes of the meeting of subsections of the European Executive Bureau in Paris (April 1935)....

  15. Орловский плацдарм

    • Orel Beachhead

    Views of destroyed Oryol. Military entry of Soviet Army in Oryol, mine clearance of the bridge, cemetery of Soviet and German soldiers, concentration camp — prisoners release; captured German vehicles; funerals of deceased Soviet soldiers. Work of the commission for investigation of fascist crimes. Group of Soviet commanders. Residents return home. Medical help for injured Soviet pilot.

  16. В городской чрезвычайной комиссии г. Ленинграда

    • In the city Extraordinary Comission of Leningrad

    January of 1944. The meeting of Extraordinary State Commission for investigation of fascist invaders crimes in the presence of members of expertise bureau. Among them: engineers Bronnitsky, Kuprianova, professors Farmakovsky, Fomin and corresponding member of the Academy of Architecture Fedorova.

  17. Бабий Яр

    • Babi Yar

    Kiev suburbs, December of 1943. German prisoners are digging the ditch, where tortured Soviet people were buried. One of the former camp prisoners tells about fascist crimes during the Kiev occupation.

  18. Злодеяния немцев в Виннице

    • The crimes of Germans in Vinnitsa

    Ukraine. Vinnitza, April 29, 1944. Psychiatric hospital. Disinterment of the corpses of murdered patients.

  19. Коллекция документов "Евреи СССР в тылу и эвакуации"

    • Collection of documents "USSR Jews in Evacuation"
    • Kollektsiya dokumentov "Jevreji SSSR v tylu i evakuacii"

    The collection consists of the material concerning personal stories of the Jewish families who were able to escape country to the East in the first days of the war. There are various correspondence between soldiers of the Soviet Red Army and family members in evacuation, also personal photos and photos taken in evacuation; personal documents; memories about life in evacuation, diaries and notebooks with memories.

  20. Коллекция документов "Холокост на территории Европы"

    • Collection of documents "Holocaust in the Territory of Europe"
    • Kollektsiya dokumentov "Holokost na teritorii Evropy"

    The collection consists of the documents on the history of the Holocaust in Europe: photos (pre-war family and personal photos of victims of the Holocaust), personal documents (ID, CV, certificates and etc.), the memories of the extermination of Jews, various correspondence. The collection includes the documents of the Sobibor extermination camp (the plan of the Sobibor extermination camp on 14 October 1943, compiled by A. Pecherskiy in 1944. A. Pecherskiy was a leader of the uprising in the Sobibor extermination camp and in 1972 he wrote a book "Revolt in Sobibor"). A letter in Polish of M...