Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 141 to 160 of 168
Language of Description: English
Language of Description: Italian
Language of Description: Lithuanian
Country: Lithuania
  1. Josifas Šapiro

    The personal fonds of a famous Jewish collector of ex libris bookplates who was able in the first days of the Second World War to escape to the East of the Soviet Union. After the war he returned to Vilnius. His collection was close related not only to Jewish topics but also to Lithuanian history, culture, and famous people. The files consist of personal documentation, correspondence, photos.

  2. Kauno IX forto muziejus

    • Kaunas Ninth Fort Museum

    Some files of the fonds contain documents concerning how the museum collections were compiled (documents and register lists of the artifacts and personal belongings of people who were imprisoned in the Ninth Fort and who donated these items to the museum; documents and register lists of the items that were purchased from the locals.

  3. SS ir policijos apygardos vadas Šiauliuose

    • Der SS und Polizeigebietsführer in Schaulen
    • Šiauliai City SS and Police Standortfuehrer

    Lists of the staff of the Lithuanian SS and Criminal Police; correspondence concerning events in the district.

  4. Ukmergės kalėjimas

    • Ukmergė Prison

    Many files of people who were arrested and interrogated at the prison; files of political and criminal prisoners and POW's; personal files of Jews who were imprisoned there from the end of June 1941 until September 1941, as well as documents about prison activities.

  5. Lietuvos pasiuntinybė Londone

    • Lithuanian Embassy in London

    There is correspondence with Polish Jews Federation about mass killings of Jews in Lithuania (1942-1943), short biography of Ona Šimaitė who rescued Jews in the years of the war; documents concerning antisemitic attitude of locals towards Jewish intelligentsia and cultural institutions.

  6. Lietuvos ir Baltarusijos TSR darbo liaudies komisariatas

    • Labour People Commissariat in Lithuania and Byelorussia Soviet Socialist Republics

    Lists of local residents (Jewish names included); lists of interprises, shops, companies; documentation concerning working and searching for job.

  7. Vilniaus miesto vykdomojo komiteto Sveikatos apsaugos skyrius

    • Health Executive Committee of Vilnius city

    Documents about activities of the medical institutions in Vilnius; lists of physicians and medical staff (Jewish names included).

  8. Žydų padėties nuostatai

    • The Regulations on the Status of the Jews

    The "Regulations on the Status of the Jews" were declared by the Provisional Government and regulated the lives of the Jews in Lithuania. Under these regulations the Jews of Lithuania were deprived of all human and civil rights and were obliged to wear special marking.

  9. Hitlerinių okupantų ir lietuvių nacionalistų sušaudytų 109 Valkininkų žydų sąrašas

    • List of 109 Jews from Valkininkai Killed by Nazi Occupiers and Lithuanian Nationalists
    • Vilniaus Gaono žydų istorijos muziejus
    • HE-Valkininkai
    • English
    • 1941
    • 2 pages of the paper copies from Valkininkai municipality archives (without any inventory number of the originals); includes names (and occupations) of 108 Jewish men.
  10. Kaunas Major Military Construction Office Number 13

    • Kauno 13-oji didžioji kariuomenės statybos įstaiga
    • Grosse Heeresbaudienststelle 13 Kauen

    Kaunas Major Military Construction Office Number 13 supervised construction of military facilities. Correspondence regarding control of the Jewish workers (based on LCVA).

  11. Viktoras Golovčineris

    Personal fonds of the activities of the Russian theatre director Viktoras Golovčineris (1955-1962), who was able to survive the Holocaust in the East of the Soviet Union. The files consist of various performances programs, photos, posters, sketches of sceneries, drafts, correspondence, letters to his wife E. Gercberg, personal documents, video material, etc. .

  12. Lietuvos TSR vietinės pramonės ministerija

    • Ministry of Industry of the Lithuanian Soviet Socialist Republic

    Documents about nationalized Jewish property throughout all of Lithuania starting from August 1940.

  13. Dalis išaiškintų Plungės miesto žydų sušaudytų 1941-1944 m. sąrašas

    • Partial Clarified List of the Jews from Plungė Killed in 1941-1944

    The list was compiled by the Jewish folk -artist Jakovas Bunka from Plungė. The list mentions 605 Jewish names. The copies of the original document were given to the Holocaust exhibition on December 6, 1996 by Jakovas Bunka.

  14. Seinų apskrities viršininkas

    • Chief of Seinai County

    The fonds consists of personal documents of residents, documents concerning everyday life, applications from residents about various matters, applications of residents to obtain passports, registers of war refugees, lists of residents (Jewish names included),

  15. Žydų istorijos dokumentai

    • Jewish History Documents

    There are several items (documents, personal artifacts and photos) related to the Jewish history and the Holocaust in the collection of the museum.

  16. Ilja Rud-Gercovskis

    The personal fonds of the well-known screen and scriptwriter, and actor. In the first days of the Second World War he was able to escape to the East of the Soviet Union. He survived the Holocaust and after the war returned to Vilnius. The files of his personal fonds include drafts, scripts, personal documentation, and photos.

  17. Šiaulių sunkiųjų darbų kalėjimas

    • Šiauliai Hard-Labour Prison

    List staff and prisoners of Šiauliai Hard-Labour Prison prisoners (lists of Jews prisoners).

  18. Kupiškyje sušaudytų žydų sąrašas

    • List of Jews Killed in Kupiškis

    The list of Kupiškis Jews killed on June-July 1941 was compiled by a local doctor, Stefanija Glemžaitė, in 1946. The list includes 800 names in total.

  19. Vilniaus apylinkės teismas

    • Vilnius District Court

    The files of civil and criminal proceeding, courts' investigations, interrogations, accusations. The files consist of the personal information and include names of Jews. Also there is information about confiscation of the Jewish property.

  20. Geležinkelių policijos vadas

    • Kaunas Eisenbahnpolizei
    • Kaunas Railway Police

    Orders and reports by the chief of the railway police about police activities; personal files of police officers.