Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 81 to 100 of 1,669
Language of Description: English
Language of Description: Hebrew
Language of Description: Multiple
Country: Israel
  1. M.43.LVVA - Documentation from the State Historical Archives of Latvia in Riga

    M.43.LVVA - Documentation from the State Historical Archives of Latvia in Riga This sub-record group contains files selected from the State Historical Archives of Latvia in Riga and files received from the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (USHMM) in Washington DC. Description of the sub-record group: The documentation of the State Historical Archives of Latvia includes correspondence between educational institutions in Latvia and several organizations regarding matters concerning budgets, teachers' salaries and matriculation exams during 1921-1940: reports of teachers' committees mee...

  2. The SS Members personal files from the Berlin Document Center

    This collection includes personal files of SS officers above the rank of Untersturmfuehrer has been kept at the BDC. In the files there is varied documentation, and in certain instances, the BDC personnel have added documentation regarding a specific officer from other collections in the BDC archive. A large number of files regarding the SS officers were created from questionnaires concerning the personality of the officer. In addition to general data, there is also psychological and medical information and information regarding the officer's outlook on life. In the SS personal files there ...

  3. Documentation of the Reichsvereinigung der Juden in Deutschland (Reich Association of the Jews in Germany)

    There are three main sections in the Record Group: I. Organization and AdministrationIn this section there are administrative and financial files of the Reichsvereinigung der Juden in Deutschland, including protocols of administration meetings, Nazi orders and ordnances, contacts with the Gestapo, statistical data regarding the Jews of Germany and files related to the sale of property belonging to the Jewish communities and their evaluation. There are also several Reichsvertretung der deutschen Juden files in this section. II. Emigration and Deportation - administration of the worth of the ...

  4. Documentation from archives in Estonia, 1941-1946

    A. Documentation from the Estonian State Central Archives (ERA) in Tallinn, Estonia Examples: - Collection of the autonomous leadership regarding Jewish culture in Estonia; - Collection of the Valga Juudi Spordiselts Makkabi (Maccabi Sports Association) in Valga; - Collection of the Tartu Akadeemiline Juudi Ajaloo ja Kirjanduse Selts ülikooli juures (Association for Jewish Culture and History) in Tartu; - Collection of the Tartu-Juudi üliõpilaste Kassa (Jewish Students'Fund) in Tartu, 1887-1928; - Collection of the Tartu Juudi Usuühing (Religious Jewish Community of Tartu), 1861-1940; - Col...

  5. O.52.1 - Documentation prepared for the Encyclopedia of Jewish Communities in Germany - the Communities of Bavaria

    O.52.1 - Documentation prepared for the Encyclopedia of Jewish Communities in Germany - the Communities of Bavaria The purpose of the Yad Vashem project - to prepare an Encyclopedia of Jewish Communities in Germany - is to perpetuate the history of the communities that were destroyed during the Holocaust. The historiography of the communities focused on countries and sometimes on districts, but not on the history of the local communities. With the increase of interest in the local communities, this Record Group serves as a very important source for historians and researchers working in this...

  6. Documentation from the Reichswirtschaftministerium (Reich Ministry of Economy) from the Osoby Archive in Moscow, 1936-1942

    • ארכיון יד ושם / Yad Vashem Archives
    • 11026735
    • English, Hebrew
    • 1936-1942
    • Balance sheet Financial accounts Names of perpetrators Official documentation Record of persecuted persons Statistical data Survey report

    Documentation from the Reichswirtschaftministerium (Reich Ministry of Economy) from the Osoby Archive in Moscow, 1936-1942 The following files are preserved in the collection: - A file dealing with insurance taken out by Jews, 1938-1939, including subjects such as the treatment of insurance claims submitted by Jews after the Kristallnacht riots (including a copy of the "Reichsgesetzblatt" [Reich Legal Gazette] from March 1939 containing the wording of the law on this matter - frame 1451, statistical reports and correspondence from December 1938 regarding the limit on claims pertaining to ri...

  7. M.43 - Documentation from archives in Latvia, 1918-1946

    M.43 - Documentation from archives in Latvia, 1918-1946 In the collection there are files selected from the Latvian State Historical Archives in Riga and other files received from the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington. Description of the collection Included in the documentation from the Latvian State Historical Archives in Riga is correspondence between the educational institutions in Latvia and various bodies regarding the budget, teachers' salaries, and matriculation exams, 1921-1940. In the collection there is documentation of the Association of Latvian Jews for the A...

  8. P.24 - Dov Levin Collection - Partisan and Holocaust researcher

    P.24 - Dov Levin Collection - Partisan and Holocaust researcher Dov Levin was born in Kaunas, Lithuania on 27 January 1925. His parents were Zvi Hirsh Levin and Bluma (Vigoder) Levin. Dov Levin died in Jerusalem on 03 December 2016. He received a Zionist education, and was fluent in Slavic languages, Lithuanian, English and Hebrew. Levin studied at the "Schwab" Hebrew high school in Kaunas, which was affiliated with the "Tarbut" educational network, until the school's closure following the Soviet occupation, and at the "Shalom Aleichem" Yiddish high school. He joined the Hashomer Hatzair mo...

  9. Collection of Ottó (Natan) Komoly, Chairman of the Magyar Cionista Szövetség (Hungarian Zionist Organization), 1941-1944

    Most of the collection is original and can be divided into two parts: A) The first part is Komoly's documentation from the period before World War II to the end of the war (Files 1-48). - Lectures and research papers prepared by Komoly in his professional area as an engineer and his activities as a Jewish Zionist leader;- Correspondence with Jewish organizations from Hungary and other countries, public figures and the Hungarian authorities regarding the rescue of the Jews of Hungary; - Eleven volumes of the work appointment book conducted by Komoly in Budapest, 1934-1944;- Newspaper clippin...

  10. Documentation collected in the context of the "Research project regarding the contribution of Holocaust survivors to the State of Israel", from Kibbutz Ein Gev

    Documentation collected in the context of the "Research project regarding the contribution of Holocaust survivors to the State of Israel", from Kibbutz Ein Gev Testimonies/ interviews: 1. Willi Bechner; 2. Rivka Grinberger; 3. Shragai Degani; 4. Michael Werner; 5. Baruch Zeira; 6. Zvi Mor; 7. Mordechai Neustadt (testimony, from an unknown source); 8. Rachel Sobol; Booklet: 1. Uri Yanai, "Excerpts of memoirs", Kibbutz Ein Gev, 1990; 2. "Saltzseleufer leben zeit shrift", Aroibegegebn durchen kultur-amt beim Yiddishen Komitet in Bad Salzuflen-Fulder [?] Kriz, Amerikaner Zone ("Journal of my li...

  11. Collection of the Rijksbureau voor Diamant (Diamonds Office of the Netherlands), 1940-1954

    Collection of the Rijksbureau voor Diamant (Diamonds Office of the Netherlands), 1940-1954 Included in the collection: Official documentation regarding diamond dealers in the Netherlands, most of them Jews, 1940-1954; Lists of diamond dealers, a newspaper article regarding Jewish diamond dealers in the Netherlands, and documentation regarding an incident of concealment; Documents of the Schade-Enquete-Commissies - compensation committee regarding diamond dealers during the postwar period in the Netherlands, 1946-1954; Documents of the Ministry of Transportation of the Netherlands; Documents...

  12. Documentation of the American Joint Distribution Committee (AJDC) in Krakow, Poland regarding the organization activities in Poland, 1939-1942

    The documentation includes the welfare and assistance activities of the AJDC to the Jews of Poland; it consists of four main parts: 1. AJDC correspondence with the German administration authorities in occupied Poland; 2. AJDC correspondence with Jewish institutions and organizations in Poland; 3. AJDC correspondence with Jewish institutions and organizations outside of Poland; 4. Survey reports, charts and statistical data. 1. Correspondence with the German administration authorities in occupied Poland, August 1940-January 1942, including requests for the issuing of various permits, such as...

  13. O.52.2 - Documentation prepared for the Encyclopedia of Jewish Communities in Germany - North-West Communities

    O.52.2 - Documentation prepared for the Encyclopedia of Jewish Communities in Germany - North-West Communities The purpose of the Yad Vashem project - to prepare an Encyclopedia of Jewish Communities in Germany - is to perpetuate the history of the communities that were destroyed during the Holocaust. The historiography of the communities focused on countries and sometimes on districts, but not on the history of the local communities. This project is meant to fill in what is lacking in this area. With the increase of interest in the local communities, this Record Group serves as a very impo...

  14. Documentation from archives in Latvia, 1918-1946

    In the collection there are files selected from the Latvian State Historical Archives in Riga and other files received from the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington. Description of the collection: Included in the documentation from the Latvian State Historical Archives in Riga is correspondence between the educational establishment in Latvia with various bodies regarding budget, salaries of the teachers and matriculation exams, 1921-1940. In the collection there is documentation of the Association of Latvian Jews for the Advancement of Settlement in Eretz Israel, correspond...

  15. M.35: Documentation of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee (JAF) in the Soviet Union

    M.35: Documentation of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee (JAF) in the Soviet Union Established at the height of World War II, the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee (EAK - Yevreyskiy antifashistskiy komitet) was a Soviet Jewish organization set up in order to provide assistance to the Soviet Union in its war against Nazi Germany. Headed by the actor and theatrical director Solomon (Shloyme) Mikhoels as Committee Chairman and Shakhne Epshteyn, the newspaperman, as Secretary, the Committee was established at the initiative of the Soviet Secret Police in Samara in 1942. The purpose of the Committee...

  16. P.37- Archive of Benjamin Arditti: Documentation Regarding the History of Bulgarian Jewry, 1850-1964

    P.37- Archive of Benjamin Arditti: Documentation Regarding the History of Bulgarian Jewry, 1850-1964 Benjamin Arditti was born in Vienna in 1897. He lived in Sofia (except for two years during World War II) from 1916-1949. He was one of the outstanding activists in the Zionist movement in Bulgaria: he served as a member of the Central Committee of the Zionist Union in Bulgaria, 1919-1923; he held five terms of office as the representative to the World Zionist Congress; he served as the chairman of the Zionist Organization in Sofia; he was one of the founders of the Revisionist movement in B...

  17. Documentation of the Finanzministerium (Finance Ministry), related to Württemberg-Hohenzollern, 1945-1949

    Documentation of the Finanzministerium (Finance Ministry), related to Württemberg-Hohenzollern, 1945-1949 History of the organization [institution]: In autumn 1945, after the end of World War II, the State of Württemberg-Hohenzollern was established inside Germany, which included the French Occupied Zone of Württemberg and the Sigmaringen region. The government of the new state was comprised of six Landesdirektionen (administrative areas) that supervised various subjects (law, culture, interior matters, and other subjects), including finance. Its name was changed later to the Finanzminister...

  18. Joseph Kermish Collection, Director of the Yad Vashem Archives, 1953-1979

    Dr. Joseph Kermish's personal archive includes personal documentation that recounts his experiences during the war and following it. The archive also contains extensive correspondence with public figures in Israel and abroad and with various organizations and entities extending over a period of more than 50 years. The subjects covered in the correspondence include the Yad Vashem Communities Registry Project, collecting the material for the Eichmann Trial, publication of Emmanuel Ringelblum's archive, "Oneg Shabbat", publication of Adam Czerniakow's diary and the history of the Warsaw Ghetto...

  19. Heinz Prossnitz Collection

    Heinz Prossnitz Collection Heinz Prossnitz was born in Czechoslovakia in 1926. Following the German occupation of Czechia and Moravia in March 1939, Heinz joined the Maccabi Hatzair movement in Prague. His "Forbearance" group numbered ten members and it was led by Fredy Hirsch, who was much admired among the Jewish youth in the Protectorate. During the 1940/1941 school year Heinz studied in the Jugend-Aliya [Youth Aliyah] school, which prepared pupils for aliya to Eretz Israel and was therefore permitted by the German authorities. The school was closed in summer 1941 and the situation of th...

  20. M.53: Documentation from the Central State Archives of Supreme Bodies of Power and Government of Ukraine, 1941-1945

    M.53: Documentation from the Central State Archives of Supreme Bodies of Power and Government of Ukraine, 1941-1946 In the collection there is documentation regarding the Reichskommissariat (Regional Commissariat- occupation regime in Ukraine), 1941-1945. Additionally, there is documentation regarding the period prior to the German occupation, such as documentation from courts in Ukraine regarding Jews accused of anti-Soviet propaganda, theft and profiteering, reports of meetings of the Council for Religious Affairs (CRA) attached to the USSR Council of Ministers (SNK), including decisions ...