Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 11,881 to 11,900 of 33,679
Language of Description: English
Language of Description: French
  1. Women working at sewing machines; fashion

    INT, women sitting at tables and sewing clothing in a large room. A woman walks through the room with two shirts. A woman stands in front of a mirror in a dress that a seamstress is adjusting and pinning. CU, book of fashion. A designer sketches a dress. CU, Singer sewing machine. Camera pans over a city street in Russia, closes in on a sign on a building (in Cyrillic). INT, large group of women sitting around a table. Garments hang and rotate from mirror panels on a wall. CU, high heels as the camera pans up the body of a woman trying on a dress. INTs, women work at sewing machines. CU, fa...

  2. Hitler's butler's home movies; maiden voyage of KdF ship "Robert Ley"

    Amateur films of Hitler's major domo - "Hausintendant" Arthur Kannenberg, some events are early 1939. Landscape in Grillenburg, an estate near the town of Tharandt which was owned by Martin Mutschmann, head of the Nazi party in the State of Saxony from 1925 until May 1945. MS, statue (bronze stag) commissioned by Mutschmann around 1937 when he had the "New Hunting Lodge" or "Neues Jägerhaus" constructed. An archway engraved with Mutschmann's image at the center. Views of the New Lodge, stone bridge and lakes, and the original lodge from 1855. Kannenberg with chimney sweeps in front of shop....

  3. War in the Pacific, kamikaze attacks, USS Franklin bombed

    Documentary with intertitles produced for the home movie market by Castle Films Productions. War in the Pacific: kamikaze attacks, boats, US soldiers, fighting at sea and on land in Japan, USS Franklin bombed, fighting the fire, medics and chaplain attend to the wounded, columns of smoke, Statue of Liberty, Purple Heart ceremony. THE END

  4. Nazi rally, 1937 - Hitler, Himmler, Reichsarbeitsdienst parade; Anti-Bolshevik exhibit crowds; Berlin streets crowded for Mussolini visit.

    Nazi party rally at Nuremberg, pan of stadium, regiments already assembled on the field; more still entering, an injured man is carried away on a stretcher. 01:06:45:00 Some MCUs on the young soldiers on the field, some look back at the camera, all are chewing gum--the bare-chested regiment-- Nazi "beefcake". MCU of the beefcake singing in unison. Cut to the young women assembled in another area of the field. VS of flags waving; military milling about the stadium. Scenes outside of the Anti-Bolshevik Exhibit (Antibolschevistische Ausstellung); uniformed Nazis with armbands line up to enter ...

  5. Nazi Germany outtakes: Nuremberg Rally, Army Day; Cologne Cathedral; trains

    Highlights of this reel of decomposed footage include: Army Day at Nuremberg Nazi Party rally; Cologne cathedral; night time stadium performances in Nuremberg; army cook preparing food for the crowds; youth flight club launching a glider; scenes of the Obersalzburg and its passengers on an airstrip; trains moving through the countryside.

  6. Documentary Appendix to U.S. and Allied Efforts to Recover and Restore Gold and Other Assets Stolen or Hidden by Germany During World War II

    Consists of photocopies of documents and memorandum used in the preparation of the 1997/1998 report entitled "U.S. and Allied Efforts to Recover and Restore Gold and Other Assets Stolen or Hidden by Germany During World War II" (also known as the Eizenstat report), which was prepared by the Interagency Group on Nazi Assets. Documents were culled from the archives of the agencies which participated in the preparation of the report (US Department of State, etc.). Also includes 23 CIA documents used in the report.

  7. Polish refugees in Persia

    Title: Polens Heer ersteht neu in Persien. [Poland's multitudes rise again in Persia]. Long line of people (look like refugees) moving across a desert landscape. They carry bundles. Some are barefoot. A group sitting, resting. A woman rocks her baby in her arms. Brief fade-out then title: Poland 1939. Refugees on the road on foot and by horse-drawn cart. Food distribution. Bedraggled woman waiting in line with a bowl. Map showing Europe and the Soviet Union. Line drawn from Poland toward USSR south around the Caspian Sea, in direction of Persia (Iran). Group of refugees in desert reach shel...

  8. German activity at the Westwall and the French border

    Title on screen: Ozaphan 12/39 Monatschau; Die Wacht am Westwall [The watch on the West wall]. The West wall was a German defense line along the western German border. Two German soldiers sit on a hilltop overlooking a river. One looks through binoculars and points into the distance. German soldiers march down into a concrete bunker (part of the West wall) with a relief of a soldier carved around the doorway. Soldiers running around a structure that appears to be camouflaged with tree limbs. A cannon, camouflaged with tree branches, rises up out of the woods. Germans fire cannons, presumabl...

  9. Funeral; construction, daily life in Warsaw, 1936

    A Christian funeral procession of an unidentified individual through Warsaw, several people walk behind the horse drawn carriage that carries the casket, the pallbearers are in elaborate uniforms. MS construction site in Warsaw, multi-story apartment buildings are going up, the foreman in a dark coat barks orders to all of the workers laying the concrete. MCU, kiosk featuring various newspapers.

  10. German invasion and occupation of Poland; arrest of men in Bromberg (Bydgoszcz)

    Titles on screen: Ozaphan 10a/39 Monatschau [monthly show]; Krieg in Polen [War in Poland]. Scenes from the invasion of Poland, including cannons firing and German soldiers, shot from a distance, moving across a field. Title on screen: Die Fliegerbilder werden sofort Ausgewerten [the aerial photographs are immediately evaluated]. Soldiers develop and analyze aerial photos at a mobile lab in the field. Familiar (newsreel) footage of Goering and Hitler with other officers. Back in the field, shots of soldiers with bombs, German airplanes taking off, and destroyed buildings on the ground. Titl...

  11. Farming village in central Poland

    Repeat of quick shot of an older peasant woman handing her bundles to a man who puts them on a horse drawn carriage. Quick CU of a man in profile, cut to two girls and their mother in peasant dress. The girls pose alone for the camera. Two elderly ladies talking, MCU in profile. Large wooden cross framed by a window, shot from INT to EXT. Back to peasant women, one helps the other adjust her skirt waist. ECU of elderly women with headscarf. Several women gathered together on the road, closeups. CU man in traditional hat, the elderly woman and man with a horse. MLS, four women in traditional...

  12. Red checked dress with smocking made for a young Jewish girl who escaped Germany on the Kindertransport

    Red checked dress with smocking made for Esther Rosenfeld by her maternal aunt Friederika Lemberger in Aachen, Germany. Esther, age 2, was sent on a June 1939 Kindertransport [Children's Transport] from Germany to Great Britain. Her older sisters, Bertl, Edith, and Ruth, had gone in March. See 2012.451 for two pairs of boots also brought on her journey. Esther was placed with Dorothy and Harry Harrison and their son Alan in Norwich. Hitler's assumption of power in 1933 resulted in increasingly harsh persecution of the Jewish populace in Germany. Esther's extended family got affidavits of su...

  13. Refugees on ship, arriving in US

    "Bryan" chalked on makeshift slate. Ship - General Black. "America Welcomes its New Citizens" Ship full with people at sea.

  14. Polish Army parade in Warsaw

    EXT, overhead of dozens of horses and horsedrawn wagons on a main street in Warsaw, lined with people on both sides. CU, rear view of soldiers in the Polish Mountain Regiment marching in formation. They wear rounded helmets with large brims and carry rifles with bayonets. They wear capes. A motorcade of motorcycles with side cars makes its way down the street, followed by soldiers marching in formation. Army trucks carry soldiers wearing backpacks.

  15. Wawel Castle, Krakow

    EXT, Krakow's Wawel castle. Pan up the building toward clock tower. Architectural detail, CU from under an archway, partial view of a dome. VS, from inside the same building's courtyard. Group of young women dressed in long top coats, hats, scarves, berets walk along road; the gate is now visible in the BG. Their coats have an insignia on the arm, and the women carry leather satchels.Two men accompany them.

  16. Schoolhouse in the region of Katowice on the anniversary of the school's opening

    VS, scene opens with a poster hanging on the outside wall of a new brick schoolhouse announcing the rededication of the school building. The sign is written in Polish. A celebration of the new building-the sign talks about the school going from an old thatched-roof hut to a new brick building-according to the sign this celebration is taking place in August 1937. Several shots of the children in the school yard playing happily, then a group of young children being lead by a very somber looking nun in single file to the school house. There is a very abrupt cut at the end of this scene. **From...

  17. YMCA; music recital; rehabilitation of youth, Prague, 1946

    EXT, VS of Prague, large municipal building, trolley car passing through frame, etc. Prague prison guillotine shadow sequence; CU of a prisoner who scrubs the floor; recital hall in Prague, young men and women are gathered for a performance and social. VS of young boys and girls lining up for tickets, then VS, CUs of them inside a theater, laughing and smiling, watching a film? Stage show? VS, CUs of the children lauging and enjoying themselves during the performance. INT, VS, young men at a large cafeterias style table, eating,drinking and horsing around. Very lively, footage. Women settin...

  18. Funeral for Henri Barbusse in Moscow

    Titles in French: "Le grand ecrivain et apotre de la pais e Asnieres en 1873 est mort a Moscou le 30 Aout 1935 au Kremlin" Amateur-looking footage - family poses in lobby for photography, child in center, camera on tripod at left. Family leaves building, walks down stairs, departs in automobile. Sign in Cyrillic letters. Title: "Le 9 Septembre Moscou fait au champion de la lutte cont a guerre et le facis des obseques grandioses" Top of flag posts with bronze hammer and sickle. Title: "L'hommage du Comite Central Executif des Soviets e l'URSS" CU, wreath sash with name in Cyrillic, next to g...

  19. Catholic church celebration and schoolhouse in central Poland

    Polish country scenes, horse-drawn wagons, farmer. MCU of road sign "Zduny 6 km, Lowicz 17km." Preparations for the Easter holiday. Townspeople are dressed in traditional, central Polish folk costume. People are transported in the back of a wagon, riding bicycles, walking to church. General activity surrounding the day's religious festivities. Two young girls in traditional dress, walking towards church, horses with wagons parked in the town square, a young girl with a full head of curly blonde hair that is being braided and combed by her mother and her sister. Church. VAR, EXTs of the elab...

  20. Folk dancing in southern Poland

    Men and women folk dancing in full, traditional central Polish folk dress. The sequence plays in slow motion.