Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 61 to 80 of 82
Language of Description: English
Holding Institution: Magyar Nemzeti Levéltár Országos Levéltára
  1. Berni követségi iratai

    • Records of the Hungarian Embassy in Bern, Switzerland

    The collection of materials from the Hungarian Embassy in Bern, Switzerland includes miscellaneous documents. It contains information on the Swiss policy towards foreigners and the concrete measures adopted to control them, including the operation of refugee camps. More concretely, there are documents on Hungarian citizens residing in Switzerland and Hungarian Jewish migration to Switzerland as well as on the internment of Hungarian citizens as well as references to their deportation by Nazi Germany. The collection also contains official reports on Swiss internal affairs, foreign policy and...

  2. Vichy-i követség iratai, 1940-1944

    • Records of the Hungarian Embassy in Vichy, 1940-1944

    With the defeat of France in 1940 and the signing of the armistice, the so called French State with its capital in Vichy emerged. The Hungarian state appointed an Ambassador to this nominally sovereign entity in unoccupied France. Its Embassy processed hundreds of cases which are part of this collection. Most of these cases concern questions of citizenship and passport-related requests. There are documents concerning visa and travel requests, requests to return to Hungary but also certificates of birth, marriage and change of religion. Other documents concern cases of the arrest, internment...

  3. Brüsszeli főkonzulátus iratai, 1918-1945

    • Records of the Hungarian Consulate General in Brussels, 1918-1945

    The records of the Hungarian Consulate General in Brussels contain documents from the years 1931 to 1946, some of which are of relevance for the history of the Holocaust. The large majority of the relevant files concern citizenship questions of Hungarian Jewish individuals. They include cases of people from territories that Hungary (re)acquired between 1938 and 1941. Some of the files document the screening procedures of Hungarian Jewish individuals who were planning to return to Hungary. There are some requests of passports and visa in the collection. Last but not least, there are document...

  4. Rajniss Ferenc iratai, 1923-1945

    • Ferenc Rajniss papers, 1923-1945

    This collection contains papers and records of Ferenc Rajniss (1893-1946) was an influential Hungarian extreme right-wing politician and journalist, editor of the weekly Új Magyarság and Magyar Futár, and a recognized expert on questions of social policy. Rajniss was elected a member of Parliament in 1935 as part of the governing party then under the leadership of Prime Minister Gyula Gömbös, represented the Nemzeti Front (the National Front), a national socialist formation in 1937, was a member of the Magyar Élet Pártja (the Hungarian Life Party) in 1939 to subsequently join Béla Imrédy's ...

  5. Álorvosi iratok, 1964-1975

    • Cases of the Victims of Nazi Pseudo-Scientific Experiments, 1964-1975

    Nazi Germans conducted a series of medical experiments on large numbers of prisoners, mainly Jews from across Europe, but also on Romani people, ethnic Poles, Soviet prisoners of war and disabled non-Jewish Germans. These human experiments took place in concentration camps mainly in the early 1940s. Prisoners were coerced into these experiments that would often result in their death, or disfigurement or permanent disability of their bodies. Many deported Hungarian Jews fell victims to these infamous Nazi human experiments that were conducted, most notoriously, in the Auschwitz-Birkenau camp...

  6. Bakách-Bessenyey György iratai

    • György Bakách-Bessenyey papers

    The most significant part of the collection consists of his extensive semi-official correspondence with prominent personalities, including Prime Minister Miklós Kállay, Otto von Habsburg and John Foster Dulles. The collection also includes the registry of the Hungarian Embassy of Bern. Bakách-Bessenyey took these materials with him in April 1944, so that details of his negotiations would not be acquired by his successor. The collection also contains information on the operation of the Ambassadorial Committee. The Committee had no regular registry and the materials in the files of Bakách-Bes...

  7. Nyilas vallás- és közoktatásügyi minisztérium, 1944-1945

    • Records of the Arrow Cross Ministry of Religion and Education, 1944-1945

    This collection at the Hungarian National Archive contains a fragment of the documents of the fleeing Arrow Cross Ministry of Religion and Education. This Ministry operated at the Franciscan Convent in the city of Szombathely in the last stages of the war. The collection includes its presidential papers as well as papers of its seventeen departments, several of which are of relevance. However, the most relevant for the study of the history of the Holocaust in Hungary among the papers constitute a separate part beyond the papers of these seventeen departments: it is a collection of papers fr...

  8. A zsidók zár alá vett műtárgyainak számbavételére és megőrzésére kinevezett kormánybiztos iratai

    • Papers of the Government Commissioner to Review and Preserve the Locked Up Art Objects of Jews

    In early June of 1944, when the mass deportations of Hungarian Jews to Auschwitz-Birkenau were already under way, the Hungarian government decided that the expropriated wealth of Hungarian Jews ought to be controlled and handled by special agencies. The two most important new offices created for this purpose were the Zsidók Anyagi és Vagyonjogi Ügyeinek Megoldására Kinevezett Kormánybiztos Hivatala (The Government Commissioner’s Office for Solving the Material and Financial Affairs of the Jews) and a similar, though more specialized agency called the Zsidók Zár Alá Vett Műtárgyainak Számbav...

  9. A náci és nyilas rémtettek kivizsgálására alakult bizottság

    • Committee for the Investigation of Nazi and Arrow Cross Atrocities

    The documentation of the Holocaust (avant la lettre) started in Hungary practically as soon as the war had ended and it took various major forms. Holocaust survivors played major roles in several of the attempts at early documentation such as the DEGOB interview project with thousands of camp survivors. The many trials that dealt with crimes committed against Hungarian Jews during the war years and the documentation project pursued by the Committee for the Investigation of Nazi and Arrow Cross Atrocities were among the most important Hungarian state-based forms of Holocaust documentation. W...

  10. Elhagyott Javak Kormánybiztosságának iratai

    • Records of the Government Commissariat for Abandoned Possessions

    The Government Commissariat for Abandoned Possessions was established by decree on March 11, 1945. Its aims were to aid those who were personally impacted by the destruction wrought by the war and the German occupation and lost their homes, wealth and basis of existence as well as to aid those who were deported and help their return. The Commissariat was also responsible for the supervision and maintainance of abandoned houses, landholdings, firms, flats and furniture. The possessions that were left behind without legal inheritors were used to compensate those who were deported. The Commiss...

  11. Országos Zsidó Helyreállítási Alap iratai

    • Records of the National Jewish Rehabilitation Fund

    The National Jewish Rehabilitation Fund dealt with issues of restitution and compensation in Hungary. This collection contains decrees, studies, correspondence, memorandums, notes and background materials of the Rehabilitation Fund. It includes the correspondence of the National Jewish Rehabilitation Fund with a host of Hungarian Jewish individuals, with various Hungarian state authorities and other institutions regarding compensation and restitution. Individual claims that Hungarian Jewish survivors submitted to the Elhagyott Javak Kormánybiztosa (the Government Commissioner for Abandoned ...

  12. Halla Aurél államtitkár iratai

    • Records of State Secretary Aurél Halla

    The overwhelming majority of the records of the Ministry of Trade and Transportation were destroyed during the siege of Budapest in 1944-45, when the main building of the ministry was destroyed by bomb attack. Therefore, the records of the ministry survived in other collections have special relevance for the study of the economic anti-Jewish policies in Hungary. State Secretary Aurél Halla was one of the key persons in the Ministry of Trade and Transportation responsible for the planning and implementation anti-Jewish legislation. Halla also worked for various companies, and he was an activ...

  13. Országos Közellátási Hivatal ügyosztályainak iratai (1940-1945)

    • Records of the National Public Supplies Office (1940-1945)

    In Hungary, a Minister without Portfolio for Public Supplies (közellátás) was appointed in 1940. The major aims of creating such a new position was to exert increased state control and improve the organization of the economic life of the country, assure that foreign trade was beneficial for military as well as civilian purposes, and to have an uniform control and administration of the food supply as well as that of other public necessities. In order to help the work of the Minister without Portfolio, a National Office for Public Supplies (Országos Közellátási Hivatal) was organized. The Tra...

  14. Körrendeletek (1867-1942)

    • Circular Decress (1867-1942)

    This collection includes circular decrees (körrendeletek) of the Ministry of Finance for the years 1867 to 1942. The last four to five years covered by the collection, i.e. the late 1930s and early 1940s, is relevant for the study of anti-Semitic radicalization in Hungary since the anti-Semitic policies of the times were initated not only by numerous major anti-Semitic laws adopted in Parliament but were also implemented through hundreds of decrees and such circulars from ministries with the Ministry of Finance playing a notable role. Circular decrees from those years may have had explicit ...

  15. Magyar Országos Tudósító Rt. híranyaga (1924-1944)

    • The News of the Hungarian Reporter (1924-1944)

    The Hungarian Reporter (Magyar Országos Tudósító) was a subsidiary of the Hungarian News Agency. The lithograph it circulated was titled MOT and belonged among the most important semi-official news services in the country. It was based on information gathered at the Mayor’s Office, in the Sherrif’s Office of Pest County, at the State Police, in the major Courthouses, etc. Moreover, MOT included news items from leading political parties, vartious professional chambers, academic and literary institutions as well as the Protestant Churches (but not those of the Catholic Church in Hungary). The...

  16. Alapszabálygyűjtemény (1941-1944)

    • Collection of Statutes (1941-1944)

    The Collection of Statutes includes the statutes of a host of various associations, such as burial societies or pensioners clubs, for the years 1941 to 1944. It includes the statutes of Jewish associations operating in Hungary at this time as well. The collection is of special importance for the study of the process of anti-Semitic discrimination and exclusion, on the one hand, with question such as in what ways were attempts of Jewish self-organization restricted and under what conditions were Jewish associations allowed to continue to function. On the other, the statutes also reveal Jewis...

  17. Ankarai követség iratai, 1924-1945

    • Records of the Hungarian Embassy in Ankara, 1924-1945

    Records of the Hungarian Embassy in Ankara, the capital city of neutral Turkey, that are relevant for the study of the history of the Holocaust include citizenship cases of Hungarian Jews, cases of Jews deprived of German citizenship, visa requests to enter as well as to leave Turkey, including the visa of emigrating Jews, records of extradition, records related to Jews expelled from Hungary, to the granting of diplomatic visa (such as that of Oscar Schindler). There are also birth, death, marriage and baptism certificates, documents of employment, of criminality, of settling in Turkey, inh...

  18. Párizsi Főkonzulátus

    • Records of the Hungarian Chief Consulate in Paris

    Records of the Hungarian Chief Consulate in Paris, in Nazi-occupied France that are relevant for the study of the history of the Holocaust mostly concern issues of citizenship. There are documents related to hundreds of such cases, several of which even have photos of the individuals concerned. Moreover, there are birth, marriage, baptism and death certificates of Hungarian Jews (the former also serving as proofs of origin), matters related to their passports (including certificates of the return of one’s town of residence to Hungary) and entry permits. There are more general reports on Hun...

  19. A Kassai VIII. Csendőrkerület Ungvári Osztályának Gazdasági Hivatala (1939-1945)

    • Records of Ungvár Economic Office of the Kassa or 8th Gendarmerie District of Hungary (1939-1945)

    Next to various levels of public administration and the Hungarian police forces, the Hungarian gendarmerie was the major organization responsible for the implementation of the Holocaust in Hungary in 1944. Its representatives ghettoized and deported Hungarian Jews from the countryside and often did so in a cruel and brutal manner. The 8th Gendarmerie district of Hungary was organized upon Hungary's (re)acquisition of territory from Czechoslovakia around the time of the latter's destruction. The gendarmerie district had its center in Kassa and had one of its divisions in Ungvár. Miscellaneou...

  20. Külügyminiszter Kabinetjének iratai (1918-1944)

    • Records of the Cabinet of the Foreign Minister (1918-1944)

    The Cabinet of the Hungarian Foreign Ministry was responsible for presenting matters of foreign policy to the Council of Ministers as well as addressing internal matters that concerned the Foreign Minister as a member of the government. The Cabinet also prepared laws proposed in Parliament that belonged to the realm of foreign policy, parliamentary inquiries and ministerial decisions. The Cabinet also arranged meetings of foreigners with the Regent who did not have diplomatic status in Budapest. Last but not least, the Cabinet served as the secretariat of the Ministry.