Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 61 to 80 of 120
Language of Description: Danish
Language of Description: English
Holding Institution: Lietuvos Centrinis Valstybės Archyvas
  1. 1940 -1941 m. rinkimų dokumentų kolekcija

    • The Collection of the Election Documents (1940-1941)

    Lists of the electors (with many Jewish names) from many districts of Lithuania on December 1940-January 1941; statistics on the electors by nationality.

  2. Religijų reikalų taryba prie Lietuvos TSR Ministrų Tarybos

    • The Board of Religious Affairs Under the Council of Ministry of the Lithuanian Soviet Socialist Republic

    Register of communities; surveillance files of Jewish religious communitie; correspondence concerning activities against members of the Jewish religious communities during the period of Soviet occupation.

  3. Lazdijų apskrities viršininkas

    • Der Kreis-chef des Kreises Lasdien
    • Chief of Lazdijai District

    The fonds consist of documents of local collaborator' institutions and Nazi authorities, including: various kind of reports, orders, circulars, correspondence, register books of residents, lists of arrested people, lists of Soviet war prisoners, and lists of confiscated Jewish property (with names of owners). There are also documents concerning establishment of the ghetto in Lazdijai and about anti-Jewish moods amongst local residents.

  4. Ašmenos kalėjimas

    • Ašmena Prison

    Various documentation: correspondence, orders of the chief of the prisons, reports, lists of the prison's staff; statistics on prisoners, personal cards of the prisoners (1942-1943).

  5. 396-oji vyriausioji karo lauko komendantūra

    • Oberfeldkommandantur 396
    • Headquarters of Higher Field Command Number 396

    Documents about forced labour; certificates of workers; correspondence with military authorities in Königsberg and Riga about armaments supply.

  6. Petras Baublys

    Personal fonds of Pediatrician Petras Baublys who 1942-1944 worked as a director of an orphanage in Kaunas. Help for the Kaunas ghetto underground organization to hide children in the orphanage. The fonds consist of articles, abstracts, publications, reports and conferences' papers, various notes on medicine topic and issues, correspondence, lectures' material; various documents and photos with collegues.

  7. Šiaulių sunkiųjų darbų kalėjimas

    • Šiauliai Hard-Labour Prison

    List staff and prisoners of Šiauliai Hard-Labour Prison prisoners (lists of Jews prisoners).

  8. Laikinoji Lietuvos vyriausybė

    • Lithuanian Provisional Government

    This collection contains "economic and denationalisation documents with articles concerning property of Jews" (Galina Žirikova, Lietuvos centrinio valstybės archyvo fondai: holokausto Lietuvoje tyrimo šaltinis (The Collections of the State Archive of Lithuania: a Source of Research on the Holocaust in Lithuania), Vilnius: Valstybinis Vilniaus Gaono Žydų Muziejus, 2011, p. 11. There are documents from Generalkomissar A. T. von Renteln and from the head of the Provisional Government, J. Ambrazevičius. Some of these documents concern Jews. There are documents from Generalkomissar A. T. vo...

  9. Antinacistinės rezistencijos spauda. Lietuvos generalinė sritis

    • Collection of Press Items from Anti-Nazi Resistance. Lithuanian General Region

    'Prints by the Union of the Lithuanian Fighters' for Freedom: "Laisvės kovotojas", ,"Laisvas žodis", "Apžvalga", "Frontas"; proclamations, appeals, letters, posters. Prints by the members of the various organization in Lithuania (prints: ,"Į laisvę", "Lietuvių frontas", "Lietuvių fronto biuletenis", "Pogrindžio kuntaplis", "Atžalynas", "Baltija", "Nepriklausoma Lietuva", "Karinės ir politinės žinios", "Lietuvos laisvės trimitas", "Vieninga kova", "Mūsų žemė", "Naujas žygis", "Naujo žygio apžvalga", "Tautos žodis", "Lietuva", "Naujoji Lietuva", "Vardan tiesos". Some of the prints have antise...

  10. Vilniaus apygardos komisaras

    • Der Gebietskommissar Wilna-Land
    • Commissar of Vilnius County

    Different kinds of documents from the Ostland Reich Commissar; reports for the occupied country; documents about administrative fines for residents; correspondence about sanitary inspections and about forced labour and workers; lists of Jews working in the factories in Vilnius and information concerning their food allowances; other documents.

  11. Vilniaus miesto apygardos komisaras

    • Der Gebietskommissar der Stadt Wilna
    • Commissar of the City of Vilnius

    This collection contains "many documents concerning property confiscated from Jews as well as correspondence with the Ostland Reich commissariat and the Ministry for the Eastern Lands for transferring the cultural valuables to Germany. Many documents show activities of the Vilnius ghetto workshops, the use of ghetto labourers, and information about payrolls and various financial and economic issues" (Galina Žirikova, Lietuvos centrinio valstybės archyvo fondai: holokausto Lietuvoje tyrimo šaltinis (The Collections of the State Archive of Lithuania: a Source of Research on the Holocaust i...

  12. Generalinis komisaras Kaune

    • Der Generalkommissar in Kauen
    • General Commissar of the Lithuanian General Region

    The fonds consists of documents concerning confiscation and destruction of Lithuanian Jews' cultural valuables and attempts to save them in the ghetto. Items include orders, circulars, and correspondence of the Kaunas Gebietskommissar SA Hauptsturmfuehrer Jordan concerning confiscation of cultural valuables owned by Jews, communists, and Freemasons; documentation by Ostaland reichskomissar Lohse concerning the procedures for confiscating cultural valuables of political parties and organizations.

  13. Kauno miesto apygardos komisaras

    • Kaunas-Stadt Gebietskomissar
    • County Commissar of Kaunas City

    List of applications by Germans, who came to Lithuania during 1941-1944 to obtain certain goods; alphabetical documentation of German people who applied for and received these goods; documentation concerning food supply in the country and exploitation of the prisoners of war; documentation concerning confiscation of private property; registration lists of residents; list of Nazis authorities and staff.

  14. Vilniaus darbo birža

    • Arbeitsamt Wilna
    • Labour Exchange of the City of Vilnius

    Documents concerning forced labour in the city of Vilnius and Vilnius region; lists of Jewish workers of the Vilnius Ghetto; lists of prisoners of war; lists of the people arrested and prisoners; documents related to mobilization; correspondence with institutions and organizations which needed workers or which were already using workers under forced labour.

  15. Vyriausioji sveikatos valdyba

    • Hauptgesundheitsverwaltung
    • Central Health Administration

    Documents of administration, lists of staff members (doctors and nurses), list of Jewish property and equipment, information about infectious diseases, documents about healthcare, correspondence. There are various administrative documents about personnel and staff, lists of personnel and doctors, lists of Jewish doctors, statistics about diseases, documents concerning the County doctor’s observation of mass killing site in Švenčionys where 5000 Jews were murdered on 14 September 1942.

  16. Reichsleiterio Rosenbergo operatyvinio štabo okupuotoms sritims Darbo grupė Lietuvoje

    • Einsatzstab Reichsleiter Rosenberg für die besetzten Gebiete Arbeitsgruppe Litauen
    • Vilnius Branch of the Rosenberg Operative Command of the Lithuanian General Region

    "Documents about the looting of Jewish cultural valuables in Lithuania are very scarce"(Galina Žirikova, Lietuvos centrinio valstybės archyvo fondai : holokausto Lietuvoje tyrimo šaltinis (The Collections of the State Archive of Lithuania: a Source of Research on the Holocaust in Lithuania, Vilnius: Valstybinis Vilniaus Gaono Žydų Muziejus, 2011, p. 11. Correspondence of the Rosenberg Operative Command in Lithuania concerning various questions and research, reports of the Herman Kruk working groups in the Vilnius ghetto about the activities of the collecting of the valuables, reports o...

  17. Lietuvos studijų biuras

    • Studien-Büro Litauen
    • Bureau of Lithuanian Studies

    Documents concerning events and activities of the local white-banded partisans in Lithuania during the first days of the Second World War. While the German army was entering Lithuania the Soviet Red Army tried to escape to the East; local activists were arresting communists and Jews, issuing anti-Jewish announcements, and preparing for collaboration.

  18. Vilniaus miesto vykdomojo komiteto Sveikatos apsaugos skyrius

    • Health Executive Committee of Vilnius city

    Documents about activities of the medical institutions in Vilnius; lists of physicians and medical staff (Jewish names included).

  19. Vilniaus miesto savivaldybė

    • Stadtverwaltung Wilna
    • Municipality of the City of Vilnius

    This collection holds "documents dealing with the use of the Vilnius Ghetto inmates for work, payrolls, food cards for Jews, lists of the Jews in Vilnius 1 and 2 ghettos (September 1941), requests by gentiles to buy confiscated Jews' property" (Galina Žirikova, Lietuvos centrinio valstybės archyvo fondai : holokausto Lietuvoje tyrimo šaltinis (The Collections of the State Archive of Lithuania: a Source of Research on the Holocaust in Lithuania), Vilnius: Valstybinis Vilniaus Gaono Žydų Muziejus, p. 11. The fonds consists of personal documents of residents (154108 personal cards), docum...

  20. Saugumo policijos ir SD vado Lietuvai Lietuviškasis Panevėžio skyrius

    • Litauische Abteilung-Ponewesch des Kommandeurs der Sicherheitspolizei und des SD in Litauen
    • Panevėžys Department of the Security Police and SD in Lithuania

    The fond consist of files about persecution and, arrests; anti-semitic documents and reports, documents about mixed marriages and families; lists of arrested Jews, lists of Jews who were given to Nazi Security Police authorities; reports on moods of locals, files of investigations. Correspondence of the Chief of the Department of Local Security Police and SD with Nazi authorities; list of staff members of the Security Police in Panevėžys.