Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 39,241 to 39,260 of 39,553
Language of Description: Danish
Language of Description: German
Language of Description: English
  1. Komisja Badania Zbrodni Hitlerowskich w Rawie Mazowieckiej

    • Commission for the Investigation of Hitlerite Crimes in Rawa Mazowiecka

    The collection contains postwar witness statements by Polish witnesses to events connected with the extermination of the Jews in the surrounding localities, above all Biała Rawska and Rawa Mazowiecka; also questionnaires connected with the register of locations and facts about the crimes.

  2. Akta miasta Mogielnicy

    • Files of the town of Mogielnica

    The collection contains i.a. correspondence with parties including the Judenrat; cases concerning real estate.

  3. Akta miasta Rawy Mazowieckiej

    • Files of the town of Rawa Mazowiecka

    The collection contains i.a. lists of commercial and artisan enterprises including the addresses and names of their proprietors; postwar documents on the synagogues and the cemetery.

  4. Akta miasta Piaseczna

    • Files of the town of Piaseczno

    The collection contains i.a. German circulars and orders; files on social welfare; correspondence in connection with the establishment of the ghetto in Piaseczno; lists of real estate owned by Jews; population records; goods confiscated from Jewish shops.

  5. Akta miasta Sochaczewa

    • Files of the town of Sochaczew

    The collection contains i.a. documents of Sochaczew city governor’s office, including lists of shops owned by Jews; ordinances from the period of the occupation concerning or affecting Jews, including some concerning the establishment of a Jewish quarter in January 1941; correspondence of the Judenrat concerning forced labour and food ration cards; lists of Jews by labour details.

  6. Akta miasta Grójca

    • Files of the town of Grójec

    The collection contains i.a. cases of forced labour, execution of fines and other dues; files containing records and inspection reports on population movements; business, revenue and currency matters; correspondence regarding expulsion of the Jews and confiscations of their real estate; files on apartment and house searches and sanitation issues; statistics; lists of Jewish shops, industrial plants and farms; German propaganda documents.

  7. Akta miasta Góry Kalwarii

    • Files of the town of Góra Kalwaria

    The collection contains i.a. postwar documentation regarding Jewish real estate.

  8. Akta miasta Grodziska Mazowieckiego

    • Files of the town of Grodzisk Mazowiecki

    The collection contains i.a. the list of farms owned by Jews; German public announcements and ordinances affecting or concerning Jews; documents of the Zarząd Komisaryczny Nieruchomościami Żydowskimi (Jewish Real Estate Trustee Administration Board); a list of names of Jews assigned for forced labour; files on specific real estate owned by Jews; personal files of some people from Grodzisk, among them Bernard Kampelmacher, later a cooperator with Oneg Shabat in the Warsaw ghetto;

  9. Akta miasta Pruszkowa

    • Files of the town of Pruszków

    The collection contains i.a. the partially preserved files of the Zarząd Komisaryczny Nieruchomości Żydowskich miasta Pruszkowa (Jewish Real Estate Trustee Administration Board of the city of Pruszków) dating from 1941-1944; also a list of real estate owned by Jews; summary population censuses of Pruszków; lists of abandoned real estate; and registered address ledgers for some real estate, for periods including the occupation.

  10. Kolekcja pomorskich planów i map

    • Collection of Pomeranian plans and maps

    Under file no. 38/382, there is a photograph album from the island Wyspa Spichrzów in Gdańsk, where in 1939 the Germans set up a ghetto for the Jewish population.

  11. Spółka Gruntowa dla Prowincji Górnośląskiej z o.o. w Katowicach Oddział w Bielsku

    • Real Estate Company for the Province of Upper Silesia with limited liability, Head Office in Katowice, Bielsko Branch
    • Grundstücksgesellschaft für die Provinz Oberschlesien m.b.H. Leitstelle Kattowitz Zweigstelle Bielitz
  12. Związek Patriotów Polskich w ZSRR

    • Union of Polish Patriots in the USSR

    Most important for the subject of interest here are the files of the Komitet Organizacyjny Żydów Polskich (Polish Jews’ Organizational Committee) affiliated to the ZPP from the years 1944-1945, which include minutes of meetings and conferences, documents concerning Jewish writers, biographies and profiles of activists, and information on the situation of the Jews in the USSR

  13. Narodowe Sily Zbrojne

    • National Armed Forces
  14. Armia Krajowa

    • The Home Army

    The files include those of Home Army's Jewish Department, which gathered information on the fate of the Jewish population in the Polish lands and served as the basis for the compilation of the “black books of Nazi crimes”,

  15. Akta Ignacego Schwarzbarta

    • Ignacy Schwarzbart Files

    This record group comprises all Schwarzbart’s files from his time in France in 1939-1940, as well as some sets of his papers from other periods, above all correspondence, notes, press cuttings, and articles written for print; file no. 13 contains official printed matter of the National Council and typescripts of Schwarzbart’s speeches.

  16. Joseph Kermish Collection, Director of the Yad Vashem Archives, 1953-1979

    Dr. Joseph Kermish's personal archive includes personal documentation that recounts his experiences during the war and following it. The archive also contains extensive correspondence with public figures in Israel and abroad and with various organizations and entities extending over a period of more than 50 years. The subjects covered in the correspondence include the Yad Vashem Communities Registry Project, collecting the material for the Eichmann Trial, publication of Emmanuel Ringelblum's archive, "Oneg Shabbat", publication of Adam Czerniakow's diary and the history of the Warsaw Ghetto...

  17. ENSV Riikliku Julgeoleku Komitee lõpetatud uurimistoimikute kollektsioon

    • Estonian Soviet Socialist Republic KGB, Collection of files of closed investigations
    • Коллекция прекращенных следственныхдел
    • Rahvusarchiiv
    • ERAF.130SM
    • English
    • 1920-1990
    • 15,448 records in 2 series; original bounded paper documents; partly digitalized.

    This archival fonds includes mostly cases of political repressions of the Soviet regime (1940-1941 and after 1944). A smaller part contains the interrogation materials of former guards and officials of the Concentration Camps, police and military personnel among Estonian residents who participated in or were accused of participating in Nazi crimes during the Second World War. The basic languages of the documents are Russian and Estonian; only a limited number of documents are in German (copied documents from the German occupation period) or other languages.

  18. Välisriikide järelepärimised seoses sõjakuritegude uurimisega

    • Inquiries of foreigners regarding investigation of crimes against humanity
    • Материалы по запросам иностанных государств в связи с расследованием военных преступлений
    • Rahvusarchiiv
    • ERAF.133SM
    • English
    • 1942-1990
    • 24 records; original paper documents, photocopies, alphabetical card files.

    This archival fonds includes mostly correspondence between Soviet State Security Institutions and Prosecutors’ Offices concerning Inquiries of foreign states (USA, Canada, Australia, German Dem. Rep., German Fed. Rep.) regarding investigations of war crimes and crimes against humanity; correspondence between Soviet institutions about using investigation materials for propaganda purposes. Six files (ERAF.133SM.1.18 - ERAF.133SM.1.23) include mainly photocopies from documents from German period, copies from KGB interrogation protocols, and investigation materials. File ERAF.133SM.1.24 contain...

  19. ENSV Riikliku Julgeoleku Komitee lõpetamata uurimistoimikute kollektsioon

    • Estonian Soviet Socialist Republic KGB Archive, Collection of files of incomplete investigations
    • Коллекция следственных дел
    • Rahvusarchiiv
    • ERAF.129SM
    • English
    • 1932-1990
    • 13,422 Records, original paper documents, partly digitalized.

    This archive fond includes mostly cases of political repressions of Soviet regime (1940-1941 and after 1944). It contains also as smaller part the interrogation materials of the former guards and officials of the Concentration Camps, police officers and military among Estonian residents, who participated or was accused in participating during the Second World War in Nazi crimes. The basic languages of documents are Russian and Estonian; only a limited number of documents are in German (copied documents from German occupation period) or other languages.

  20. Eesti Julgeolekupolitsei ja SD Komandör Eestis

    • Commander of the Security Police and SD in Estonia
    • Kommandeur der Sicherheitspolizei und des SD in Estland
    • Rahvusarchiiv
    • ERA.R-819
    • English
    • 1941-1944
    • 91 records

    This fonds contains different kinds of documentation of the Commander of the Security Police and SD in Estonia (1941-1943 SS-Standartenführer Martin Sandberger; 1943-1944 SS-Obersturmbannführer Bernhard Baatz): 1) Management documents - 25 records 2) Investigation files - 66 records Includes: Jahresbericht der Sipo und SD July 1941–30 June 1942 / Annual report German Security Police and SD in Estonia July 1941–30 June 1942 with statistics about executed Jews. Detailed information on all of these sub-categories is available [here](