Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 321 to 340 of 1,894
Holding Institution: Wiener Holocaust Library
  1. Herta Ningo: family papers

  2. Joachim Prinz: Miscellaneous papers

  3. Mayor of Nuremberg: notice to Council officers

    Typescript notice from the mayor of Nuremberg instructing council officials to ensure that they always use correct German, ie free from foreign influenceThese instructions issued by the mayor of Nuremberg to the city's council officials reflect the Nazi preoccupation with maintaining the supposed purity of the German language. The last paragraph strongly urges individuals, professions, businesses etc to be described in terms of their ethnicity; they are either German or Jewish. They can not therefore be described as being Christian since the latter does not define ethnicity.

  4. Neues Leben: Miscellaneous papers

    Papers of the organization Neues Leben including a membership list, 1934; article on its foundation; and miscellaneous papers

  5. Report re Westerbork concentration camp, Holland

    This collection consists of a typescript, annotated (possibly) original report into conditions at Westerbork Concentration camp, entitled Kollektive Arbeit einer Widerstandsgruppe, apparently produced by member(s) of the 'Widerstandsgruppe' a typescript copy of the same; and correspondence between the Alfred Wiener and Professor David Cohen, Amsterdam relating to the above. The associated correspondence questions the reliability of the report. The report is critical, amongst others, of Professor Cohen, who had something to with the camp, and who subsequently wrote a book about the camp.

  6. Typed report into the fate of Rabbi Dr. E. Steckelmacher and his wife

    Typed report into the fate of Rabbi Dr. E. Steckelmacher and his wife during the Nazi era including an account of their experiences in their home town of Dürkheim, Württemberg, in 1933, when the Nazis came to power; 1934 at the time of the boycott of Jewish shops and businesses; Kristallnacht; conditions in Gurs Concentration Camp, Pyrenees, France; conditions in Camp du Recebedon, near Toulouse and a slave labour camp in Villemur, FranceGerman 15 pages 

  7. Israel - home of hope

  8. Josef Weisz: copy papers

    They consist of statements and correspondence of Josef Weisz relating to the time he spent as an inmate in Westerbork and Bergen Belsen concentration camps.

  9. Copy correspondence re post war Jewish Relief

    Copy correspondence between the Jewish Relief Unit and the Jewish Committee for Relief Abroad re the provision of relief parcels for non-Jewish Hamburg residentsEnglish 2 items 

  10. August Grüber: report re Dachau

    Report of conditions in Dachau concentration camp, giving a classification of prisoners in the camp also including mention of cabaret evenings replete with reference to jokes about conditions.German 1 page 

  11. Personal papers of Helga Lewin (née Krebs) relating to her compensation claims

    The papers in this collection document the attempts made by Helga Lewin to gain compensation for suffering caused by the Nazi regime. They include settlements and decisions made by the Entschädigungsamt, Berlin and the Berlin district court along with affidavits and numerous expert witness statements.

  12. Copy correspondence from girl re life in Vienna

    They are mirror image typescript mimeographed transcriptions, the majority of which are copy letters from Leni, the 12 year old girl. In addition to the above there is an (apparently unrelated) unidentified mirror image mimeographed manuscript memo re tax allowances.

  13. Jewish Committee for Relief Abroad and the Jewish Relief Unit: Organisational papers

    This collection of papers documenting the activities of the Jewish Committee for Relief Abroad and the Jewish Relief Unit, the former's operational arm, consists of numerous separate deposits, the details of which were never recorded. Of particular interest are the following: a volume of original signed minutes of the JCRA; reports from individual JRU members covering a wide variety of JRU activities in various countries; and 6 bundles of apparently original lists of Mauthausen Concentration camp inmates.The original order in which the collections were listed has been retained.

  14. Central British Fund for World Jewish Relief: Archives

    This collection is held at the Wiener Library on microfilm.

  15. NSDAP Main Archive

    The Hauptarchiv was set up primarily as a depository for source material on which historians of the future would draw to write the history of the party. Its emphasis, therefore, lay on the years between 1919 and 1933. Material going back as far as 1890 was collected, however, to encompass the political and ideological forerunners of National Socialism, and although the spotlight was on the party itself, considerable importance was attached to parallel nationalist “voelkisch” movements and political opponents – for example, the entire files of the Deutsche Demokratische Partei were taken ove...