Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 1,421 to 1,440 of 1,894
Language of Description: English
Holding Institution: Wiener Holocaust Library
  1. List of Gestapo and SS war criminals

    This list of leading Nazi war criminals with brief details of their crimes and fate, is the result of research conducted by the Zentrale Stelle der Landesjustizverwaltungen

  2. Various family documents

    This collection actually consists of 3 unrelated collections, which were brought together for no obvious reason, the 4 other collections which made up the original, having since been dispersed. 574c is a deposit of various papers from N. J. Lamont re the French Foreign Legion.

  3. Roman Herzog: text of speech

    This document is the text of an address given by Roman Herzog, the president of Germany to the German parliament on 27 January 1999.

  4. Captain Robert Philip Baker-Byrne: personal papers

    This collection of personal papers documents, in part, the life of Robert Philip Baker-Byrne, formerly Rudolf Philipp Becker, a German Jewish emigrant to Great Britain who, having served in the Pioneer Corps, ended his war time activities working for the British Secret Service, and after the war as a war crimes investigator.

  5. Marek Tancos: copy immigration appeal determination

    This immigration appeal determination relates to the case of a Czech Gypsy, who was racially persecuted in his native Czech Republic, and is finally given leave to reside in Great Britain after numerous unsuccessful attempts.

  6. Deutsche Arbeitsfront: Copy warning re boycotting Jewish companies

    Copy letter from the Deutsche Arbeitsfront, Westfalen, addressed to Willi Maddesi, to warn him that as he was still placing orders with a Jewish firm he ran the risk of losing his business and he was to deal with firms that bore the sign of the Deutsche Arbeitsfront on their windows 

  7. Edith Newton (née Kramm) collection

    This collection comprises mostly correspondence between Edith Newton née Kramm, a Jewish refugee from Austria, and Paul Newton, formerly Neugröschel, also a Jewish refugee probably from Austria. In addition there is some general correspondence including official correspondence related to Naturalisation and a collection of photographs.

  8. Institute for Democratic Education, NY, Flyers

    Diverse printed anti-racist material from the Institute for American Democracy Inc., including eight miniature postersEnglish 

  9. Strauss/ Sterzelbach Family papers

    This collection contains family correspondence, 1858-1923 (1866/1) replete with English translations- correspondents include Leo and Elise Sterzelbach, Jette Hoenigsberger, Moritz Lichtenstetter, Berta Lichtenstetter et al; correspondence between Kossy Strauss and Moritz Sterzelbach et al 1938-1939 (1866/2); Correspondence concerning assistance with emigration of family and friends, 1938-1939 (1866/3-4); Summary and inventory of correspondence in 1866/3-4 (1866/5); Index and copy correspondence re emigration, 1938-1939 also copy photographs (1866/6); miscellaneous documents re the Lichtenst...

  10. Political Intelligence Department: various papers

    These papers are evidence of the work of the Political Intelligence Department of the Foreign Office in its efforts to guage official and public opinion in Nazi Germany on a whole range of subjects.

  11. Documentation re the exhibition "Jews in Germany under Prussian Rule"

    This collection consists of publicity material and correspondence regarding an exhibition entitled "Jews in Germany under Prussian Rule". At one time it seems that the Wiener Library was planning on hosting the exhibition.The historical exhibition "Jews in Germany...", compiled by the Bildarchiv Preussischer Kulturbesitz, Berlin, in cooperation with the Leo Baeck Institute in New York, was originally entitled "Jews in Prussia" and opened in September 1981 in West Berlin and has since appeared throughout the Federal Republic of Germany.

  12. Anti-Nazi activities worldwide: leaflets and circulars

    The collection consists of leaflets and circulars of anti-nazi organizations in various countries across the world. Much of the material is annotated with the reference 112F, probably an early Wiener Library subject reference code, which suggests that the material was deposited shortly after it was produced.

  13. Rosel and Selli Goldstein: copy correspondence

    Copy correspondence from former residents of Dresden, two sisters, Rosel and Selli Goldstein, in Sorlice, Poland, to their former teacher, Fräulein Dr. Apt in Dresden and later Upper Norwood, London.

  14. Podhorcer family documents

    This collection of family documents consists of official papers such as copy birth, marriage and death certificates of an Austrian Jewish couple, who, it is assumed managed to escape to Great Britain just before the war (certificates declaring the couple's payment of any outstanding debts to the state are dated 1939).

  15. Letter from Dr Georg Brdiczka

    Letter from Dr Georg Brdiczka to Paul (?) asking for assistance with finding workEnglish 

  16. Copy telegram re removal of Jews from Marseille to Compeigne

    Copy telegram, signed Schleier, re an order by the SD to remove foreigners, mainly Jews, from Marseille district to Camp in CompiègneGerman 

  17. Correspondence and papers of Leo Baeck

    Correspondence and papers of Leo Baeck including typescript notes of a meeting between Dr. Albert Schweitzer and Leo Baeck, October 1955 (1156/9)This collection of correspondence between Leo Baeck and Mrs Ilse Grimbly, Leo Baeck's former secretary, is mostly of an ephemeral nature.