Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 1,181 to 1,200 of 1,894
Language of Description: English
Holding Institution: Wiener Holocaust Library
  1. Sayeed: Book list

    List of books supplied by Mrs Sayeed to the British Library, Department of Oriental manuscripts and the Mocatta Library, UCL. 

  2. Henny Levin family papers

    Kurt Steiner papers (1867/1) including Jewish passport, birth, marriage, death, school and naturalisation certificates, 1927-1966; Ilse Steiner papers (1867/2) including birth and marriage certificates, war time correspondence with mother, restitution claim material, passport and will 1938-1963; Richard Steiner papers (1867/3) including birth certificate, Familien Stammbuch, residency permit, WWI Iron Cross citation, 1884-1939; Else Steiner papers (1867/4) including birth certificate, residency permit, marriage certificate, naturalisation certificate, death certificate,1911-1983; Beatrice L...

  3. Notes re nazi war crimes

    Typescript documents detailing Nazi crimes. Each document is laid out in the following format: Name of accused (often initials); Date and place of commission of alleged crime; Number and description of crime in War crimes list; Short statement of facts; Particulars of alleged crime; Particulars of evidence in support. The crimes include: Jewish cemetery desecration, Krefeld, 1942-1944; murder in Aachen, 1938; kidnapping and murder in Wuppertal, 1933; deportation, terrorism, torture, Berlin, 1940s; murder, Detmold, 1933

  4. Jewish associations in Erfurt: SD-RFSS file

    Readers need to reserve a reading room terminal to access a digital version of this collection.This file of documentation on the membership and activities of Jewish organisations in Erfurt in the 1930s reveals as much about the organisations themselves as it does about Nazi preoccupations with them.Reports and correspondence: Centralverein deutscher Staatsbürger jüdischen Glaubens: questionnaire and papers, frames1-3Reports and correspondence: Frauengruppe des Centralvereins; membership list of jüdischer Centralverein, 30 Sep 1938, frames 4-9Israelitische Wohltätigkeitsverein "Chewra": memb...

  5. Germans in exile: List of documents

    List of documents in the Bundesarchiv, Koblenz on German exiles, 1933-1945 The collection also includes some copy documentation regarding the activities of Prinz Max zu Hohenlohe-Langenburg and Siegfried Rädel, c1943.

  6. Isabella Roth: personal papers

    Collection of papers of Isabella Roth, an Austrian Jewish refugee.

  7. Georg and Eva Oppenheim collection

    This collection contains copy documentation pertaining to Georg Oppenheim's legal training and career; his trial for anti-nazi activities; his post war restitution claim and original correspondence to Eva Stein from her family and Georg Oppenheim.

  8. Hebrew pamphlet: 'Power and Elite'

    This pamphlet was produced in the aftermath of Menachem Begin's election victory.

  9. Reb Hirsch Marx Uhlfelder: Copy family tree

    Copy family tree of Reb Hirsch Marx Uhlfelder compiled by his grandson Joseph Lincoln Uhlfelder, Dresden 1938 

  10. Gerald L.K. Smith: pamphlets

    This collection consists of a set of racist and anti-Semitic pamphlets and other material produced by Gerald L. K. Smith, 1898-1976. The subjects range from attacks on the Black population in the USA to 'a world Jewish conspiracy' behind the Russian Revolution and US Middle East policy amongst others.

  11. George Clare: text of talk

    This talk was given by George Clare at the Wiener Library on the 17th November 1997.

  12. List of Gestapo and SS war criminals

    This is a typescript list of Nazi war criminals, with brief details of the nature of their crimes arranged, in sections according to the place of crime eg Lithuania, Latvia or Belsen, Auschwitz.

  13. Israel Feldhuhn collection

    Israel Feldhuhn collection 

  14. Duke of Bedford: copy correspondence and papers

    This collection of mostly copy correspondence between the Duke of Bedford, the notorious Nazi sympathiser and antisemite, and R. J. Scrutton deals primarily with a discussion of ways to persuade the British population to support a peaceful solution to the war with Germany.

  15. Article re Jewish public servants, Frankfurt

    This article provides short biographical sketches on some of the more well known Jewish public figures in Frankfurt am Main from the early 19th to the 20th centuries. Included are personalities from the fields of commerce, politics, social reform, the arts and science.