Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 1,961 to 1,980 of 6,679
Holding Institution: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
  1. International Red Cross photographs

    Consists of 20 photographs depicting the work of the International Red Cross, primarily in Europe but also in Asia, at the end of the Second World War and in the immediate postwar period. Original Spanish language inscriptions on the reverse describe the scenes captured and provide additional context related to aid efforts undertaken by the organization.

  2. Selected records from the State Archives of Bolzano

    This collection contains Jewish personal files from the region Bolzano in Italy.

  3. Mary Dorrit Krattner collection

    Consists of a newspaper notice of the death of Mary Dorrit Krattner and a copy of the words spoken by priest Alistair Bate at Ms. Krattner's funeral in 2006. During the service, Bate described Ms. Krattner's experiences as a child in Vienna, her departure on a Kindertransport to Edinburgh in 1939, life with the McKinley family during the war, and her post-war life in Scotland.

  4. Nicholas G. Winton collection

    Contains photocopies of pages from the book "Time Zones" by Joe Schlesinger; a photocopy of a names list containing hundreds of Czech children brought to the United Kingdom by the British Committee for Refugees from Czechoslovakia, Children's Section, under the leadership of Nicholas Winton; and a photocopy of an article published in the "Evening Post" 21 June 1991 entitled "Prague Reunion for Hero Father: He Rescued 664 Children."

  5. Joseph Spitz papers

    Contains a memoir entitled "Story Written in the Exact Words of Joseph Spitz's Experiences During the Time of the Holocaust"; a photograph of Joseph Spitz taken in 1946, in the Weilheim German Displaced Persons camp; a photograph of Joseph Spitz's family dated 1930; and a photograph of Ilona Spitz, the wife of Joseph Spitz, with children Agnes Veronika and Klara Judith, who perished in Auschwitz in 1944.

  6. Eugen Heydt papers

    Contains correspondence, statements of payments from the German office of retirement and aid service payments to a Charlotte Heyd, living in Miami, Florida for the year 1978, and to Eugen Heydt and his child Gisela Heydt who applied for naturalization in 1951. The Heydts left Germany in 1938, to go to Johannesburg in South Africa.

  7. A memoir relating to experiences in Vienna and France

    Testimony, 11 pages, handwritten, about experiences of Arthur Kern (born Oswald Kernberg), originally of Vienna. Describes Anschluss, separation from parents when he was sent on a kindertransport to France in 1939, occupation of France, time in orphanages administered by O.S.E., fate of parents (tried to get out, eventually deported to camps and killed), transport to U.S. in 1941, life in New York.

  8. Collection relating to antisemitism and other Holocaust subjects

    Contains a bound photo album from the SS-Border Police school at Pretzsch (Elbe), located southeast of Wittenberg, depicting activities and facilities at the school; enclosed typed note, from Col. Julian Raymond (CIC) states that it was presented to Himmler with a dedication in December 1939. Also includes item is a book (paperback), "Völker, Völkergruppen, und Volksstämme auf dem ehemaligen Gebiet der UdSSR," compiled by the Reichsführer SS, Rasseamt und Institut für Grenz- und Auslandsstudien," 1942; collectible stamps from Third Reich; identification passes for refugees (former camp inma...

  9. Alexandre Frank collection

    The collection documents Alexandre Frank and his wife Elka Barth Frank's efforts to help Jewish refugee children at Château de le Hille during the Holocaust. Contains a photocopy of a French article, dated circa 1985, regarding their work at le Hille; a photocopy of a 1985 German article from Freiheit regarding the Franks; two photocopies of lists of names and addresses of refugee children in the Franks' care; and an original copy of "Les Enfants de La Hille 1942-1985." containing biographies of the refugee children compiled for a 1985 reunion.

  10. Valeriu and Eva Gerson Marcu identity card

    Certificate of Identity for Traveller (Certificat d'Identit et de voyage), issued to Valeriu and Eva Gerson Marcu, September 30, 1940. Booklet format: typewritten form with handwritten entries, photographs of bearers, contains entry, exit and transit visas; issued by Rumanian consulate at Bziers, France; illegible signature; valid through September 30, 1941. In French, Rumanian, Spanish, Portuguese and English. The Marcu family were refugees in France and prominent anti-fascists; they were aided in their escape by the Centre Americain de Secours.

  11. Jews at UNRRA camp in Austria

    Displaced persons, UNRRA. Signs in Hebrew. At right, sign reading "UNRRA DP camp Admont." Several scenes of Jews marching with picks and shovels. LS, camp, tending crops, hoeing, women washing (various shots). MCU, four men walking on dirt road, UNRRA official? UNRRA officers caring for children. School children, teenagers sitting at desks outside, teacher writes on blackboard: "We hope to go to Palestine" in English and Hebrew. Couple looking at announcement board. CU, man sitting on steps.

  12. Selected records from the Foreign Office and Diplomatic Service Administration Office: Chief Clerk's Department and successors: Records (FO 366)

    Contains general correspondence from the Foreign Office and Diplomatic Service Administration Office, Chief Clerk’s Department relating to the employment of local Jews in British Middle East missions, 1945. These records consist of accounts and internal affairs of the Foreign Office, the Messengers, and the Diplomatic and Consular Services.

  13. March of Time -- outtakes -- Jewish boys on English farm

    Flint Hall Farm maintained by YMCA agreed to take 50 Jewish boys. Boys lead harnessed work horses from farm stables. Out in field they are taught to plough as instructor (in suit and hat) watches. Good CUs. Boy throws out feed for cattle from back of cart. Boy being given instruction on milking of cow.

  14. Selected case files of the Border Police (Expedientes de Frontera) Spanish border files

    Contains case files on non-Spaniards (mainly German and Italian refugees) arrested and imprisoned for attempting illegal border crossings into Spain.

  15. Refugee Assistance Fund letter

    Contains a printed announcement in letter form about the "Refugee Assistance Fund." The letter indicates that some money was raised at Albert Hall "as a result of his (Einstein's) generous and unselfish help when he spoke to the only public gathering he has ever addressed," but more money is needed for the cause.