Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 18,521 to 18,540 of 22,191
Holding Institution: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
  1. Hitler supporters parade in rain

    Universal Newsreel, Vol. 5, No. 128, Part 2. Release date, 03/16/1933. Nazi parade in Berlin. Brown-shirts parade through streets (in formation). Nazis march through the Brandenburg Gate. LS of crowd with umbrellas lining streets, and parade. Some tracking shots and shots from above. Flags and banners. Parade, building with people on the balcony waving, marching soldiers, camera follows flag bearer. Other parts of the newsreel include: 01:10:02 Nashville, TN "30 dead and hundred injured as tornado hits Southern town"

  2. German Army convoy

    Military and Red Cross trucks fill country lane. Prisoners marching. Nazis running in a city, checking IDs, directing traffic, etc. They check the papers of two Germans riding bicycles. Truck full of refugees' belongings. Tanks in country road.

  3. Jewish families pose for camera; street scenes in Humenne

    Reel 2. Shows families (the Sommers, the Kleins, the Grosmans) in Humenne. Man greets the camera. Girls at play, dancing in a circle, including Zuzana Sermerova (b. 1924). Family group poses. CU sign, "Garage." Two men peel potatoes. Roof of garage building. Family members pose in front of gate. CU Judith Klein (sister of Bernard and Emery) in a baby carriage. Group of kids wave and walk to camera, CUs. Men walk to camera, one takes off suspenders, walks towards camera. Bernard and Emery sit in the grass with the movie camera case. CU, Judith in carriage. Family in garden; in front of house...

  4. Bremen harbor

    VAR LS ship in harbor; people board ship as those on dock wave; people are nicely dressed.

  5. Cavalry regiment through Berlin gate

    Led by a drummer on a white horse, a cavalry regiment passses through a gate. There is snow on the ground and the breath of the men and the horses is visible in the air. Some of the men on horseback carry and play instruments, while others hold swords. The parade moves along a street, accompanied by a scant crowd which follows along on the sidewalk. There is a gap in the film between 02:25 and 02:28 and a brief blank spot at 03:00.

  6. Burning synagogue in Riga, Latvia

    Night time footage of various views of Riga synagogue in flames. Beautiful windows and panes consumed by fire.

  7. Distribution of propaganda; crowds

    A banner announcing a food transport for the Sudetenland. Food for Sudeten Germans brought in on trucks. Propaganda papers tossed to crowds. A close up of a newspaper reading "Memel ist frei!" View of banner reading, "We have arrived home!" A man is shown painting over the Lithuanian words on a sign so that only the German is visible. The sign appears to designate a train station. Memel, formerly part of East Prussia until it was ceded to Lithuania under the Versailles Treaty, was annexed back to Germany in March of 1939. Soldiers enter town in trucks, greeted by rambunctious crowd. Shots o...

  8. Jews in ghetto of Dabrowa Gornicza & Bedzin, Poland; street scenes, workers, sewing workshop of Rossner

    Jews walking on sidewalk, nicely dressed, past storefronts, including "Schumacherei". Jewish Stars marked "Jude" worn on clothing, mostly young adults. CUs. Funny angle up, Jewish star on clothes of boy and his dad. 01:00:24 Policeman passing quickly close to camera. 01:00:30 Large group of many smiling women with Jewish stars close together, elevated camera angle. CU, pan CU to more faces. 01:00:31 Wider shot, big crowd on street in front of building. Pan up brick building to window with bars, three men lean heads out window. CU men from elevated angle. Serious-looking man, grim woman, two...

  9. Nazi atrocities

    Views/scenes of concentration camps Ohrdruf, Hadamar, Nordhausen, and Buchenwald. Exhumation of bodies, German civilians taken on tour of camp; survivors and soldiers; stacks of bodies. Shots of US war prisoners at a camp.

  10. Hitler and others study map

    General Dietl walks with Hitler at Hitler's headquarters in Berlin. INT shots, Jodl, Keitel, and Hitler stand over map on desk. Pointing at maps, discussing.

  11. Latvian Nationalists massacred by GPU

    Bodies of Latvian Nationalists murdered by GPU in or around Riga. Shots of the dead carried on stretchers and lined in rows on the ground, some placed in wooden coffins. Women stand, gathered together, rocking, weeping, holding each other; some CU of their mourning. Some brief, gruesome views of the bodies, including children. Alone, wailing old woman clasps her hands in despair. (Anti-Bolshevist propaganda) Mangled bodies.

  12. Hindenburg's Funeral

    Hindenburg's funeral. Wagon carries coffin. Six soldiers stand by coffin. Iron Cross. MS, then VLS of Hitler walking past coffin to podium. Hitler speaks.

  13. Nazi Party Rally (Nuremberg): Hitler Youth, BDM, SS

    Nazi Party Rally at Nuremberg / Armed Forces Day. Planes fly over, tanks in formation on field. Close shot of older woman in scarf selling fruit in main square, Nuremberg. (Some spoiled footage, frame line out of rack 01:07:25 - 01:07:34) Hitler Youth airclub; young men launch gliders near Berlin. BDM (Bund deutscher Maedel / League of German Girls) on the road between Dresden and Nuremberg. Small troops walking on cobblestone country road, singing; one carries BDM flag. Adolescent girls in BDM uniform of white shirts, kerchiefs. Some in regular clothes. Older BDM members lined up on parade...

  14. Shlomo Goldberg collection

    Consists of the diary of Shlomo Goldberg and other documents relating to his life in Europe and the United States.

  15. Mordechai Goldsamer collection

    Includes various documents and copyprints relating to the activities of Mordechai Goldsamer before, during, and after the Holocaust. Among the topics covered are the Jutrznia sports organization (athletic club for Jewish youth), the Warsaw Ghetto uprising, and Goldsamer's work with the United Jewish Survivors of Nazi Persecution.

  16. Office of the Government Kommissar for the Productivity of Jewish Population in Poland records (AAN 201)

    Consists of various documents concerning the activities of the Office of the Kommissar of the Productivity of the Jewish Population in Poland. Subjects include finances, industry, employment, Jewish settlement, population movement, and aid to Jews.

  17. Autobiography of Edith Gerda Riemer

    Consists of a copy of an autobiography by Edith Gerda Riemer (née Lefor). The autobiography describes Riemer's experiences as a young Jew in Germany prior to the Holocaust and her emigration to England in 1939. The autobiography also includes information concerning Riemer's family history and her years spent in summer camps and hospitals in England. Three pages are missing from the original manuscript.

  18. Berlin collection (MK 310.33)

    Contains instructions from the Generalkommissar in Belarus (White Russia); photos of Reich Finance Minister Lutz von Schwerin-Krosigk in Riga; correspondence about the Jewish Question and gassing equipment; a list of books; the funeral speech for the Generalkommissar of White Russia, Wilhelm Kube; reports on the mood of the population in White Russia; statistics on Germans in White Russia; documents of Einsatzstab Rosenberg dealing with Minsk, Orel, Brjansk, Gorki, and Białystok; material relating to resistance in White Russia and the Baltic states; and information about propaganda.

  19. Nathan Koenig articles from the Washington Jewish review and the Jewish daily bulletin

    Consists of clippings of articles written by Nathan Koenig for the Washington Jewish review and the Jewish daily bulletin. The majority of the articles appeared in a column of the Jewish daily bulletin titled "Capital comment." The articles discuss a wide range of topics, among them economic conditions in Europe during the 1930s, American reaction to the Nazi persecution of Jews and certain Christian groups, immigration to the United States, and Adolf Hitler's rise to power.