Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 18,361 to 18,380 of 22,191
Holding Institution: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
  1. Street scenes in Wittenberg; Hitler Youth; church

    Establishing shot, EXT, MLS of street, Schlosskirche (All Saints Church) in BG where Luther nailed his 95 theses. Workers are digging a trench along street. SS man standing on sidewalk as traffic passes; bus comes up and stops. Nazi official with swastika armband directing traffic; two women pass in FG, wheeling baby carriage. Cut to EXT, MS, angle up, church roof and steeple. MCU, worker digging trench with a pick-axe, pauses to look at camera. CU, doorway of church, painting of the crucifixion in arch above door, writing on the door. MCU, rear view of man opening church door; enters. INT,...

  2. Goebbels and "Der Angriff"

    A very brief shot of a printing press switches to the masthead of "Der Angriff" [The Attack] with a close up on the line "published by Dr. Goebbels". A sequence of shots of Goebbels: getting out of his car, speaking, working at his desk. The screen splits with the words (partially cut off on screen): Der Angriff ___gt Unsere [ver?]teidigung [Der Angriff is our defence?). Goebbels is shown speaking on the other side of the screen.

  3. Hitler speaks in Vienna

    At Heldengedenkplatz. Jubilant crowd swarms the square. Hitler speaking at anniversary of Austrian annexation. Border gate going up. Wehrmacht going down country road, at the border near Kufstein(?).

  4. Illegal Ship

    VAR shots of people on board. Everyone goes below deck to hide from bombs. British Navy patrollers jump onto refugee boat. Refugee boys toss out fake sign "Karaco Adalia" and raise Star of David flag and banner: "Haganah Ship Unafraid."

  5. Christian Boltanski sculpture

    Art installation created by Christian Boltanski in 1988 consisting of a black and white photograph in a tin container covered by wire mesh and illuminted by a single light bulb.

  6. Oath-swearing ceremony for military recruits

    Oath ceremony for hundreds of military recruits at Feldherrnhalle on the Odeonsplatz. New Reichskriegs flag raised. Various shots of soldiers saluting or with forked hands. Repeat oath to Hitler and new flag. VAR CU of hands and faces, flags; one or two good general view of square filled with soldiers; double-exposure special effect of Hitler's face imposed over image of fluttering swastika banner.

  7. Oral history interview with Nathan Zielinski

  8. Nazi parade; Religious Jews in Berlin

    "East Berlin" Jews in street (in religious garb) intercut with Party Day 1927. Nazis marching in the street. Hitler, standing with Streicher in an open car, greets/salutes. Streicher et al festooned with flowers. Lots of people waving, saluting in the stands. Goebbels at NSDAP office, working at desk.

  9. Zinnowaldschule (a German school): girls in class

    EXT of school with CU of sign "Zinnowaldschule" at front. Schoolgirls on bicycles outside school. VAR shots of the school INT. Girls in class painting and drawing, at desks.

  10. Train station in Humenne; village square

    Reel 5. Brief pan of Budapest (gray, repeated in RG-60.1451). Intertitle: "Humenne -- My Home Town, A Typical Slovakia Village." Trains, people board and deboard. Train station. Boy on peasant cart with cows and a wagon in the main square of Humenne. People gathered in the town square for market days (on Mondays and Fridays). Lots of people, carts, wagons, activity, shops, and houses in BG. Hotel, pan through marketplace. Peasants selling boots, coffee house, man with bales of hay. Horses. People and shops on square. Tea house. Carts with a wagon (possibly with Hermann Klein on board). Hors...

  11. Jewish war veterans, parade, protest

    Universal Newsreel, Vol. 5, No. 130, Part 2. Release date, 03/23/1933. Jewish War Veterans parade in New York City to protest Nazi persecution of German Jews. The men are nicely dressed and some wear American flag pins in their lapels or carry American flags. There is a large crowd both watching and marching. Aerial view of two groups marching. MS of people watching the parade. Other parts of the newsreel include: 01:17:33 Washington, DC "Ban on beer lifted as President signs bill legalizing brew" 01:18:47 Chicago, IL "Windy City shivers as sleet and freeze greet gentle Spring" 01:19:28 Pal...

  12. German Army struggles in mud

    Horses and soldiers struggle through mud. Lots of vehicles in convoy. Wide expanse of land.

  13. Himmler & Bach-Zelewski visit camp in Minsk

    Title: "A Visit to a Camp Near Minsk" Heinrich Himmler visits Minsk and a concentration camp near Minsk. Himmler with group of German officers, including Erich von dem Bach-Zelewski, Karl Wolff, Otto Bradfisch (Leader of Einsatzkommando 8, Einsatzgruppe B). Minsk streets. Greets small line of uniformed men and salutes people on balcony. His car leaves city. MS Himmler seated in car, Bach-Zelewski far right, gestures to local woman wearing kerchief. Himmler and others including Wolff walk through field of cut wheat, talk to young boy who answers. Himmler looks at front end of Russian farm eq...

  14. Hitler becomes chancellor

    Both daytime and nighttime scenes. Daylight scenes are good. Title: "Hindenburg and Hitler at the window of the Reichschancellery." Spotlit Nazi flags passing by. Hindenburg appears at the window, dimly lit from a lamp or candles behind him. SA men bearing torches run in formation. Hitler, spotlit at the window, salutes the crowd below. A brief closer view of Hitler at the window.

  15. Soviet POWs rounded up

    German soldiers search farm. Bedraggled old man comes out of little hut; mustached man is frisked by soldier; soldier pokes/searches in leafy bush with his bayoneted rifle. Dappled sun. MS wounded POWs slowly make their way across field under guard, arm in arm, some being carried, some dragged. Most are wounded, hands up in surrender. All are in some kind of disarray in the field: chaos, fatigue, despair. Very dusty and dry.

  16. Hitler speech

    Hitler speaks, good CUs. Speech: "It is not the economists, or professors or artists...that have raised the German people, but the political soldiers of the NSDAP... (cheers) ...The citizens who say yes to the Fuehrer, but say the Party is something else, know the Fuehrer is the Party and the Party is the Fuehrer... (cheers) ...I believe and I know that the Party will lead Germany to a bright future..." Very good quotes, gestures, and expressions.

  17. Berlin workers leave factory

    Berlin workers leave factory.

  18. Hitler with plane

    Hitler into plane. Reverse angle of plane taking off and aerial (wheel). Hitler receives flowers by plane, signs autograph.

  19. Public telephone booth

    Street scene with ornate facade in BG, nice shops. Man standing under tree near a phone booth. [Phone booth reads "Fernsprecher" [long distance] and has a stamp dispenser). Activity in and around booth as woman and boy exit. A man enters, aware of camera. Sign inside booth: "Fasse dich kurz!" [Be Brief!]

  20. Berlin street scenes; Woolworth storefront

    F. W. Woolworth Co. across top of store front. Shop windows, shoppers and passersby. (black screen between 01:01:20 and 01:01:23) Street scene with Brandenburg Gate. Vehicular traffic passing in both directions. Automobiles, double decker busses.