Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 18,281 to 18,300 of 22,191
Holding Institution: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
  1. Goering/SA in Nuremberg

    Title: "Despite long night journey, no weariness." An SA parade (with banners and flags) marches toward the camera and turns around a corner. Streetcars pass the parade. Scene switches to a building bearing a banner that reads in part: "Reich Party Day". Goering exits the building and gets into a car with some other men and drives off.

  2. Hitler and Hindenburg reviewing troops

    Title: "Hindenburg-Hitler coalition grips all Germany - Leaders honor war dead on the eve of creation of Nazi dictatorship." Hitler, von Hindenburg, and von Papen are shown standing in a balcony of the Berlin opera house, on the annual occasion honoring German war dead. The narrator notes that Hindenburg has thrown his full support behind Hitler. A frail looking Hindenburg leaves the opera house and reviews troops as the narrator notes that Hitler has just asked the Reichstag for full dictatorial powers. The narrator states that Hindenburg is now 85 years old and wonders, "When his time com...

  3. Freikorps in Munich

    Freikorps through street and aboard train. WS, Burgermeister.

  4. French refugees; German convoy

    Refugees leaving town using various modes of transporation. Couples walking, women pushing prams, one pram has a rabbit in a cage atop. Horse-drawn carts with people and possessions in the back. One of the carts has a flat tire but continues anyway. A couple of cars, one with bicycles atop, stuffed so full of belongings that the passengers ride, stanidng, on the side bumpers. More shots of refugees moving slowyly down a road. Empty, destroyed town, dead horses in the street. Refugees on side of road, German Army trucks on the other. (Good sense of dislocation and movement.)

  5. Election day

    Berlin election day. Street scenes. Trams, pedestrians, bicyclists riding in single line wi th placards. Leaflets tossed in air. Potzdamer Platz. Group of people running along street while others watch. Vehicles with banners waving.

  6. Oral history interview with Uzi Narkiss

  7. Aerials of Hitler plane

    Hitler by window of plane. POV, plane landing. Aerial of plane. Hitler gets out of plane.

  8. German soldiers advance; Jewish forced to dig a pit

    The German military enters Riga, Latvia: jeeps (some full of soldiers, some pulling ammunition) drive through cobblestoned city streets. Views of destruction all around: bodies and dead horses, rubble, shattered buildings. A sense of grim, utter destruction pervades. Pan of the bombed-out facades ending at an artist sitting in the street, sketching the sight. 03:28:15 At Kužiai forest (15km from Siauliai, Lithuania) rounded-up Jews, many in suits, some bearded and in religious garb, jump off the back of an open truck, shovels in hand. They are made to dig in field/orchard, then move large r...

  9. Heydrich's funeral

    Reinhard Heydrich's swastika-covered coffin makes trip from Prague to Berlin. LS long line of people waiting outside Berlin's palace of Invalidenfriedenhof [Veterans' Cemetery] waiting to pay respects. INT, Hitler salutes coffin, stands in front of audience (MS). LS Hitler with Heydrich's sons. Shot of Goering awkwardly greeting them. Note: Heydrich was killed by Czech resistance fighters. In retaliation, Nazis killed all the men living in Lidice, Czechoslovakia.

  10. Belsen at liberation; Kramer; women jeer at SS

    CU of commandeered German truck driving burial detail to the mass graves outside Belsen, loaded with British soldiers and SS men in the back of the truck with corpses. Corpses on ground in BG. Naked female corpses dropped into grave, carried by two SS guards in uniform. Exuberant, clapping female survivors in crowd cheer and follow truck of British soldiers. CU of various women expressing pain and fury at SS; one holds her hands in prayer. Back to happy reactions of women towards British. VAR CUs of camp commandant Josef Kramer, under guard, with scarred face and untroubled look, speaks. 17...

  11. Jewish refugee children, England, play in park

    Jewish refugee children playing in a park. MLS of kids dancing in a circle. Girl with a hoop. Group of children playing leapfrog. Children indoors with toys at table. CU girl with doll. CU boy writing letter. High angle view of long table and children eating soup. Eating at table.

  12. Freikorps in Munich

    A parade of Freikorps members marches through a Munich street as spectators watch. A streetcar passes beside the parade. Scene switches to a train crowded with Freikorps members waving from the windows. Wagons with people in them on the train. Point of view switches to one of a rider on the train. People on board wave flags and cheer. Title (in German): Journey under the Hacker Bridge. The train passes under the bridge. Title: "Greeting of the Mayor of Weilheim." A crowd in front of the stopped train listens to the mayor speak and cheers him. Title (partly cut off on screen): "___ speech of...

  13. War crimes, Herzenheim, Germany

    (B-1190) War Crimes, Herzenheim, Germany, May 10, 1945. LSs, MSs, German civilians digging up bodies in concentration camp. CUs, bodies of men, women and children showing signs of violent death. EXTs, concentration camp buildings, crude and filthy interiors. CU, corpses laid out in field. INTs, camp buildings. CU, naked female corpses laid out. VS, Men burying corpses.

  14. Passengers on the St. Louis

    CU "St Louis: Hamburg" written on ship's bow. LS ship from dock as ship enters harbor. Passengers walk down gangplank or are carried off on stretchers. Waving from dock. Boarding train.

  15. Jews at UNRRA camp in Austria

    Displaced persons, UNRRA. Signs in Hebrew. At right, sign reading "UNRRA DP camp Admont." Several scenes of Jews marching with picks and shovels. LS, camp, tending crops, hoeing, women washing (various shots). MCU, four men walking on dirt road, UNRRA official? UNRRA officers caring for children. School children, teenagers sitting at desks outside, teacher writes on blackboard: "We hope to go to Palestine" in English and Hebrew. Couple looking at announcement board. CU, man sitting on steps.

  16. Belsen Concentration Camp: survivors and burial

    Low pile of naked corpses. In BG, survivors busy, smoke, trees. SS men march through the frame. More captured Germans enter gate. LS German soldiers unloading trucks (out of focus). From above, large crowd of female survivors, some smile at the camera for group portrait. MS of women sitting in compound, behind them is pile of boots and shoes, one woman takes some from the pile. VAR MLS of women hanging around, eating. More shots of corpses, mangled face, eye sockets; VCU, face of female, hollowed, glassy eyed. LS, wall, edge of pit, 10 feet down, shadows into pit. People looking down into i...

  17. KPD demonstration 1929

    KPD (communist party) demonstration on May 1, 1929. Shots of police running down the street, seen from above through a window down an alley/street. Shot of police marching and running after people. Several shots of police attempting to push and beat people. A horse and cart in street, people rush by.