Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 18,121 to 18,140 of 22,191
Holding Institution: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
  1. Socialists and Communists demonstrate in Treptow

    Socialists and Communists demonstrate in Treptow. Many good close shots, among brass band, among crowd, of speaker, etc.

  2. Funeral for Ernst vom Rath

    Views from the funeral train as it passes military troops at attention, civilian crowds at train stations, bridges adorned with swastikas and flooded by saluting military and civilians; occasional views of flower-draped casket on the train. View of train pulling into Dusseldorf station; swastika on front of engine. Views of soldiers, dignitaries at the station. Swastika-draped casket is carried from station and placed on a rolling carriage. VAR views as massive funeral cortege proceeds down wide avenue: swastika banners draped above the street; crowds pack the sidewalks; all levels of milit...

  3. Munich Agreement

    Events related to Munich Pact, whereby France and England acceded to Hitler's demands to annex the Sudetenland. Neville Chamberlain arrives from plane. He walks past stormtroopers, a brief shot of the British and German flags flying together. Chamberlain and another man (in civilian dress -- perhaps another Englishman?) in the first car of a motorcade, riding down a street and waving to the crowds, who give "Heil" salutes. INT at meeting. Hitler, Himmler, Hess, Goering, Mussolini, Daladier, etc., talking, studying papers. Signing and official stamping of documents.

  4. Labor Corps camp / Reichsarbeitsdienst

    Very large pipes laid side-by-side on sloping hill. Labor corps men work on drainage project in mountainous region. Shots of pipes on hillside. Young men from labor corps: Reichsarbeitsdienst [RAD] jog through woods. WS of project site. Several views of men digging at site, pushing wheelbarrows. Brief shot of calisthenics. Outdoor class on political geography for RAD men. Young men in shorts and shoes, sitting, mountains in background. Brief shot of men in lake. Location: Bavarian Alps.

  5. Romani children in an orphanage in Germany

    MLS, MS, and MCU of Romani and other children playing on a courtyard under the supervision of a nun (dressed in full habit) in Josefspflege orphanage in Mulfingen, Germany. LS girls in a circle, playing an orderly game with the nun. Boys too. Some stare at camera. Girls in braided pigtails, bows, smocks. Crowding around camera (VQ: a bit softer). Lunchtime outside. Children wearing blue uniforms (color improves). CU of lovely faces, innocent, happy. They clown and compete for the camera. Boys play in courtyard, carry shoes. MCU playing with marble on board. Picking apples up in a tree.

  6. Reichstag gutted by fire

    Title: "Reichstag is gutted by Fire by Red Incendiaries - Chamber, where Deputies meet in Berlin parliament, is destroyed as result of communist plot." Exterior shots of the damaged dome of the Reichstag, fireman with their truck on the street, shifts to interior scenes of the gutted building. Close ups of structural damage and still-smoking rubble. A policeman stands in the wreckage. Fireman spray water on the rubble. The British narrator tells of the fire, and says that after the imminent general election, Parliament will need to find a temporary home. He notes that Hindenburg's chair was...

  7. 1930 election campaign

    1930 election campaign; various political parties campaigning. Intertitles in Russian. Motorized billboards, people handing out communist leaflets, demonstrating. Shots of police. A man in the sidecar of a motorcycle waves a Nazi flag as he rides down the street. Banners representing various parties hang from windows. Exterior shots of the KPD and Nazi party headquarters (?). SA reading a newspaper and marching in the street, shot from above and ground level. Good shots of SA marching. Police disembarking from vehicle. Perhaps street violence? Antifascists marching. Police and SA examine an...

  8. Annexation of Austria; Austrians welcome Nazis

    REEL 1: The annexation of Austria [Anschluss]. Hitler's motorcade through the streets, saluting citizens, flag waving, vast and enthusiastic crowds. In Graz (poor sound), brief SEQ of unrest, crowds in the streets. Police block street off. Horses are nervous. Good atmosphere of street-level activity and excitement (VQ: not great, grainy spotty, soft). Picturesque town, everyone saluting. Shots of crowd. "Oesterreich ist frei!" "Rucktritt der osten!" "Oesterreich is Nat--sozialistich." Vienna at night. Military parade. Tanks go by the Cafe Heinrichhof. CU of General Guderian(?). Boy and fami...

  9. Hitler and Hindenburg in open car

    Fox Movietone News. Aerial shots of crowds at the Lustgarten on May Day. A car carrying Hitler and von Hindenburg drives through; they wave to the crowds of schoolchildren (identified by narrator -- children not especially visible). The view switches to Hitler speaking briefly at the microphone, then shows von Hindenburg at microphone. They both solicit cheers from the crowd.

  10. Hitler/car through crowds

    Outtakes from "Hitler ueber Deutschland." Various scenes from a tour of Germany. Hitler standing in a car as it drives through crowds. People in the crowds run alongside the car and salute while the SA attempt to keep people at some distance from the vehicle. Scene shifts to Hitler, in civilian clothes, exiting a large building. He is accompanied by Rudolf Hess, among many others. The next scene shows a very large crowd. The camera focuses on a woman in some kind of traditional costume, with a large white headdress embroidered with flowers, smiling and laughing as she notices the camera is ...

  11. Jewish forced labor in Yugoslavia

    Jewish men clear rubble of fortress; thin yellow star armbands visible.

  12. Von Papen and Hitler on election day

    Hitler's car pulls up to a curb and he gets out, dressed in a suit and tie, and salutes a small crowd. People in the crowd take photos of him. There are election posters and placards outside of the bulidng that Hitler enters. Hitler is shown exiting the same building. A larger crowd salutes enthusiastically. As Hitler prepares to drive away, someone in the crowd shouts "Unser Fuehrer!" Hitler hands an envelope (a card?) and a bouquet of flowers to a man in the backseat of the car. A car pulls up outside a different building and von Papen gets out. He wears a black armband (mourning) and car...

  13. Nazis enter Czechoslovakia

    Brief: animap of Hungary-Czechoslovakia region. VAR standard shots of the German military entering Czechoslovakia: soldiers ride bicycles, tanks, and motorcycles on the snowy roads. Military enters the cities of Jihlava and Německý Brod. and completely fill the squares with military vehicles. Soldiers and police (in long coats) stand around, eating, conversing. "PRAHA" sign. Swarms of people wave as vehicles drive down wet streets and then enter gated square. Snow falling and blowing. Crowds swarm to see Hitler, who is driven into the square. Wearing a long coat, he walks in the square amid...

  14. Speeches; Boycott of Jewish Stores

    Hitler and Hindenburg at night (1/30/33), at window of Hotel Kaiserhof. Crowd goes wild. SA putting up antisemitic signs in Jewish stores, painting windows, wearing signs on the day before the boycott of Jewish stores (3/30/33). Crowds watch. SA pile into open truck, driving through street, chanting: "Kauft nicht bei Juden." Goebbels' speech (4/1/33) at Lustgarten announcing boycott of Jewish businesses. LS of crowd. Heiling. MS of Goebbels on balcony. Hitler's speech (4/8/33) to SA and SS at the Berlin Sportpalast. Title: At the Berlin Sportspalast, the Reichschancellor thanks the assemble...

  15. Jewish families before the Holocaust in Slovakia

    Reel 3. Women from the Sommer, Klein, and Grosman families gather for the camera. Intertitle: "My Home Folks - Mother, Sister, Their Family and Friends." Family (well-dressed) walk and pose for camera. Pan of entire family (including the visiting Americans, Hermann Klein, and Jacob Grosman (the father of Ladislav at 01:03 in a light-colored suit)). Children playing on swing. Posing in front of the family shop and walking down the street towards the camera. 01:23:58 Another family on the main street.

  16. Stalhelm parade, speeches

    Title: "German royalists recall war in military show - Stahlhelm reviewed by von Papen, Crown Prince, and Gen. von Mackensen." Scenes of the Stahlhelm marching with banners. Crown Prince Wilhelm shown watching the parade and saluting. Franz von Papen, Wilhelm von Gayl, and Kurt von Schleicher are also shown briefly. The camera then focuses on General August Mackensen, a well-known World War I field commander. He is shown wearing the uniform and large furry hat of the Death's Head Hussar regiment. The camera switches back to the Stahlhelm troops, panning left to right over them standing and ...

  17. New Cabinet Meeting in Berlin

    Title in German identifies the new cabinet. Sitting from left: [Hermann] Goering, [Adolf] Hitler, [Franz] von Papen; Standing from left: [Franz] Seldte, Gerecke, [Lutz] von Schwerin Krosigk, Dr. [Wilhelm] Frick, [Werner] von Blomberg, and Dr. [Alfred] Hugenberg. Scene opens inside the Hotel Kasierhof, before the cabinet meeting begins. Everyone wears suits, they mingle and talk to each other. Hitler, Goering, and Frick speak briefly. Hitler escorts von Papen to sit in the chair beside him, while Hugenberg stands behind von Papen's chair. Flashbulbs go off as people off-camera take photograp...