Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 16,741 to 16,760 of 22,191
Holding Institution: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
  1. March of Time -- outtakes -- Joseph Kennedy; speech; scenes in US Embassy in London

    665 D Several men in office talking. Joseph P. Kennedy (US Ambassador to England) at his desk; four men gathered for discussion. Sync sound. Speech: "Gentlemen, we have to have, by Tuesday night -- I'm leaving on Wednesday for America -- a report on the British naval program...for me to take back to outline of the various departments you represent. Try to arrange to have that by Tuesday night...a report on the British naval building program...and what they propose to do over the next year...." CUs, men. Various responses to Mr. Kennedy. Voice off screen: "Cut!" Kennedy: ".....

  2. German invasion of W. Europe; Paris, France

    Reel 5: German tanks advance. Stukas bomb Allied positions. Wounded tank crewmen receive aid. German trucks haul artillery. German troops cross the Rhine in rubber boats over pontoon bridges. German soldiers stuff grenades into their belts. German troops lay wire, and horses are pushed into water. Shows wrecked French tanks, French POWs, French troops in the Maginot Line. Panoramic views of the Maginot Line. French troops in the Line run, ride a subway, dance, eat and man communications equipment. Maps the German attacks on the Line in Paris. Also maps France and Britain's colonial empires ...

  3. Atrocities at Dachau

    (LIB 6573) Atrocities at Dachau, Dachau, Germany, May 3, 1945. MSs, CUs, starved prisoners scrambling for food in queue. MSs to CU, emaciated prisoner is helped toward camera by two other inmates. MSs, CU, Jewish boy, a prisoner in various camps for four years, playing an accordion. Pan, men in line, some with hands raised in air. CUs, valves and fixtures in gas execution chamber. CU, nude bodies of victims. CU, can of cyanide powder. MSs, inmates cooking around small fires. MCU, an inmate scrapes food from pan. CU, young inmate spoons soup from bowl. CUs, faces of former inmates. Full scre...

  4. War Crimes Trials: I.G. Farben Case

    Otto Ohlendorf testifying, most likely in Munich. Ohlendorf talks about his work in the SD-Inland and his role as leader of Einsatzgruppe D. Brief shot of Telford Taylor. This is likely footage of Case 6, the I.G. Farben Case.

  5. Truman with Chaim Weizmann

    Universal Newsreel, Vol. 21, No. 147, Part 2A. Release date, 05/27/1948. President Truman greets Chaim Weizmann, leader of the new Jewish state in Palestine, and receives from him a Torah. The Israel President, hoping for lifting of arms embargo, later sails from New York on first leg of journey to the Holy Land. Unrelated newsreel footage follows this clip at: 01:53:51 "Sporting Highlights: Solons in Baseball Slugfest; British Soccer Champs Win"

  6. Nazi mythology

    As expressed by this film's subtitle, "Allegory of our History and Life," the German forest is a symbol for the German people. The film describes the intimate relationship between peaceful Germans and wood from the Germanic times of Arminius to the present. It draws an analogy between the vertical German tree and the upright German peasant-soldier. In contrast, the aggressive alien is shown as destroying beloved trees, thus destroying the German people. This mystical relationship between man and nature is grounded in the organic idea of a pure-blooded Volksgemeinschaft [ethnic-racial commun...

  7. German invasion of W. Europe; Hitler, troops

    Reel 4: Shows massed German troops with CUs of some faces. Allied vehicles move to meet the German advance. British, French. Belgian, Dutch and colonial troops move to the front in railway cars, trucks and on foot. Maps German advances. Hitler confers with officers. British officers confer. Gen Goering reviews airmen. German corpsmen care for wounded. Shows German military communications systems.

  8. Program on peace and nuclear arms

    Narrated by Bill Kurtis. Rolling text at start of program: "I've recently returned from the Soviet Union after spending six months there. If all goes well, we'll be out of the woods in a few years as far as the danger of nuclear war is concerned. But it could go dreadfully wrong. And we now live in the most unstable period we have ever seen since 1945....The possibility of a right wing coup d'etat, even of civil war in the Soviet Union cannot be excluded. The ultra conservative regime that would emrege would need foreign enemies. And this is still a nation with thousands of nuclear weapons ...

  9. Euthanasia

    Hanna, the wife of medical doctor Thomas Heyt, suffers from multiple sclerosis. He decides to 'redeem' her through a sleeping draught, giving her a 'merciful death.' Hanna thus voluntarily and peacefully ends her own life after unbearable suffering. Hanna's brother, Eduard Stretter, reports Thomas to the police. Dr. Heyt's friend and colleague Dr. Lang (Mathias Wiemann) denounces him to the police, but changes his mind when a child he saved from death becomes mentally disabled. A court jury comprised of a cross-section of German society discusses all the moral, religious, and medical argume...

  10. Ferencz lecture for Pat Gross of BBC

    Ferencz delivers a private lecture to Pat Gross of BBC. He discusses the precedents created during the Nuremberg Trials: 1) aggression is a crime against peace; 2) crimes against humanity, those that literally shock the conscience of humankind; 3) war crimes, codified in the Hague (1885-1907) and accepted at Nuremberg. Ferencz expresses concern that these principles, that were intended to bring about rational law and order, have been ignored. Aggression continues, genocide continues, and war crimes prevail at all sides. Ferencz urges that we move towards a more rational and humane society t...

  11. Landsberg DP Camp conditions investigated

    (Paris 429) Investigation of Jewish DP Camp, Landsberg, Germany, December 6, 1945. MS, train at station. Seq: Lt Gen Walter Bedell Smith accompanied by Maj Gen Albert W. Kenner, Judge SH Rifkin (Theater Commander's Adviser on Jewish Affairs), correspondents and photographers entering camp and touring the barracks, mess halls, and other buildings. They stop to speak to some of the DPs and question them regarding the conditions of the camp.

  12. Ash

  13. Ferencz lecture: United Nations Day 1989

    Ferencz describes his optimistic worldview to achieve world peace. He discusses his involvement at Nuremberg, in spearheading restitution programs in Germany, writing the authoritative book on Jewish forced labor, "Less Than Slaves" (1979), and in speaking to various groups of people about his unique structures for peace. Ferencz argues that a system of law, courts, and enforcement needs to be introduced and implemented in the international arena. He urges public involvement on every level.

  14. March of Time -- outtakes -- Nazi conquest of Austria, Vienna, 1938

    CU, sign, "Adolf Hitler Platz", the former Rathaus Platz, in Vienna. Shot of Rathaus with windows illuminated, shot at nightfall. Man shining shoes. Army trucks with food supplies. Stand erected in the Ring. Monument to Austrian Victims of the War. Vienna's Jewish shop district. LS, Danube Canal. Jews sitting on a bench. Car with Schupos on Danube Bridge. LS, facade of former Austrian War Ministry with Nazi flag. The Ring and Kaerntnerstrasse (Opera) with flags and posters showing Hitler's picture and the words: "Ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Fuhrer." Peasants at work. Village street near Vienna...

  15. Map of Łódź published during the German occupation

    Map of the city of Łódź, renamed Litzmannstadt by the Germans, printed during the Nazi occupation of Poland.

  16. War Crimes Commission: Ohrdruf and Hadamar

    18:01:12 "Ohrdruf Concentration Camp" View of Ohrdruf, where 4000 were killed over a period of eight months. U.S. generals Dwight D. Eisenhower, Omar N. Bradley, George S. Patton, and Walton H. Walker inspect the camp. Men standing near gate, enter barracks, inspect the scaffold, talk to prisoners. A woodshed is filled with bodies stacked in piles. CUs of lime, covered bodies. CUs, generals viewing them. Inmates demonstrate torture (whipping rack). Eisenhower and others stroll past dead corpses on the ground. Also view the camp, walking near crematory. CUs, charred remains. A truck brings l...

  17. March of Time -- outtakes -- Czechoslovakia

    1150 E (11:09:24): Old Prague. LS Tyn church surrounded by old, wrecked houses. Statue of Jan Hus in middle of square. Town hall destroyed by the Germans during their evacuation. Workers, rubbish, scaffolding. German POWs pass in FG, clean ruins of houses and railway station remains at Gheb (border). 1150 D (11:11:53): Karlovy-Vary (Carlsbad), a celebrated spa in Sudetenland. River; hotel. Russian officers and soldiers from the Russian zone of occupation have their rest in this city. Several shots of officers and soldiers queuing early in the morning for water rations. Sip water, walk under...

  18. German invasion, occupation of France; surrender of French

    Reel 12: German troops advance, reduce French strong points, fire artillery, guard French POWs, cross a pontoon bridge and enter French forts. German officers ride in staff cars. French soldiers load guns in their forts. French officers surrender. French POWs plod along, Senegalese POWs dance. German flag covers a WWI monument in Compiegne, German troops stand at attention. Hitler, Goering and others enter the WWI armistice railway car and receive the French surrender from General Huntziger and others. Maps Vichy France, shows a cathedral. Hitler visits a Paris cathedral and addresses the R...

  19. March of Time -- outtakes -- German aggression and European political crisis

    League of Nations scenes during political crisis and German aggression. EXT and INT scenes, including arrivals, speeches. Those seen include: Pierre Laval, Haile Selassie, Leon Blum. Speech by Blum on Italian sanctions. Speech by Laval. London scenes of Downing Street & Westminster. Neville Chamberlain, Anthony Eden, other ministers.

  20. Nazi justice and Allied justice contrasted

    Film Report compares Nazi sense of justice, as exemplified by aggressive war and atrocities, with that of the war crimes tribunals at Nuremberg. Thomas Jefferson quoted over close views of statue of Jefferson at the Jefferson Memorial in DC. VCU, Hitler at Nuremberg - excerpt from a speech in which he proclaims his right to rid the world of inferior races. LS, crowds, hall, saluting. CU German atrocity victims dead, faces badly battered, corpses. German women crying, after forced confrontation. Elderly civilians viewing room of bodies at liberated camp. MS, naked corpses, coffin, decaying h...