Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 16,521 to 16,540 of 22,191
Holding Institution: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
  1. March of Time -- outtakes -- street scenes and pedestrians

    Life in Czechoslovakia, street scenes, urban life. VSs, monument of President Woodrow Wilson in park and traffic passing. Various shop windows with people looking in (grocery and butcher shops). City street, cars, streetcars, pedestrians. People reading newspapers in cases on the walls. Shop in Jewish quarter. Bata Shoe Co. store on the main street called Vaclavske, taken at night--neon sign of illuminated map showing London, Paris, New York, and Prague marked on it. VSs, buildings in old quarter of Prague. Building, churches, clocktower. Czech children on merry go-round, riding tanks and g...

  2. Honey cookie crumbs from a package sent by her parents to a Hungarian Jewish girl

  3. Martin M. West letter

    Contains a letter written by Sergeant Martin M. West of the U.S. Army's 4th Armored Division, to his family in the United States, dated June 11, 1945. The letter is written on the back of a handbill depicting corpses stacked at the Mauthausen concentration camp. Transcription letter: verso: black ink; "Helen return this back please./I want you to see it./June-11.-45/Dearest one an son/Hi kid will try an write you a few lines to night an let you know I am ok I know you waunt think mutch of the paper I am writing on But this is what I have seen that why I am writing on it I want to see for my...

  4. American propaganda film to educate US soldiers going to France

    An American propaganda film produced by the U.S. Office of War Information to educate US soldiers before going to France. Some scenes are staged. Reel 1: Allied troops and war material go aboard transports for the invasion of France. Soldiers (actors) discuss the war.

  5. Theresienstadt ghetto-labor camp scrip, 5 kronen note

    Scrip, valued at 5 kronen, issued in the Theresienstadt (Terezin) ghetto-labor camp in 1943. All currency was confiscated from deportees upon entry and replaced with scrip and ration coupons that could be exchanged only in the camp. The Theresienstadt camp existed for 3.5 years, from November 24, 1941 to May 9, 1945. It was located in a region of Czechoslovakia occupied by Germany, renamed the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia, and made part of the Greater German Reich.

  6. March of Time -- outtakes -- Stamping passports/visas, crowds

    01:01:15 568 S: Official at desk. Well-dressed men and women waiting to have their passports checked, visa?, immigration? Group of men standing/talking. Official recording passport information on a chart. Official at door checking eye color and visas. 01:05:18 568 U: Various shots of a group of men, waving hats. (staged)

  7. Program on war

    Presented by the National Film Board of Canada. Gwynne Dyer, a journalist, military historian, and officer of three Navies, presents his commentary on the evolution of modern war. Tape includes episodes 1, 4, 5, 6, 7. 1: "The Road to Total War," describes what war has become and traces the road that led the great powers to the concept of total war, 00:00:55 to 00:58:08. Director: Barbara Seals. Producer: Barbara Seals. Cinematographer: Bonnie Andrukaitis; Simon Leblanc; Michael Mahoney; Serge Lafortune. 4: "The Deadly Game of Nations," explains the reasons why people support governments tha...

  8. Oil fields in Italy, Hungary, Rumania

    Consists mostly of views of social and economic conditions in Italy, Hungary, the Danube, and Rumania. (with intertitles) NARA calls this story reel one, but the slate indicates that it is Part 2, and shows several oil fields in Italy: Naples, wells near the River Po and Montechino, Cento Pozzi, Venice (nice shots of gonodals on the Grand Canal), as well as the Hungarian market of Mezokovesa near Budapest, Hungary. A grain mill and oil barges on the Danube. An oil port in Giurgiu, Rumania. A view of Russe, Bulgaria on the river. Army encampments with irrigation and cultivation. Roma (?). A ...

  9. Idealized picture of Prussia to garner German support for total war

    Reel 1 The opening title indicates that the film was written and begun in 1942 and that it is based on historical events. The first scene takes place in Breslau in 1813. General Wilhelm von Gniesenau bursts into the chambers of King Friedrich Wilhelm III and chastises him for refusing to enlist the citizenry to aid in the war effort against Napoleon. Gniesenau reminds the King of the perfomance of the citizens and especially the Mayor of Kolberg. The film flashes back to Vienna in 1806, where Franz II renounces his throne under the peace imposed by Napoleon. Veit Harlan, the director of Kol...

  10. Italian prisoners; war on Russian front; FDR; weapons

    Reel 7 shows Italian prisoners in Libya. Shows activities in Russia: Stalin confers with citizens, wheat is harvested, factories produce, soldiers and citizens gear to war. Shows General MacArthur in the Philippines and in Australia. President Roosevelt signs the Lend-Lease Act, U.S. industry turns out material of war, and military developments are increased in a total war campaign.

  11. German concentration camp in Holzen; destruction in German town

    (LIB 5215) German Concentration Camp, Holzen, Germany, April 8, 1945. LSs, soldiers of 329th Regiment, 83rd Division, near German concentration camp. CUs, Russian, Polish, Czech and Jewish prisoners behind barbed-wire fence. VS, undernourished prisoners. MS, internee picking lice from body of another internee. Officers and soldiers speaking with internees. 02:11:58 The newly liberated prisoner, Adriaan Thomson, with his hands clasped together talks to an American officer. MSs, officers leaving cave where French and Italian slave labor was employed making V-1 buzz bombs. (LIB 5216) Pockets, ...

  12. Oral history interview with Dorothy Finger

  13. US Army Air Force in Germany; Ohrdruf in flames; planes

    The clip that is viewable online is a selected excerpt from the complete story - timecode 09:04:04 to 09:10:07. Diving on bridge over river. P-47 dives on town. Strafing railroad, road, town. Large formation of P-47s in the air. MS, CU C-47 taking off. 09:04:04 MS German officers waiting evacuation. CU Hugo Sperrle, former chief of staff. MCU as officers climb into C-47 for evacuation. German officers. MS German prisoners awaiting air evacuation. MS as they board C-47. CU pilot and nose of C-47 as he turns over engine. MS A-20 buzzes and flies over field. 09:05:53 MS burning barracks ...

  14. UNRRA at Displaced Persons Camp

    (LIB 7013) UNRRA at Displaced Persons Camp, Wetzlar, Germany, June 14-15, 1945. LSs, MSs, male displaced persons doing calisthenics and drilling under direction of UNRRA worker. MS, children enter bus for tour of local area. Girls wave as bus pulls away. MLS, men and women in uniform standing in front of doors labelled "Headquarters DET DP 46". CU, group of men and women. CU, another group of men and women. (Good image quality/camera work). MS, two men in uniform get inside UNRRA convertible. Seq: Children in playground with adult displaced persons directing their games under supervision of...

  15. March of Time -- outtakes -- Meeting of the Constituent Assembly

    First Meeting of the Constituent Assembly Elected on May 26, 1946. LS exterior of Parliament. LS entrance of Parliament. In FG the Russian Pennon on the Ambassador's car. LS the facade of Parliament. LS one of the lobbies of Parliament. Shots of the civil servants placing sheet of paper and pencils on the places of the members of the Government. Shot of the coat-of-arms of Czechoslovakia above the seat of the president of the Chamber of Deputies. LS Deputies entering and taking their seats. MSs British and Russian Ambassadors speaking and shaking hands before the sitting of the Constituent ...

  16. Romanian Marshal Antonescu visits German and Romanian troops on the Eastern Front

    Romanian Field Marshal Ion Antonescu deplanes from his JU-52 transport airplane in the Eastern front and shakes hands with Gen. von Manstein in fall or winter 1941 (note gloves and overcoat). Scene of airfield, airplane, line of troops with rifles, men salute and shake hands. Antonescu and other high officers review troops (German and Romanian), cavalrymen next to horses, and weapons. They inspect cannon in a trench. Antonescu reviews troops in a field, possibly in Bessarabia in 1941 (summer?). He is escorted by German General Erich von Manstein. Presenting awards and medals, troops marchin...

  17. Hitler; Nazi rally; Sportpalast

    Nazi party rally in the crowded Berlin Sportpalast on February 10, 1933. Joseph Goebbels, in business suit, delivers opening remarks about the aggressiveness of the 'Jewish press' and promises to 'shut' its "freches Luegenmaul"[cheeky lying mouth]. Hitler in uniform explains the ideological reasons for the Nazi rise to power and their main political aims. He announces the indictment of the politicians responsible for the evils of the Weimar Republic and promises to 'resurrect' a "Neue Deutsche Reich" [new German Empire] undivided and rooted in 'healthy' soil. He does not openly address the ...

  18. Liberated POWs; atrocities; Berchtesgaden; troops

    Part 1: elements of the 5th and 8th Armies occupy Bologna, Italy. Gen. Mark Clark receives the German surrender. Part 2: French prisoners in Germany are liberated and return home. Part 3: Congressmen visit German prison camps and view evidences of atrocities. Part 4: Berchtesgaden is bombed. Joseph Goebbel's brother is shot as a spy. German prisoners. Russian and US troops meet at the Elbe. Shows Gen. Reinhardt.

  19. War Crimes Trials: Malmedy; Welt im Film: trade unions & children learning English

    05:01:12 (Munich 167) Malmedy War Crimes Trials, Dachau, Germany, May 24, 1946. MS, defense counselor talks to the court about the "Bill of Particulars." VS, prosecutor quotes in part Hitler's order to his commanders to disregard Geneva rules as to the treatment of Allied prisoners in the coming "Battle of the Bulge." He goes on to tell how the "German soldiers sang the Sword and Blood song thus releasing them from any regulation as to the treatment of prisoners." 05:05:36 (M-2139) Welt im Film, "Hamburg: Gewerkschaften im Aufbau" [Trade Unions in Hamburg, Germany], July 1946. At outdoor ce...

  20. Orphans of Buchenwald; Ex-Prisoners Coming Home

    (LIB 7016) Orphans of Buchenwald, Buchenwald, Germany, June 19, 1945. LS, large crowd at Buchenwald outdoors on hillside. UNRRA official (woman) handing out papers. 03:23:16 01:46:51 Lilly Engelman (from Hungary and previously at Auschwitz) with the bandage on her face, prepares to board the train to Switzerland. Her sisters, Renee and Piri, appear later in this footage. Children at Buchenwald concentration camp are divided into small groups by UNRRA personnel. MS, American military truck taking the orphans to railroad cars. CUs, climbing off truck with belongings/luggage. US soldiers prese...