Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 16,501 to 16,520 of 22,191
Holding Institution: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
  1. Liberation of So. France; US reclaims Guam

    Film Communique - 12th issue. Large-scale mission of US military airplanes, paratroopers liberating the South of France. Map of US. Guam is bombarded by naval guns and from the air. Assault parties land on a beach. A Japanese freighter is hit. Troops drive through the jungle. Wounded are evacuated. Guam freed on July 25, 1944.

  2. Second Global Structures Convocation lecture by Ferencz

    Lecture, "Creating Global Structures for Agenda 21." Second Global Structures Convocation, Washington, DC. February 6-9, 1992. ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT (tape 10 in conference series) Introduction by Robert Livingston, president of Positions for Social Responsibility. Second introduction by Catherine Porter, executive director of US Citizens Network. Ferencz discusses new structures needed to create a more peaceful planet. Broad frameworks include a world community that is environmentally healthy, free from war, and economically sound. He argues for coordinated action on an international ...

  3. Survivors and corpses at Buchenwald

    Buchenwald Concentration Camp, Germany, 1945. LSs, civilians kicking German soldier. MSs, civilians breaking windows in building. Camera (on automobile) traveling through outskirts town, passing people with bags, cart. In town, crowd on sidewalk, looting? store. MS, survivors in square. MSs, CUs, furnace doors being opened in crematorium showing remains of bodies not wholly consumed by fire. Demonstrating oven "tray." Pan, survivor with three ovens/crematoria in BG. Corpses on cart, in truck. CU, "Jedem das Seine" gate closing. Men circled around corpse, taking hats off. MSs, CUs, emaciated...

  4. Ben Shahn poster with an image of a hooded man protesting the Nazi destruction of Lidice

    Poster created by Ben Shahn for the US Office of War Information as a response to the Nazi-led annihilation and destruction of communities throughout the Czech Republic, including Lidice. It also protests the retaliatory measures taken for the attempted assassination by Czech resistance members of Reinhard Heydrich, director of the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia, under the Nazi occupation.

  5. Buchenwald; US destroying German weapons

    (LIB 5569) Bridge Crossing, Saalfeld, Germany, April 14, 1945. SEQ: Tanks of 607th TD and 735th Tank Bn move through streets. LSs, rear views, infantry men of 87th Div atop several of the tanks as they pass camera. MSs, Maj Gen Troy Middleton and Maj Gen Frank L Culin question German officer. LS, vehicles pass over steel treadway pontoon bridge. MS, Maj Gens watch vehicles crossing. Head-on shot, tank crosses steel treadway pontoon bridge. VS, soldiers righting caisson which has falled partly between treadways. (LIB 5570) German Railroad Gun, Unter-Steinach, Germany, April 14, 1945. SEQ: US...

  6. Ferencz discusses war crimes and Yugoslavia

    Canadian Broadcasting Company, Prime Time News. Yugoslavia: War Crimes Tribunal. Discussion among host, Benjamin Ferencz, and Major General Lewis Mackenzie, United Nations Commander in Sarajevo, about the legal and political problems of establishing an international war crimes tribunal in Yugoslavia. Ferencz speaks about the precedents of Nuremberg: 1) war crimes; 2) crimes against humanity; and 3) crimes against peace. He relates the two experiences, declaring the existence of war crimes in Yugoslavia. Ferencz argues that it should be simple to obtain conviction in Yugoslavia as overwhelmi...

  7. Memorial service at Buchenwald concentration camp; burials at Gardelegen

    (LIB 5903) Concentration Camp, Buchenwald, Germany, April 19, 1945. MS, CU, brass band. MSs, CUs, liberated prisoners in concentration camp marching at memorial ceremony for the 51,000 persons killed in the camp. CUs, liberated prisoners marching and carrying French, Polish and Russian flags. CUs, freed prisoner places wreath at foot of monument dedicated to those who died as victims of Nazi brutality. MS, effigy of Hitler hangs in front of camp building. MLS, speaker on platform at dedication ceremony. (LIB 5904) Burial at Gardelegen, Germany, April 22, 1945. Seq: Civilians of the town rem...

  8. Ferencz discusses war crimes and Sadam Hussein

    A BBC Production, aired March, 1991. Includes segments of interview with Benjamin Ferencz, among others. Program asks whether or not Sadam Hussein should be brought to justice. Ferencz speaks about enforcing the principles founded at the Nuremberg trials, including laws that define 1) planning and waging a war of aggression; 2) war crimes; and 3) crimes against humanity. In Sadam Hussein's case, these standards were violated and are going unpunished. He says that we cannot walk away from the horrors of Sadam, or else we will encourage more strife: "We should get serious about this!" Because...

  9. FDR's death; Nordhausen concentration camp

    (LIB 5407) Roosevelt's Death, London, England, April 13, 1945. CUs, three US soldiers in Grosvenor Square read headlines announcing the death of Pres. Franklin D. Roosevelt. MCUs, flags flying at half mast over US Embassy. CUs, US soldiers and British civilians reading papers in Leicester Square. VS, two soldiers look at paper enclosed in glass showing photo of Pres. Roosevelt and VP Harry S. Truman. LS, US and British flags at half-mast on other buildings of city. EXT shots, soldiers and civilians enter and leave Westminster Abbey. (LIB 5568) Concentration Camp, Nordhausen, Germany, April ...

  10. Hitler Youth

    The fifteen-year-old Johannes von Redel returns to his father's rural estate in Prussia after his mother dies. Johannes lived with his mother for ten years in Argentina, where he is portrayed as an urban, decadent, and fastidious Auslandsdeutscher [German living abroad] alienated from his German roots. After encountering trouble with his father, he enters a "Napola" [Nazi elite boarding school] where fellow students ridicule his alien customs and behavior. It is only after accomplishing a heroic deed during a military summer drill that he gains the comradeship of the elite pupils and is inc...

  11. 24 drawings from the concentration camps in Germany Print

    One of a set of twenty-three prints of drawings created by George Zielezinski

  12. Docu-drama on the Nuremberg trials

    Stanley Kramer's docu-drama examining Nazism and the Nuremberg Trials.

  13. Background to German invasion of W. Europe

    Reel 1: German troops swear loyalty to Hitler. Shows panormaic views of the countryside, mountains, people harvesting crops, German cities, a cathedral, steel mills and coal mines. Shot of German colonial post and troop reviewing there. German troops advancing in WWI, and Generals Hindenburg and Ludendorff. Maps show powers arrayed against and allied with Germany in WWI, the extent of German advances and the effect of the Versailles Treaty on Germany's borders. Forts are demolished, cannon and hangars destroyed, ships scuttled and planes junked. German communists arouse crowds. Shows commun...

  14. Slave labor camp liberated

    (LIB 6223) Slave Labor Camp, Flossenbruck [Flossenbuerg], Germany, April 30, 1945. Snow on ground in Cheb? MS, CU, banner on picket fence "Prisoners Happy End! Welcome!" CU sign "Arbeit Macht Frei" on concrete plaque by gate. CU, "Vorsicht Hochspannung Lebensgefahr." CU electrified barbed wire, guard towers, steel gates. Civilians standing outside. Horse-drawn cart with covered coffin and civilians moving through the gate. In Flossenburg, CU, four naked male survivors: two Jewish, one French, one Polish, with numbers tatooed on their chests. Pan down to feet (2 have pants pulled down). CU s...

  15. Dr. Lutz testifies at medical trial

    (Munich 480) War Crimes Trials - Subsequent Trial Proceedings, Case 1 (Medical Case), Nuremberg, Germany. CU, defense counsel Dr. Wille. LS, Dr. Wolfgang Lutz testifying on stand. Pan of courtroom during testimony of Lutz.

  16. March of Time -- outtakes -- Refugees in Switzerland

    Jewish refugees in Zurich, Switzerland. All refugees at the camp are Austrians. VS of the kitchen with cooks at work. LS of the dining room with refugees helping themselves and eating. Mountains in BG, visible through window. Group of men and women carrying bags, etc, walking/escaping through the woods (set up/staged). LS of man peering through bush. VS of group arriving at camp and being welcomed by everyone. CU, man chopping wood and refugees arriving at camp. MS man and woman sewing and repairing clothes. Refugees waiting in line to have their name put on camp index cards. LS, refugees f...

  17. Oral history interview with Vered Cruthers

  18. Air attacks

    Staff Film Report no. 46; Combat Bulletin, no. 46. (with intertitles) Reel 3: A helicopter team removes valuable items from a wrecked bomber. Shows and describes the A-26 airplane. 08:39:49 "Pacific - Manila Clean-up" In Manila tanks and artillery fire across the Pasig River. The 129th Regiment crosses the river, machine guns the post office, and enters and fights in Intramuros (Feb. 23). The Legislative Building is attacked and entered by the 148th Regiment. Gen. MacArthur and President Osmefla visit the city and address the legislature.

  19. 24 drawings from the concentration camps in Germany Print

    One of a set of twenty-three prints of drawings created by George Zielezinski

  20. Hitler Youth

    Heini Voelker (Juergen Ohlsen, an unidentified Hitler Youth) is a 15 year old and non-political apprentice in Berlin with a jobless Communist father. While at a Communist Youth camp to which he was sent by his father, Heini is deeply intrigued by the expression of discipline and comradeship at a nearby Hitler Youth camp. His mother gasses herself and attempts to gas the boy. During his recovery in the hospital, he is incorporated into a "substitute family" of Hitler Youth. Heini is stabbed to death by members of the Communist Youth while disseminating Nazi propaganda materials for the parli...