Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 16,401 to 16,420 of 22,191
Holding Institution: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
  1. Shoebrush made by underground resistance member

    Shoe brush made by an underground resistance member, Michael Bochner, while hiding underground, circa 1941-1945, Poland.

  2. Poster announcing travel restrictions for Jews in German occupied Chelmno

    Order (Anordnung) concerning use of public transportation by Jews in area inside the district of Cholm (Chelmno).

  3. German attack on Poland, invasion

    Summary: The German viewpoint of events prior to and during the Polish campaign. Reel 5: Fighting at Gdynia. German troops enter Gdynia, prisoners taken. Hitler enters city (only POV from car). German soldiers greet Hitler, surround him. Hitler and officers eating at field kitchen. Headquarter scenes, interior of railroad car. Hitler consults with officers, including Goering, Rommel, Himmler, generals. Graphic - German movement to Vistula up to Radom. German troops on the move, many Polish soldiers surrender arms, equipment. Aerial of captured artillery.

  4. Stern and Pächter family papers

    The Stern and Pächter family papers include biographical material, correspondence, testimonies, cookbooks, poems, and documents relating to Mina Pächter, Anny Stern, and their family’s experiences in Prague and Theresienstadt. The collection includes a document instructing Mina to report to Theresienstadt, copies of Mina’s biography and the Pächter family tree, letters from Mina to her daughter, Anny, and one of her sister, Red Cross letters from Mina to her son-in-law Georg and from Josef Stern to Fritz Lederer, copies of transcripts of Anny Stern and Elisabeth Laufer’s oral testimony, a c...

  5. Army film showing Nazi aggression, refugees, FDR & Hull

    Orientation Film no. 7, Reel 5. International events cause the US to enter into World War II. Cranes move scraps of metal in a junkyard and protestors carry picket signs saying "Embargo Japan." A sign over a doorway reads, "Mr. Acheson Assistant Secretary of State." Dean Acheson sits at a desk and summarizes the conflicts involved with exporting goods to Japan. 05:22:15 "April 9, 1940." Hitler looks over a map with other Nazi officials. A graphic shows the Nazi party taking over Western Europe. "May 10, 1940" is superimposed on a CU of soldiers marching in boots. People sit in their homes a...

  6. Hitler Youth

    Heini Voelker (Juergen Ohlsen, an unidentified Hitler Youth) is a 15 year old and non-political apprentice in Berlin with a jobless Communist father. While at a Communist Youth camp to which he was sent by his father, Heini is deeply intrigued by the expression of discipline and comradeship at a nearby Hitler Youth camp. His mother gasses herself and attempts to gas the boy. During his recovery in the hospital, he is incorporated into a "substitute family" of Hitler Youth. Heini is stabbed to death by members of the Communist Youth while disseminating Nazi propaganda materials for the parli...

  7. Mass funeral service, Neuenberg; UNWCC visit to Buchenwald

    (LIB 6133) Atrocity, Neuenburg, Germany, April 29, 1945. Seq: Civilian population gathers for reburial of slave laborers killed by the German SS troops. Wooden coffins are carried by women and men to lawn of government building. CUs, faces and bodies of murdered victims. VS, procession of men carrying bodies in open coffins marches through streets. (LIB 6114) Buchenwald Concentration Camp, near Weimar, Germany, April 26, 1945. Seq: United Nations War Crimes Commission officers visit camp site. Group tours camp. Included in those photographed are Mr. Oldham, Australia; Mr. Stavropoulos, Gree...

  8. Food conservation leaders in US

    Part 3: US will eat less to feed Germany. Shows food conservation leaders: Hoover, Truman, Herbert Lehman, Henry Wallace, Eric Johnston, and Henry Luvce. Sec. Anderson asks America to help. Unrelated footage: Part 1: Shanghai Hails Chiang Kai-shek: Chiang deplanes, is greeted by Gen. Wedemeyer, and cheered in the city; Part 2: Gen. Homma Sentenced to Die: Japanese Gen. Homma is tried and sentenced to death by the US Military Commission in Manila; Part 4: US Soldiers go Skiing in Japan: Soldiers ski at the 8th Army Enlisted Men's Rest Center on Honshu Island (Japan); Part 5: Giant Machine Bu...

  9. People with disabilities and heredity

    Nazi propaganda film -- Aufklaerungsfilm [Instructional film] -- depicting life on earth as a permanent struggle for food, reproduction, and survival between strong and weak animals. This analogy is extended to the sphere of human beings, in which the survival of the Aryan race is threatened by 'hereditary' phenomena like mental disabilities and criminality. Allowing those considered "unworthy of living" to live in "palaces" for the disabled and congenitally ill at the expense of the healthy living in shabby conditions perpetuates this sin against the laws of nature. Shows footage of extrem...

  10. Judge Brand & T. Taylor open Krupp case; defendants

    War Crimes Trials - Subsequent Trial Proceedings, Case 10 (Krupp Case), Nuremberg, Germany, December 8, 1947. Profile shot of presiding judge James T. Brand opening the Krupp case. LS, defendants in dock. Alfred Krupp von Bohlen und Halback is on the far left followed by Loeser, Houdremont, Mueller, Janssen, Pfirsch, Ihn, and Everhardt. MS, Gen Telford Taylor, chief prosecutor, making the opening statement telling on what counts the defendants are guilty. Taylor gives a brief history of the Krupp concern and a resume of the Krupp family until the outbreak of WWI.

  11. Freezing experiments presented at Medical trial

    (Munich 480) War Crimes Trials - Subsequent Trial Proceedings, Case 1 (Medical Case), Nuremberg, Germany. MLS Prosecutor Alexander Hardy speaking of the freezing experiment reports. MLS, Hardy reads a letter from Sigmund Rascher who writes of his work and asks for captured Russians to be used for freezing experiments. MS, defendants in dock.

  12. March of Time -- outtakes -- US Embassy in Paris: sorting mail; Passport office

    Using Wall Camera: US Embassy, Post Office. Mail bags arriving from French post office. Mail being sorted. Clerk from Military Attache's office comes to collect mail. Asst. mail clerk J. Dawson Kiernan opens diplomatic pouch. Mail bags to be shipped to Moscow and Madrid. CU, Chief mail clerk E.L. Knack taking mail from diplomatic pouch and sorting. CU, EXT post office doors with sign, "Pouch Room - No Admittance" and "Mail Room - Bureau de Postes" Archive Vaults in basement of Embassy, Asst. Superintendent Anderson comes down corridor testing doors. CU Anderson opening and closing vault doo...

  13. Collage

    Stamps celebrating Hitler's birthday adhered to page from Polish fairy tale

  14. Congressional group; corpses at Mauthausen

    Congressional Group, St. Valery, France, April 27, 1945. Seq: At Camp Lucky Strike for release of American prisoners of war, Congressmen, including Senator Alben W. Barkley, talk to some of the released men. Concentration Camp, Mauthausen, Austria, May 7-8, 1945. MS, CUs, inmates mobbing wagon loaded with potatoes in prison yard. MS, CU, prisoner eating spilled food from sidewalk. MCUs, German SS officer is badly beaten by liberated prisoners. Soldiers trying to get something out of Nazi's mouth. MSs, CUs, piles of emaciated bodies. Survivors near barbed wire holding out bowls.

  15. German invasion, occupation of France

    Reel 8: German engineers repair a bridge which a locomotive crosses. German civilians manufacture war material. German officers confer, trucks transport supplies, men shoe horses. German soldiers sort mail. German troops enter a cathedral. Germany's advance- German forces move through Hangest (France). French and German planes dogfight, a French plane crashes, and Stukas bomb Allied positions. Women wash clothes, boys play, men work, and all listen to an occupation broadcast in French. Maps the German attack on Weygand Line forts. Planes bomb the Line and artillery bombards it.

  16. Ferencz discusses Less Than Slaves

    Video missing (was not sent by B. Ferencz with rest of the collection).

  17. Col. Joseph Albert Meisinger (Butcher of Warsaw) surrenders

    Butcher of Warsaw, Kawaguchi, Japan, September 6, 1945. MSs, Gestapo Col Joseph Albert Meisinger, known as the "Butcher of Warsaw," walking into deserted dining room of Fuji Hotel and surrendering to war correspondents. CUs, MSs, correspondents interrogating Meisinger. MSs, CUs, Meisinger is shown to jeep by correspondents and escorted by them as they drive along road. CUs, Meisinger. Mitsubishi Aircraft and Engine Works, Nagoya, Japan, September 7, 1945. VS, US officer with Japanese civilians inspecct the aircraft plant. Scenes showing complete destruction of factory and equipment. AV, wre...

  18. Scenes of Ludwigslust at Liberation

    Remnants of Nazism, Ludwigslust, Germany, May 6, 1945. MCU, German civilians coming out of concentration camp building after viewing bodies of victims. Woman is very distraught, crying into kerchief. More civilians leaving building. LS, square. LS, MS, CU American soldiers entering and leaving same building. Digging Graves, Ludwigslust, Germany, May 6, 1945. LSs, MSs, CUs, German civilians digging graves for the concentration camp victims. MSs, CUs, German civilians walking past graves, viewing the bodies. American/Army flags. VIP, US and other soldiers exit building. Salute. Crowd in town....

  19. Nazi atrocities and other newsreels

    "Nazi Atrocities" segment of US Army "Special Film Report" (part of reels 3 and 4). Evidence of atrocities in several captured German concentration camps, including Holzen, Paderborn, Hadamar, and Ohrdruf. LS, camp entrance in Holzen, Germany. MS, CUs, Russian, Polish, Czech and Jewish prisoners behind barbed-wire fence, smiling. Undernourished prisoners. MS, EXT men standing along barracks. VCUs, individual faces. MS, picking lice from body of another. Pan of survivors, facing camera. Former Russian prisoners raid food stores at Paderborn camp. Crowd pushing, eating from tins. US Army jeep...

  20. Zaifman family photograph

    Framed portrait of the Zaifman family from Łódź, Poland. Sigmond Zaifman is standing in the rear to the right of his sister. Inscriped on verso of the frame: "Zaifman family from Łódź, Poland/Victims of the Holocaust's 'ethnic cleansing'/Ziggy Zaifman, right rear, survived."