Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 16,361 to 16,380 of 22,191
Holding Institution: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
  1. Theresienstadt ghetto-labor camp scrip, 1 krone note

    Scrip, valued at 1 krone, issued in the Theresienstadt (Terezin) ghetto-labor camp in 1943. All currency was confiscated from deportees upon entry and replaced with scrip and ration coupons that could be exchanged only in the camp. The Theresienstadt camp existed for 3.5 years, from November 24, 1941 to May 9, 1945. It was located in a region of Czechoslovakia occupied by Germany, renamed the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia, and made part of the Greater German Reich.

  2. March of Time -- outtakes -- League of Nations; Eden in Geneva; London crowds re. political crises

    French intertitles: "Societe des Nations." French Assembly convenes. INT, delegates and speakers. CU documents pertaining to Africa. French intertitle: British foreign minister arrives Geneva for talks. Anthony Eden accompanies British Foreign Minister Sir John Simon. Simon speaks to camera (mute). Title: The political situation in and around Downing Street. Crowds. British police holding back jostling crowds. Downing Street, London. Area of Westminster: Neville Chamberlain, Winston Churchill, Stanley Baldwin, Anthony Eden, Hore Belisha, and others arrive for talks at Downing Street during ...

  3. Oral history interview with Marketa Farnik

  4. War Crimes Trials: Medical Case - Taylor explains medical experiments in indictment

    (Munich 479) War Crimes Trials - Subsequent Trial Proceedings, Case 1 (Medical Case), Nuremberg, Germany. Brig. General Telford Taylor continues the reading of the indictment and tells of the torture and death of concentration camp inmates during the so-called "scientific experiments." HS, MS defendants in the prisoners' dock. Pan of the courtroom from defendant to Gen. Taylor reading the indictment. 04:11:06 "The victims who did not die in the course of such experiments, surely wished that they had. A long report written in July 1942 by Rascher, and by the defendants Ruff and Romberg, desc...

  5. Exhumation; Inspection of gas chambers; Lt. Hodges

    01:07:44 (B-759) WWII Removal of bodies from graves and placement into caskets. CUs, bodies with hands tied behind backs. Pulling bodies out of graves. Wiping dirt away from bound hands. Foreign (Allied) soldiers and coffins [soft focus]. Prying off gloves from corpse hand with metal implement. Soldiers; graves. 01:09:45 (B-760) WWII INTs of gas chamber used by the Germans in the execution of prisoners. Demonstrating method of securing prisoners in gas chambers. Various CUs, pipes leading into room. Pan, wall surrounding concentration camp. LSs, CUs, Pan, three execution posts. ICU, rosary ...

  6. Series on peace and nuclear arms

    Association for Counselor Education and Supervision presents the Quest for Peace series with host John M. Whiteley. Guest: Helen Caldicott, MD, founder of Women's Action for Nuclear Disarmament and author of "Nuclear Madness" and "Missile Envy." Program discusses how nuclear technology threatens life on the planet. Caldicott argues that nationalism means extinction and that we must instead pursue a safer world and direct human instincts to altruism, pride, and love.

  7. Selected records from the Bundesarchiv Koblenz pertaining to Einsatzstab Reichleiter Rosenberg and the Institut für Erforschung der Judenfrage

    The photocopies of the selected records from the Bundesarchiv Koblenz relate particularly to Einsatzstab Reichleiter Rosenberg and to the Institut für Erforschung der Judenfrage. As such, the collection's focus is the confiscation of cultural property from archives, libraries, Jewish collections, Freemason lodges in the Netherlands, France, Budapest, Bucharest, and locations within the former Soviet Union.

  8. War Crimes Trials: Malmedy; Jaeger testifies at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 194) Malmedy War Crimes Trials, Dachau, Germany, March 23, 1946. HSs, Camp Dachau. LS, entrance of War Crimes court building. LS, bunker in which defendants are quartered. (Munich 206) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, June 3, 1946. Justices Parker, De Vabre and Falco. Dr. Robert Servatius, counsel for Sauckel, questions Dr. Max Wilhelm Jaeger. MSs, von Ribbentrop and Keitel; MP standing at left; Sauckel in BG. Pan, from prisoners' dock to Dr. Jaeger testifying. MS, two attorneys of the Russian staff at table. MS, Jacques Herzog, member of the French prosecution, listening.

  9. Brajtburg Collection

    The Brajtburg collection consists of 14 photographs of an unidentified family, some with inscriptions, and a document, all found in a prayer book discovered in the walls of a condemned building in Piotrkow Trybunalski, Poland. Also includes the prayer book in which the items were discovered.

  10. Presentation box for medal awarded to a Hungarian rescuer

    Righteous Among the Nations medal and presentation box awarded to a non-Jewish woman by Yad Vashem in recognition of her saving a Jewish mother and son in Hungary during the Holocaust.

  11. March of Time -- outtakes -- Vittel Internment Camp, France

    VSs, crowd of internees waving at passing armored vehicles. VSs, people waving to passing tanks. MLS, American women internees. CU, Polish woman and her baby grandaughter. 04:26:02 Aaron Rapoport (a furrier) with his three daughters, Malka, Bola, and Chana. VSs, Mr. and Mrs. Rymanowski and son, Teddy. VSs, three little girl internees hold American flag, one of them is giving the "V" for Victory, the one behind the flag is Rodi Glass (better CU at 04:26:58). VSs, Mr. and Mrs. William Irwin. Private Eldon Nicholas, who was a Red Cross aide, entertains internee children through the barbed wire...

  12. March of Time -- outtakes -- Krakow scenes; War Crimes Trial: "Butchers of Auschwitz"

    Hodgson's Poland, 1947. Krakow, Poland. LS, old market place seen from crossroads, policewoman directing traffic. MS, merchants at main square, large umbrellas opened over small carts. LS, gate of the old market. LSs, Cathedral of the Holy Virgin Mary, in FG, old market place. MS, shop window of market with dolls made in Krakow. CU, child looking at dolls. 02:03:15 "The Trial of Forty German Butchers of Auschwitz Camp," November 24-26, 1947. LS, building in which the trial of Auschwitz takes place. Market scene. MS, crowd listening to loudspeaker on steps of building. MS, crowd outside of b...

  13. Nazi atrocities

    Orientation Film no. 19. War Department Information Film showing German concentration camps and victims of Auschwitz, Majdanek, Treblinka, Belsen, Buchenwald, and other camps. Originally made with a German soundtrack for screening in occupied Germany and Austria, this film was the first documentary to show what the Allies found when they liberated the Nazi camps: the survivors, the conditions, and the evidence of mass murder. The film includes accounts of the economic aspects of the camps' operation, the interrogation of captured camp personnel, and the enforced visits of the inhabitants of...

  14. US Army Air Force; Dachau; Munich destruction

    MS, CUs four P-47s in flight. P-47s buzz countryside, pull up at airfield, in flight again. CU mechanic works on P-47 engine. MCU crew chief in cockpit of P-47. Crew chief uses air hose to clean engine. 10:06:25 Very dark shot with light inside an oven in Dachau crematory. CU tattooed prison number of Dachau inmate. CU man's sleeve is pulled up to show number tattooed on arm. CU painting of men hanging from arms as Nazi officials look on. CU painting showing forms of torture in Dachau. CU address and signature of artist. MS of Feldturnhalle in Munich with white lettering on side of building...

  15. March of Time -- outtakes -- LaGuardia and anti-war protests (staged)

    03:01:19 845 C (sound): Mayor's Office, City Hall, NYC. VS, Mayor F.H. LaGuardia' s speech on "Any peace talk of Hitler's is sheer nonsense, etc." VS, newspaper reporters listening to speech. Inserts, program booklet, "US Civilian Defense." 03:05:03 845 E (silent, most likely STAGED): Public Library, Fifth Ave, NYC. Various shots of anti-war picket line in front of NYPL with signs: "Arm Britain and Prolong the War"; "Stay out of South America, of Europe, of War"; "Lend-Lease Lose-Lives"; "Hitler has not attacked us, why attack Hitler?"; "Why Not Peace with Hitler?"; "Europe for Europeans. A...

  16. Hitler Youth

    Heini Voelker (Juergen Ohlsen, an unidentified Hitler Youth) is a 15 year old and non-political apprentice in Berlin with a jobless Communist father. While at a Communist Youth camp to which he was sent by his father, Heini is deeply intrigued by the expression of discipline and comradeship at a nearby Hitler Youth camp. His mother gasses herself and attempts to gas the boy. During his recovery in the hospital, he is incorporated into a "substitute family" of Hitler Youth. Heini is stabbed to death by members of the Communist Youth while disseminating Nazi propaganda materials for the parli...

  17. German civilians visit Buchenwald

    Civilians Visit Buchenwald Concentration Camp, Germany, April 16, 1945. CU, faces of German civilians of Weimar as they move in and about the camp. MSs, CU, one of the inmates uncovers his feet showing the deterioration of the toes due to lack of medical care. MS, CU, wagons filled with dead bodies of victims. Pan, crowd of German civilians look at the bodies. CU, faces of the civilians. HAS, German civilians walking by; mostly women. Camera on car traveling on road to Buchenwald, passing marching, well-dressed civilians. Passing MP jeep. WS, civilians entering compound, pan down waiting li...

  18. Arthur C. Bower photograph collection

    Photographs taken at Mauthausen concentration camp shortly after liberation.

  19. War Crimes Trials: Medical Case

    (Munich 529) War Crimes Trials - Subsequent Trial Proceedings, Case 1 (Medical Case), Nuremberg, Germany. LS, MS, defendant Paul Rostock is interrogated by the prosecutor James McHaney.

  20. Ferencz lecture: Temple Habonim

    Ferencz lectures on the question of atonement and what we can learn both from sin and compassion. He speaks about his involvement at Nuremberg, liberating concentration camps, and opening files and archives to help others recover heirless property. He praises Konrad Adenauer for helping to find atonement in proclaiming in 1951 that terrible crimes have been committed in the name of the German people and imposes upon them the duties and obligation to make moral and material amends. Ferencz identifies the need to reconstruct Jewish life in light of loss. Finally, he espouses the theological c...