Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 16,301 to 16,320 of 22,191
Holding Institution: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
  1. Buchenwald concentration camp; Hungarian Regt; von Rundstedt; Simpson and Patterson on tour

    (LIB 5963) Concentration Camp, Buchenwald, Germany, April 22, 1945. Seq: Members of the House of Representatives visit concentration camp; view piles of bodies; visit crematoria of the camp. Included in the group of visitors: Frances E. Walters, PA; Eugene Worley. TX; Carter Manasco, AL; Albert Rains, AL; Henry W. Jackson, WA; Earl Wilson, IN; Marion Bennet, MO; Gordon Canfield, NJ; Maj. Gen. Vanier of the Canadian Army; Maj Walter Mosmiller of SHAEF in charge of the tour. (LIB 5965) Hungarian Regt Surrenders, Near Cham, Germany, April 23, 1945. VS, 102nd Work Hungarian Regt with large numb...

  2. Hungarians occupy Czechoslovakian lands

    The Hungarian Occupation of the Vienna Award Territory in Czechoslovakia, produced in Hungary, 1938, Seized Enemy Records. Archduke Joseph and Count Esterhazy accompany troops and planes commanded by Admiral Horthy into Leva, Locensc and Kassa as crowds cheer. Local citizens welcome occupation officials. Czech signs are painted out. Hungarian gendarmes assume police duties.

  3. Hanover Harlen concentration camp

    Hanover Harlen Concentration Camp, Hanover, Germany. MS, Various views of Hanover Harlen camp. MS, inmates of camp piling discarded clothing to be burned. CU, Red Cross clubmobile. CU, Polish prisoners receiving food from Red Cross clubmobile. CU, various views of emaciated Polish prisoners, eating their first good food in 5 years. CS, face of Polish prisoner while eating. CU, nurse treating inmate's foot. CU, five emaciated inmates of Hanover concentration camp. INT, dying prisoners inside of barracks. CU, body of what was once a human being is taken to pit outside of barracks for burial.

  4. Child's beige summer suit worn by Joseph Oppenheimer

    • United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
    • irn90123
    • English
    • a: Height: 16.750 inches (42.545 cm) | Width: 11.500 inches (29.21 cm) b: Height: 14.875 inches (37.783 cm) | Width: 10.500 inches (26.67 cm) c: Height: 27.000 inches (68.58 cm) | Width: 1.500 inches (3.81 cm) d: Height: 26.500 inches (67.31 cm) | Width: 1.875 inches (4.763 cm) e: Height: 6.000 inches (15.24 cm) | Width: 1.750 inches (4.445 cm)

    Summer suit brought with 8-year-old Josef (later Joseph) Oppenheimer when he and his parents, Ludwig and Maria, immigrated to the United States in summer 1935. When Adolf Hitler was appointed Chancellor of Germany on January 30, 1933, Josef lived in Würburg, Germany, with his parents. Under Hitler, authorities began suppressing the rights and personal freedoms of Jews. Under the new laws, Ludwig, a merchant, was forced to deal with many new regulations that hurt his business. In the face of increasing persecution, Josef’s family began planning to leave Germany. On July 31, 1935, Josef, Ludw...

  5. Destruction of Warsaw, Poland

    Examines the destruction of Warsaw by the Nazis during September 1939 and the efforts of the Polish underground to rebel. Warsaw under siege in 1939 cityscape smoke rising. Germans shelling. People running through scarred city street. VS of destruction. German troops and vehicles advance along road. Smoke rising from city square. Dead horses on their sides, men cutting meat off of horses, horse skeletons in street, fires. Polish and German officers at surrender ceremony in bus. Occupation and ruins. Various activities of underground, man on his knees in tunnel, firearms, printing pamphlets,...

  6. March of Time -- outtakes -- buildings, restaurant, diplomat visit, street scenes, Charles IV tomb

    638 C: EXTs, Ministry of War. EXTs, Sudeten-Deutsche headquarters. EXTs, houses of Parliament with street traffic. VSs, modern restaurant with people looking in window. EXT, Automat restaurant with sign. EXT, more upscale Restaurant Manes. Dr. Milan Hodza getting out of car at the Alacron Hotel. VSs, newest, largest and most modern office building in Prague, traffic passing by building. VSs, policeman directing traffic. EXT, Czernin Palace with people passing and Czech inscriptions on the arcades. Flag on President's Palace. 638 D: General view of Vaclavske, main street of Prague showing cr...

  7. German invasion, occupation of France; Dunkirk

    Reel 7: Germans advance on Dunkirk. German troops eat and drink beer. British forces board boats as Stukas divebomb and a ship is set afire. Shows French and British POWs, the Dunkirk surrender ceremonies, debris on beaches, British corpses, abandoned Allied war material and a German flag. German trucks haul war material into France.

  8. Anschluss and Austrian enthusiasm

    Starting with a map showing the borders between Germany and Austria fading, this footage illustrates the occupation of Austria by German military forces on March 12, 1938 and the enthusiastic welcome by the Austrian population shouting 'Heil' and 'Hitler,' waving flags, and giving the Nazi salute. Special occasions include the crossing of the border at Kufstein, the destruction of the turnpike at Passau, the occupation of Salzburg and Graz, the fraternization between German and Austrian troops in Villach, and Hitler waving from a balcony in Linz. Most of the film is shot in Vienna, showing:...

  9. White monogrammed towel from Auschwitz

    The towel is a piece of stolen victim property from Auschwitz concentration camp.

  10. Buchenwald during and after liberation

    Mostly military scenes, group shots of soldiers, tanks and jeeps driving over bridges. CU, corpses with lime. MS, soldier (back to camera) looking into black doorway, taking picture. CU, dressed corpses, in loose pile on ground, blood on ground. WS, enormous mounds of white substance. Collapsed building, soldiers walking on top. LS tank driving over and into plane wreckage in a field. Tank driving towards camera. CU, four soldiers in tank. Refugees walking along road with oxen and big carts covered. Refugees on country path, bikes laden with belongings.

  11. Hitler Youth

    Heini Voelker (Juergen Ohlsen, an unidentified Hitler Youth) is a 15 year old and non-political apprentice in Berlin with a jobless Communist father. While at a Communist Youth camp to which he was sent by his father, Heini is deeply intrigued by the expression of discipline and comradeship at a nearby Hitler Youth camp. His mother gasses herself and attempts to gas the boy. During his recovery in the hospital, he is incorporated into a "substitute family" of Hitler Youth. Heini is stabbed to death by members of the Communist Youth while disseminating Nazi propaganda materials for the parli...

  12. Various wartime scenes

    A film report examining Nazi methods to control morale. Consisting mostly of captured films. POWs on the Russian front. Shows Goebbels and describes SS operations. Explains the high morale of German combat units in France. Describes a new cargo plane, a demolitions tank, and the V-1 bomb. Shows Hitler and Himmler and CUs of German POWs.

  13. Woebbelin concentration camp; Russians and GIs; US generals at bridge

    (LIB 6299) Prisoners of Concentration Camp, Wobbelin, Germany, May 4, 1945. MSs, CUs, weak starved inmates of the camp. CUs, extremely emaciated individuals. Seq: Emaciated prisoners are helped by other inmates into trucks. In many cases victims cannot stand on their feet. MSs, CUs, weak, sick prisoners lying on ground near barracks pleading for help. (LIB 6300) Russians and GIs, Sandau, Germany. INT, banquet given by Polish and Russian officers to liason pilots of the 102nd Division. Short scene: Russian and US soldiers speaking on the banks of the Elbe River. (LIB 6301) PWs and Infantry, ...

  14. Burial of Russian Jews

    Atrocity, Nuremberg, Germany, April 29, 1945. Seq: Reburial of murdered Russian Jews inside of town. MSs, CUs, coffins bearing bodies of victims. German civilians carry empty coffins to forest area where bodies are placed in coffins. Open coffins are carried into town for reburial. CUs, a few of the women weeping. Head-on shot, group of freed slave laborers preceded the line of civilians carrying the bodies. Bodies are carried to the cemetery.

  15. Hadamar; POWs raid for food; Breendonck torture devices

    Inquests are held at Hadamar with Dr. Wahlmann and Karl Muller (male nurse, morphine). At Meppene, soldiers delousing liberated Russian POWs. Amputees walk by. Prisoners search garbage cans for food. Crowd of disabled prisoners walk by camera in group. Survivors lying down outside, boy passes by in cart/wheelchair. Various shots of wounded/disabled prisoners eating soup, sleeping. Stretcher goes by with naked corpses. CUs, corpses. Three stretchers carried by four men at shoulder height pass in front of barbed wire fence. In Paderborn, Russian soldier argues with person off camera. Liberate...

  16. Ferencz discusses slave labor

    A BBC Production, aired November 11, 1990, 10:05 PM. Includes segments of interview with Benjamin Ferencz, among others. British Prisoners of War who worked for the German company I.G. Farben now want compensation for their years as slave laborers. After the war Farben was forced to sell its assets, so the question of compensation was impossible. But since the unification of Germany Farben has been trying to re-claim lost assets estimated at two billion pounds. Joan Bakewell investigates the POWs hopes for compensation. Ferencz tells of the absence of a Nuremberg trial on behalf of the Brit...

  17. Ferencz lecture: slave labor, "Less Than Slaves"

    Book and Author Luncheon, Benjamin Ferencz, "Less Than Slaves," Harvard University Press, 1979. Introduction by Ted Friedman, program director of the Anti-Defamation Leage of B'nai B'rith. Second introduction by Telford Taylor. Taylor praises the book for its unique content and contribution to the "new and amorphous field of the subject of international penal law." Benjamin Ferencz provides an outline of the book and answers many questions from the audience. In the book, Ferencz deals with the German plan of Vernichtung durch Arbeit ["destruction through work"] in which millions were coerce...

  18. March of Time -- outtakes -- Atrocity at Nuremberg; burials

    Atrocity at Nuremberg (via Fox). VSs, bodies of massacred Jews lying in woods. VSs, American soldiers arriving and inspecting the bodies. MCU, German civilians carrying coffins along road. CU, man weeping at sight of the bodies. VSs, German men and women carrying coffins thru the woods and along road. CU, weeping German woman. LS, Germans lining route over which coffins are being carried. Travelling shot, Germans standing beside open coffins. VSs, Germans carrying coffins along road and people weeping as they pass. Germans placing coffins down in cemetery. VSs, German men and women looking ...

  19. Mildred G. Hunter photograph collection

    Contains three photographs taken shortly after the liberation of a concentration camp.

  20. Armistice Celebrations in Washington, DC, New York and Paris

    Armistice Celebrations in Washington, DC, New York, Paris, and London, 1918. Revised version, 1936. Summary: Reel 1: President Wilson leaves the White House and rides down Pennsylvania Avenue. Shows parade units and crowds in Washington, DC. The Kaiser is hanged in effigy in New York City. Jewish man with Hebrew paper blowing horn. British Gen. Haig, French Gen. Petain, Italian Gen. Diaz and King Albert of Belgium review troops outside Paris. President Wilson reads a Washington newspaper.