Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 16,201 to 16,220 of 22,191
Holding Institution: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
  1. Ferencz lecture: Berkeley Law School

    Ferencz contends that the Nuremberg trial should demonstrate in penal action man's right to live in peace and dignity. Therefore, he concludes that law has a large role to play in establishing peace. Those principles sufficiently developed at Nuremberg (crime of aggressive war and crimes against humanity) help us to create a peaceful world. He advises implementing the following mechanisms in an international arena to reverse "international anarchy": 1) laws; 2) courts; and 3) enforcement. Furthermore, Ferencz outlines his idea for a better international structure in the United Nations: 1) d...

  2. War Crimes Trials: Medical Case

    (Munich 488) War Crimes Trials - Subsequent Trial Proceedings, Case 1 (Medical Case), Nuremberg, Germany. SILENT: Judges enter courtroom. An unidentified woman who was a victim of the Ravensbrueck experiments on the stand, questioned by Dr. Alexander about the wound received at Ravensbrueck. She walks to dock and points out the defendants Gebhardt, Oberhauser, and Fischer. MLSs, defendants in dock. 10:13:02 SOUND: Polish survivor Jadwiga Dzido on the stand. Dr. Leo Alexander identifies the X-ray of Dzigo's leg and explains the nature of the medical experiment performed on her at Ravensbruec...

  3. Program on United Nations, peace, and nuclear arms

    Presented by The Center for War/Peace Studies. Host: Richard Hudson. Program proposes a "binding triad system" to deal with international conflicts. Includes a weighted voting system in the General Assembly of the United Nations: 1) one nation, one vote; 2) population; 3) financial contributions. This would allow support from the most nations, the most people, and the greatest economic and political powers in the world. Additionally, the Center proposes binding resolutions in the General Assembly for peacekeeping forces and economic sanctions. Conferences in New York with many diplomats sim...

  4. Oral history interview with Gertrude Gottfried

  5. 24 drawings from the concentration camps in Germany Print

    One of a set of twenty-three prints of drawings created by George Zielezinski

  6. Eva Braun & family vacation; Hitler at Berghof

    Reel 6 of the private motion pictures Eva Braun (Seized Enemy Records). COLOR. Inside Eva Braun's house at Wasserburgerstrasse 12 in Munich. Eva's father Friedrich Braun tying string around trunk. Two men removing trunk and large duffel bag to truck. Eva walking towards camera with a film camera in her hands, which she's winding. Eva on tarmac of Munich airport greeting people, taking pictures. Eva and group getting on airplane, including Eva's mother, Franziska; her father, Friedrich; her sister, Ilse; and Anni Brandt, wife of Hitler's personal physician Dr. Karl Brandt. Plane "Grenzmark" ...

  7. SA propaganda

    The young worker and talented SA leader Fritz Brand constantly argues about the political future of Germany with his jobless Social Democratic father. He is also greatly involved with the ongoing street-fighting between the Nazis and Communists during the extremely violent final months of the Weimar Republic. Fritz's sixteen year old neighbor and half-orphan Erich Lohner is inspired by his example and joins the Hitler Youth. Participating in one of the first legal SA marches immediately after the SA ban is lifted on June 17, 1932, Erich is shot to death by Communists. Subsequently, the Nazi...

  8. Ardeatine Caves; FFI; torture chamber; corpses

    Corpses of Italians executed by the Nazis are removed from the Ardeatine caves; last rites are given the victims; this was most likely filmed in July 1944 by the March of Time. A funeral cortege for FFI dead moves through Paris. Shows a Gestapo torture chamber in the city; corpses of US airmen in a field at Gambsheim; the removal of corpses from a cellar in Bande, Belgium; and last rites and burial of the victims.

  9. March of Time -- outtakes -- British Agriculture

    Shot with Leblay camera: Richmond Park being plowed up to grow potatoes. Shots of farm being plowed by night (in Dorset) with a tractor fitted with headlights. (This is part of the effort to put an additional million and a half acres into cultivation). Various shots of London suburb dwellers on their new allotments for the producing of their own vegetables. The sites are in Brockwell, Dulwich, and Battersea Parks, in the SE suburbs of London.

  10. Atrocities, Seeshaupt, Germany

    Atrocities, Seeshaupt, Germany. EXT, LS, pile of decomposed bodies. LS, German civilians opening mass grave. CU, partially exhumed body. MS, German civilians removing a body from a mass grave. LS, pile of decomposed bodies. CU, several decomposed bodies. MS, pile of bodies. CU, decomposed bodies. CU, decomposed face of a slave laborer (dead). MS, German civilians carrying a body on a stretcher. LS, pile of decomposed bodies. EXT, crowd of German civilians, building in BG. LS, crowd of German civilians, American soldiers in FG. MS, German civilians unloading bodies from a truck, others looki...

  11. Global Structures Convocation panel discussion on ICC

    Panel Discussion: "Permanent International Criminal Court" Global Structures Convocation, Crystal City, VA. February 3-6,1994. (tape 10 in conference series) Panelists include: Michael Scharf (law professor at New England College of Law), Walter Hoffmann (president of the Center for UN Reform Education), Melinda Borrell (activist, lobbyist), Diane Orentlicher (law professor at American University), David Kreeger (president of the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation), and Benjamin Ferencz. The moderator is John McDonald. Ferencz explains the precedent of an international military tribunal set up at...

  12. Children refugees; rehabilitation in Europe

    A War Department Film. Army-Navy Screen Magazine, no. 75 Reel 2: European children roaming among debris, hunger lines and mobs contrasted with peaceful suburbs in the US and loss of US soldiers abroad: "Those who do not understand history are doomed to repeat it." UNRRA supplies are loaded on ships in the US and later distributed to orphans in Europe and Asia. Emphasis on international teamwork to help refugees, teach children, and rebuild/restore/repair nations. Ruins are cleared. Money pitch: "The price of peace." Ill and deformed children. "What seeds of destiny will sprout from within t...

  13. Ferencz discusses international law and human rights to manage the planet

    The Planet is at Risk. A number of contemporaries offer commentary and suggestions to meet the challenges of the next century, including a) Nick Dunlop, Parliamentarians Global Action; b) Barbara Wien, Institute for Policy Studies; c) Norman Cousius, Author; d) Dieter Heinrich, World Association for World Federation; e) Patricia Mische, Global Education Associates; f) Benjamin Ferencz, Author; and g) Senator Paul Simon. Text of biographical informations scrolls at end of program. Ferencz asserts that international laws are defective but are improving (i.e. Court of Human Rights in Strasbour...

  14. March of Time -- outtakes -- Home Defense

    03:13:35 Shot with Leblay camera: Barricade on road in England. Military sentry stopping passenger car to check papers. All cars going into protected area are stopped, those leaving are not. Lewis gun in FG. MS, officer stopping car. CU, driver of car handing over papers. Red Cross ambulance being passed through. Shot of improvised barricade made of farm implements and barbed wire. Cyclists are stopped. MS, troops building barricades, with bus having difficulties in passing. LS, same (control not yet established on this barricade). MS, building barricades, schoolchildren passing in BG, stop...

  15. Police Order (Polizeileche Anordnung) regarding formation of a new Jewish quarter in the city of Przemysl

    Police Order (Polizeileche Anordnung) regarding formation of a new Jewish quarter in the city of Przemysl, Poland.

  16. Newsreel film recording worldwide war activities

    Records world-wide war activities. Reel 1: (1941-42) Pearl Harbor is attacked. President Roosevelt signs a mutual aid pact with 26 other nations. Churchill inspects damage in London. Shows destruction in Russia and China. Industry is converted to war production. Draftees are inducted and trained. German submarines sink US ships. Wheat, factories, and bridges are destroyed by retreating Russians. Shows Cordell Hull.

  17. Hitler's first speech as Chancellor, Berlin Sportpalast

    Nazi party rally in the crowded Berlin Sportpalast on February 10, 1933. Hitler in uniform explains the ideological reasons for the Nazi rise to power and their main political aims. He announces the indictment of the politicians responsible for the evils of the Weimar Republic and promises to 'resurrect' a "Neue Deutsche Reich" [new German Empire] undivided and rooted in 'healthy' soil. He does not openly address the Jewish question. Hitler closes with the last words of the Lord's Prayer and Amen. The audience of civilians and uniformed SA and SS rises, cheers, shouts 'Heil,' and gives the ...

  18. War Crimes Trials: Malmedy, sentencing

    (Munich 298) Malmedy War Crimes Trials, Sentencing of Accused, Dachau, Germany, July 16, 1946. LS, spectators in courtroom. 1st Lt. Friedrich Crist sentenced to death by hanging. Maj Diefenthal receiving sentence of hanging. Gen. Sepp Dietrich receiving sentence of life imprisonment. PFC George Fleps sentenced to death. MS, defendants in dock as court president is heard sentencing Willi Heinz Hendel to death. PFC Joachim Hofman sentenced to death. PFC Friedel Kies sentenced to death. Mjaor Knittel sentenced to life imprisonment. Fritz Kraemer, Chief of Staff of the 6th SS Panzer, receiving ...

  19. Oral history interview with Suzanne Nozick

  20. Victory at Stalingrad; Casablanca conference; invasion of Italy; US troops attack by air

    Records world-wide war activities. Reel 5: (1943) The victory at Stalingrad is celebrated. FDR, Churchill, and de Gaulle confer at Casablanca. US and British troops meet in Tunisia; Gen. Eisenhower greets Gen. Montgomery. Bizerte, Tunis, and many German prisoners are captured. Sicily and Italy are invaded. Mussolini is ousted. The Italian fleet surrenders to Gen. Eisenhower. Naples greets US troops. Allied planes bomb and strafe enemy targets and down German fighters over Europe.