Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 14,361 to 14,380 of 22,191
Holding Institution: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
  1. Sign

  2. Alfred Spiess

    Alfred Spiess was a prosecutor of the Treblinka trial. He talks about the reorganization of the camp and gas chambers. FILM ID 3895 -- CR 1-4 Lanzmann asks Spiess how he felt when he was given the task of conducting an investigation for the Treblinka trial. Spiess says the trial presented many challenges; one primary concern was how to care for the witnesses. He created a model of the camp to be used for reference throughout the trial since, unlike other camps, Treblinka had been almost entirely destroyed. They created a sketch of the camp which Franz Stangl claimed was 100% accurate. In al...

  3. Blanket

  4. AJC offices - New York

    FILM ID 4600 -- AJC NY 162-168 Claude Lanzmann interviews an American Jewish Committee (AJC) employee at the New York City office. During the interview the employee acts as a guide, taking Lanzmann on a tour of the building housing the AJC, which is comprised of several departments. The guide explains the main functions of the departments they pass: the Public Education and Information Department, the Foreign Affairs Department, the Domestic Affairs Department and the Library. Overall, the AJC is concerned with maintaining the rights and freedoms of Jews and other minorities. Lanzmann comme...

  5. Frank Halpern papers

    The papers consist of one security clearance certifying that the bearer could attend classified briefing for operation "Market Garden," the Allied invasion of Holland; one photograph of Henry Plitt, an American airman who captured war criminal Julius Streicher; and one document issued to Julius Streicher under an assumed name permitting him to live in Waidring, Austria.

  6. Germans and Czechs in the Sudetenland

    Reel 6 Anna lives with her German father Mayor Jobst at a rural estate near Budweis in the Sudetenland. Her mother, of Czech origin, killed herself because of an unfulfilled desire to return to her native town of Prague. Already engaged to a young peasant from the village, Anna is attracted to the engineer Christian Leidwein from Prague and travels to the 'Golden City' to visit him. While staying with the family of her mother and working in their tobacco store, she is seduced and made-pregnant by cousin Toni Opferkuch. Her changing morals are accompanied by her changing appearance -- jewelr...

  7. Medal issued to Polish prisoners of Nazi concentration camps

  8. Corfu

    Lanzmann filmed the few surviving Jews of Corfou, Greece. Many are craftsmen who experienced deportation to Auschwitz and Birkenau. Some interviews take place in the synagogue and the cemetery. Additional reels of location filming show local merchants and shops. FILM ID 3406 -- Camera Rolls #4-11A -- Armando Aaron -- 01:00:08 to 01:24:10 Surviving Jews of Corfu walk down a street in Corfu, Greece with Lanzmann. The four survivors walk towards the camera. 01:03:05 Armando Aaron explains (in French) that on June 9, 1944, the Jews of Corfu (numbering 1,650) were ordered by the Germans to gathe...

  9. British enemy

    Reel 6 Michael O'Brien, an Irish rebel leader from Dublin, is hanged in 1903 by the British for subversion and high treason. His eighteen-year-old son, also named Michael O'Brien, is sent to St. Edwards College -- a boarding school specifically aimed at making Irish children 'think English' by tight surveillance and ideological education. There, a fellow student collects information for his uncle at the British Secret Service. As a result, Patrick O'Connor unconsciously betrays Michael's widowed mother for harboring Irish freedom fighters even though he eventually joins the rebels' cause. O...

  10. Metal tag issued to inmate in Melk concentration camp

    Metal tag issued to inmate in the concentration camp Melk (subcamp of Mauthausen-Ebensee).

  11. War Crimes Trials: Medical Case

    (Munich 486) War Crimes Trials - Subsequent Trial Proceedings, Case 1 (Medical Case), Nuremberg, Germany. German civilian attorneys cross-examining an unidentified witness. Witness Walter Neff is sworn in and is informed by Walter Beals, the President of the Tribunal, that since he may be tried as a war criminal later on he can refuse to answer any questions which in his opinion will incriminate him.

  12. Andre Steiner

    Andre Steiner, an architect, discusses the Judenrat and resistance activities in Slovakia with Lanzmann. He recounts relations with Rabbi Weissmandel and Gisi Fleischmann in their attempt to rescue Slovak Jews from deportation. FILM ID 3414 -- Camera Rolls #1-3 -- 00:00:22 to 00:33:51 CR1 Andre Steiner was born into an assimilated Czechoslovakian Jewish family. He was an architect in Brno and in 1939 he was imprisoned briefly because his father-in-law was a leader of the Jewish Agency in Czechoslovakia. He and his family left Brno for Bratislava as soon as he was released from prison. In Br...

  13. Memoirs

    Contains a testimony, photocopy of typescript and manuscript, eight pages.

  14. David Shtambrandt memoir

    Contains a testimony, typescript, three pages, describing David Shtambrandt' experiences in Odessa and surrounding region during the Holocaust. Three other copied documents include a Russian certificate certifying that people named in document (Raisa Turchina, V.G. Mamchur, A. Kashuk) lived in Domanovka in 1941; a document related to Claims Conference hardship payment given to Shtambrandt; and a letter from Yad Vashem that acknowledges the memoir he sent to them in 1990.

  15. Nazi anti-Soviet propaganda

    Reel 9 This feature film dramatizes the evils of the "bolschewistische Weltvernichtung"[Bolshevik destruction of the world] using the tools of the Soviet secret police GPU and the Comintern to spread anarchy and chaos. Peter Assmuss, a Baltic German student in Riga in the summer of 1939, is innocently drawn into the net of a high-ranking GPU agent Nikolai Bockscha and forced to participate in killing a dissident Armenian national leader in Kovno. Peter hides in Rotterdam with the ethnic German Irina, the secretary of the killed. Eventually they are caught and tortured by the GPU in the cell...

  16. Aron Rabinovich memoir

    Contains a testimony, 4 pages, Russian and typescript, along with a 3-page English translation, recounting the author's experience in the Domanovka, Ukraine ghetto, 1941-1943, and in a Jewish children's home after escaping from Domanovka.

  17. Ada Lichtman

    Ada (Eda) Lichtman talks about her experiences in the Krakow ghetto, her father's murder, and her transport to Sobibor. She was chosen to do the SS laundry in Sobibor and remembers cleaning dolls and toys seized from a transport of children for the SS families. She talks about Franz Stangl and Gustav Wagner and relates a story about a Dutch transport where the prisoners were given postcards to write home before they were murdered. At Lanzmann's urging, Lichtman sews doll clothes during the interview; this is a duty she used to perform in Sobibor. FILM ID 3270 -- Camera Rolls #1-4-- 01:00:18...

  18. Gustaw Alef Bolkowiak - Warsaw

    Gustaw Alef-Bolkowiak (Bolkoviac) addresses the tension between Polish and Jewish resistance movements and the question of Polish antisemitism. He talks about arms in the Warsaw ghetto, the Bund, the Zegota Council to aid the Jews of Poland, Poles who hid Jews, and Communist partisans. FILM ID 3373 -- Camera Rolls #1-4 -- 01:00:00 to 01:18:05 Note: There is no transcript for Rolls #1-4 (it is either nonexistent or missing). Lanzmann says he wants to talk about Bolkowiak's involvement as a leader of the Communist Resistance movement in the Warsaw ghetto and describes that he is particularly ...

  19. Tadeusz Pankiewicz - Cracow

    Tadeusz Pankiewicz was a Pole who ran a pharmacy within the confines of the Krakow ghetto, refusing the Germans' offer to let him relocate to another part of the city. He aided Jews by providing free medication and allowing the pharmacy to be used as a meeting place for resisters. FILM ID 3220 -- Camera Rolls #1-2, 3-4, and 5-7 01:00:09 CR 1,2: Lanzmann and Pankiewicz stand in a Krakow street. They spend most of the interview in different parts of the Plac Zgody (now Plac Bohakerow Getta), from which Jews were deported from the Krakow ghetto. They begin walking. Pankiewicz tells Lanzmann th...