Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 1,401 to 1,420 of 6,679
Holding Institution: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
  1. Unzer welt = Our world

    Front-page title: "Jews, when your fathers and mothers were murdered, you should feel just like me." translated from Yiddish.

  2. Max Neuman collection

    The collection consists of 20 photographs, a United States naturalization certificate, identification cards, and correspondence related to the life of Max Neuman donor's father born in Grzymałów, Poland, a Holocaust survivor who emigrated to the United States after World War II.

  3. Shirley Gola Enselberg photographs

    The photographs depict Shirley Gola Enselberg, her parents, and rescuers in Belgium, after liberation, and during their emigration to the United States aboard the ship, "Ernie Pyle," in September 1948.

  4. Niels Bamberger papers

    The papers consist of ration cards, a passport, a newspaper clipping, correspondence, and other documents relating to Niels Bamberger's escape from Denmark to Sweden during World War II.

  5. Costa Rican Yiddish theatre collection

    Consists of photographs of refugees and survivors who emigrated to Costa Rica; includes photographs of productions of the Yiddish theatre, which they established as well as a large group portrait of survivors from Zelechów, Poland. Collection also contains one flyer for the National Yiddish Theatre's production of "Dzeikele Blofer," 7 January 1950.

  6. Adam Peiperl papers

    The papers consist of identification cards, photographs, and a document relating to the experiences of Adam Peiperl after World War II and in Camp Wegscheid near Linz, Austria, and photographs of the Peiperl family before World War II in Poland.

  7. Miriam Harel collection

    The collection consists of a New Year card from Cyprus, made by Shlomo, and sent to Miriam Harel and her husband, as well as a photograph of the burial for a woman named Sara who died in Cyprus at the age of 22.

  8. Estare Kurz Weiser papers

    The collection includes a birth certificate, issued post liberation for Estare Weiser, a translation of the birth certificate, and three photographs of Anna Kurz, Estare's mother, and Estare after the war in Switzerland.

  9. Eva Zysman papers

    The papers consist of a pass and an identification card, issued circa 1945 to Eva Kronenberg Zysman by UNRRA Team 502 in Stuttgart, Germany.

  10. Photograph of five girls in Gardelegen, Germany

    The photograph was taken in Gardelegen, Germany, after liberation and depicts five girls posing in matching dresses made, from sheets, by the donor.

  11. Pola Ross photograph collection

    The collection consists of a photograph of Pola Ross, her husband, and their daughter who was born in Siberia; her husband's brother Lakivif Gidel Gurman, a Holocaust survivor from Ukraine; and a photograph of a group of men and women working in a field in Siberia.

  12. Helene Bloch collection

    Consists of eight photographs documenting the donor's family in Villefranche, France, during the Holocaust and immediately after liberation.

  13. Herman Rothberg photograph collection

    The 33 photographs were taken in the Föhrenwald displaced persons camp in Germany after World War II. Many of the photographs have captions on the verso.

  14. Lili Levy photograph collection

    The Lili Levy photograph collection consists of two photographs of Lili Levy, after liberation in the DP camp in Ludwigsdorf, Germany, 1945.

  15. Ration book

    The ration book ("Zuteilungskarte") was issued by the Jewish Committee in Hannover, Germany, to Frieda Landau.

  16. Minnie Friedman Piha photograph collection

    The collection consists of a photograph album and 77 loose photographs relating to the experiences of Minnie Friedman Piha [donor's great aunt] while working in the Women's reserve or "WAVES" in post-World War II Germany.

  17. Robert Barton photograph collection

    The collection consists of three photographs depicting life in the Zeilsheim displaced persons camp in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, after World War II.

  18. Photograph of a group of Holocaust survivors from Radzyń Podlaski, Poland

    The photographic postcard depicts a group of ten men and one woman seated at a table with lit candles, a Yizkor sign, and a banner with Hebrew characters on the wall behind them. Caption on the verso: "Radzyń Podlaski Poland / This was taken in / Germany D.P. Kamp sic."

  19. Anna Lewis papers

    The papers consist of an identification card issued to Geza Ottai in Cinecittà, Italy, dated November 1948; a photograph of Anna M. Ottai, Geza’s daughter; a registration certificate issued to Geza Ottai by the International Refugee Organization Italian Mission in Rome, Italy, dated May 1949; and a Stewart Times newsletter, dated January 1, 1952.

  20. Paryzer family photograph collection

    The collection consists of eight black and white photographs documenting the Dr. Morton Paryzer and his wife, Genia Paryzer, and their families' experiences before, during, and after the Holocaust.