Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 14,101 to 14,120 of 22,191
Holding Institution: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
  1. Selected records from the Ternopil (Ternopol) State Oblast Archive

    Contains records relating to statistical census data and the registration of Jews, the use of Jews in forced labor (including name lists), cases of corruption by Ukrainian officials, the issuance of passports and identification papers to Jews, and the activities of the Judenrat in the Ternopil and in the Skalat ghettos. There are also lists of confiscated Jewish properties, leases for renting Jewish-owned houses, lists of Ukrainian police, files relating to German policemen, and documents collected by the KGB relating to war and other crimes.

  2. Selected records of the Départmental Archives of the Bas Rhin in Strasbourg

    Contains documents from series AL (Reichsland d'Alsace-Lorraine) of the Archives départementales du Bas Rhin, Strasbourg, pertaining to the operation of the Natzweiller-Struthof camp and sub-camps in the Alsace-Lorraine region of France, as well as materials related to the German occupation of Alsace-Lorraine in general.

  3. Edward V. Migdalski collection

    Contains photocopies of photographs of Adolf Hitler's birthplace in Braunau (Austria) and of scenes of 3rd Army troops at the Stutthof concentration camp; an English-language translation by Ephraim Margolin of an interview by Burit Harel of Edwin T. Jacob, an inmate of Ebensee concentration camp, in which he describes the liberation of the camp by American troops, May 6,1945, and which was published in the Israeli press June 22, 1990; photocopy of the schedule, in English, German, Italian, Russian and French, for the commemoration ceremony marking the 45th anniversary of the liberation of E...

  4. A blueprint for Hebrew freedom:a letter from Peter H. Bergson to Dr. Ch. Weizmann, 1945 April 2

    Collection contains this published letter regarding the Jews and antisemitism in the aftermath of the Holocaust; the difficulties being encountered by Jews when trying to emigrate to Palestine; the proposal of a "Jewish Commonwealth" and the role of Zionism; and proposals to establish a successful Jewish community.

  5. "Inside the Nuremberg trials: a prosecutor's comprehensive account"

    Contains drafts of the preface and several chapters from a proposed book by Drexel A.Sprecher, based on his experiences serving with the Office of the U.S. Chief of Counsel during the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg.

  6. Photograph album page

    Page from a Jewish family album that depicts pre-war life in Yugoslavia. Loose photo album page with two binder perforations, bearing two black and white photographs on recto and two on verso. Found in front of photo album [Ref 1]

  7. March of Time -- outtakes -- Arrival of SS Brazil in Uruguay, 1938

    "Brazil" sign on SS Brazil boat (tendered by the US Maritime Commission to North and South American diplomats, bankers, and businessmen to initiate the "Good Will Service" to South America). LS, MS, view of Montevideo, Uruguay from boat. Shots of harbor, steamship, boats, people. 02:01:49 Flags on building. 02:02:13 Officials on patio at government house, including Admiral Emory S. Land, Ambassador Breckinridge Long, Alberto Guani (Minister of Foreign Affairs), Don Fermin Carlos de Yereugi, and Leslie Reed (US Charges d'Affaires). Suited men talking. In garden at the President's residence: ...

  8. Piano tribute to the victims of the Holocaust

    Contains a piano composition written by Matt Wilder, an eighth grade student at Yorktown Middle School, Yorktown, Indiana, in remembrance to the victims of the Holocaust.

  9. William F. Angen collection

    Collection contains eleven slides of Dachau presumably taken in 1945; a one page memoir describing William F. Angen's experiences of liberating Dachau; and a photocopy of a permanent pass to Dachau concentration camp issued to William F. Angen.

  10. Bertha Taenzer collection

    Contains 249 letters written by Bertha Taenzer to her children, Erwin and Ilse, from 1937 to 1943. Bertha Taenzer (b. 1876, Merchingen, Baden, Germany) died in Theresienstadt concentration camp on September 25, 1943.

  11. "Six Million? How could it be done?"

    Contains a memoir describing the donor's Holocaust related experiences. The memoir also contains copies of original art completed by the donor.

  12. John Leh II collection

    Collection contains a letter written by the donor to his parents in May 1945 describing his experiences in the 82nd Airborne Division and his visit to Wobbelin concentration camp. These excerpts are not the originals but copies which were used in a publication.

  13. Alfred Nowack collection

    Collection contains Alfred Nowack's emigration ticket, sailing from Lisbon to the United States (undated); "Kinderausweis" with a red "J" stamped in the upper left hand corner, issued 15 March 1939; and "Affidavit in Lieu of Passport" issued by the Counsulate of the USA in Marseille to allow Mr. Nowack to travel to the United States, 7 August 1941.

  14. The competing interests reflected in the design of Holocaust Memorials: an examination of three Holocaust memorials - Auschwitz-Birkenau; the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum and "Le Memorial des Martyrs de la Deportation."

    Collection analyzes three different Holocaust memorials as case studies, and how the architecture reflects the experiences of Holocaust victims.

  15. Records relating to the international settlement in Shanghai, China

    Documentation of German foreign office response to Japanese reception of Jewish refugees in Shanghai. Collection also includes documents on the embargo on weapons for the republicans during the Spanish Civil War and the policies of various countries toward Jewish refugees. The latter contains significant material on George Rublee, the Evian Conference, and its aftermath.

  16. Reflections on some pertinent aspects of the Holocaust

    Contains a description by William Pace (formerly known as Wolf Peisachowitsch) of the role of Jewish councils and police in the ghetto life of Jews during the Holocaust and his own experiences in the Schavel, Lithuania ghetto. Also included are photocopies of a portrait of a man and of letters written to Dr. Pace in 1980 by the Medical Society of the State of New York regarding a service citation and in 1983 by the New York County Medical Society regarding membership.

  17. Everett Goldstein collection

    The Everett Goldstein collection consists of a 35 page typescript report entitled "Program of general measures of Relief and Rescue of Jews threatened with extermination by the enemy," made by the World Jewish Congress and submitted to the War Refugee Board in 1944 regarding measures and policies that should be enacted in order to help with Jewish refugees and victims of Nazi persecution. Also includes the program to a radio show made in May 9, 1943, entitled "The Truth About Refugees," on which Everett Goldstein was one of the panelists.

  18. Hy Barsky collection

    Three items: Photocopy of article titled "Undici mesi," by Valentina Supino, which recorded her childhood memories of the period between the fall of Mussolini and the liberation of Italy in Tuscany, and which appeared in the journal "Il Ponte" in March 1991; photocopied typescript memoir about a childhood in hiding in Italy during the war, with the name "Kitty Braun" written at top; and a typescript titled "L'Anzulon," by Jenny Bonani Liscia, written in spring 1993, recounting events she experienced following the German invasion of Italy in 1943.

  19. Records relating to twins in Auschwitz

    Collection contains photocopied lists of names and certificates of twins who were used in Josef Mengele's medical experiements in 1944 at Auschwitz II.

  20. Thessaloniki Jewish Community records

    The collection contains registration records for over 43,000 Salonika Jews completed prior to their deportation to Auschwitz. The cards contain personal information as well as itemized lists of real and material property subsequently aryanized by occupying forces and Greek collaborators.