Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 1,381 to 1,400 of 6,679
Holding Institution: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
  1. Exodus Protest

    HA group protesting. VAR shots of signs, speakers. CU shot with banner:"Bevin! We will out live your reactionary policies!" Clapping audience. General shot of protest. Protesters parade. Banner: "Exodus in Hamburg a mark of cain for England." More good banners (English and Hebrew/Yiddish). Crowd waves fists, good banners visible. More close shots and speakers (Marc Jarblum speaks, Josef Rosensaft next to him).

  2. William Hahn collection

    The collection consists of photocopies of typescripts and handwritten correspondence in English and French to and from James Joyce as well as letters, postcards, and news articles related to Joyce's efforts to assist Jewish refugees during the Holocaust, included family members.

  3. Friedlander-Schonfeld family papers

    Contains newspaper clippings, correspondence, and legal documents relating to the emigration of a Jewish family to Ecuador during the 1940s.

  4. Oral history interview with Rudy Katz

  5. American Zionist Fundraising photographs

    Photographs show American fundraising events for Jewish causes, such as the National Emergency Campaign for the Settlement of German Jewish Refugees in Palestine, and the National Palestine Appeal Conference. Most of the photographs are posed publicity photographs and show the most prominent Jews of the day in the United States.