Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 101 to 120 of 22,191
Holding Institution: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
  1. Julien Bryan Collection compilation

    Compilation of newly preserved footage from the Julien Bryan Collection at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum shown during a presentation given by Raye Farr and Regina Longo for the New York Film and Video Council in March 2005.

  2. Belsen: Kramer; corpses

    CUs, camp commandant Josef Kramer under armed guard. Canadian military soldier with a cap, Jack Marcovitch, on Kramer's left side. SS men unloading naked corpses (women) from truck into a pit. SS women on truck with corpses, dragging naked corpses to pit. CUs of bodies.

  3. Red Cross treats victims of Penig concentration camp

    Jewish Concentration Camp, Penig, Germany, April 17, 1945. German uniformed medics carry female survivors from concentration camp in Penig into hospital from Red Cross ambulances. VAR MSs and CUs, females on litters waiting to be carried. Survivors smile widely. Hospital sign, "Zum Luftschutz-Sanitaetsraum." 01:01:16 Ambulances traveling on road. LS, medics take survivors on litters out of ambulance and line cots on the grass. Medic talks to a survivor, helps another walk into the hospital. Red Cross nurses. INT, American doctors consult surviviors in their hospital beds, treat wounds. Aeri...

  4. Julien Bryan Collection compilation

    Compilation of newly preserved footage from the Julien Bryan Collection at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum shown during a Museum public program on April 16, 2004. Scenes include: -Georgia, Caucasus Mountains, 1933 -Russia, 1936 -Krakow, old market square & Jewish quarter, Kazimierz, 1936 -Krakow, old market square & Jewish quarter, Kazimierz, 1936 -Warsaw, city center & Jewish quarter, 1936/37; Krakow, main market square, 1936/37 -Katowice (main city of Upper Silesia), Poland, 1936/37; Gdynia, Poland, 1936/37; Danzig, 1936/37; Warsaw, Poland 1936/37 -Polish countrysi...

  5. Carter Library archival footage

    Footage documenting the final report from the Presidential Commission on the Holocaust from the Carter Library. Footage used to produce the Commission's 20th Anniversary videotape (see HMM159).

  6. Oral history interview with James Hennessy

  7. Belsen after liberation

    CU, pan up to clothed corpses scattered on the ground, group of survivors in BG. MLS, makeshift tent with survivors. CUs, survivors.

  8. Oral history interview with Michel de Bouard

  9. Family life in Vienna, 1936

    Introduced with German titles throughout, some are comical. This film is titled "Dreibubenhaus" [The House of the Three Boys] in honor of a then current theatrical presentation in Vienna. CUs, the twin boys don hats and joke for the camera. Sequence of the boys waking up, saying prayers, washing faces, getting dressed, and ready for school. The three Illich boys eat breakfast and exit their home (filmed from mother Ellen (Maexie) Regenstreif's room on the top floor of the villa), walking the grand grounds of Villa Regenstreif. The governess "Selli" Frauer escorts the boys onto a tram and ki...

  10. Oral history interview with Dorothy Finger

  11. Landsberg DP camp: UNRRA; Zionist demonstration; rebuilding life

    Transfer of defendant to a trial. Shots of crowd, MPs, UNRRA officials, judges moving/walking through streets of Landsberg DP camp. VAR, UNRRA or military officials walking in streets, entering and exiting a building, talking. Children boarding train, some in scouts uniforms. More views of the UNRRA officials on the street. Parade of scouts marching, rally, flags. Some men in suits. Demonstration of DPs, young crowd. Man speaking with Hebrew banner in BG (seen briefly in RG-60.0088). Flags. 01:09:10 Pan, INT, another demonstration, DP officials grouped on a platform, singing, various men gi...

  12. War destruction in the Netherlands

    EXT, Grand Hotel. Red flag with white cross on it, jeep Toluca and khaki sedan stopped on roadside by ESSO gas station. Toluca with weapons carrier behind drives through a bombed out part of town. Shot of harbor from street, trolley wires overhead. VS of harbor, street corner with building that had been destroyed by bombs. VS of the city, street full of rubble, more bombed out buildings, spire of church in BG. Civilians and two German soldiers walking down street. Pan of part of town that is nearly leveled. Shot of jeep driving past store with sign that reads: "F. Woolworth Company." Army s...

  13. Kriegsberichterstattung: Judenherrschaft im Sovj. Russland

    Decelith Folie D. War report by Bertrand Nicole on "Jewish rule in Soviet Russia" regarding French war guards.

  14. In Mein Sheyner Warshe | Lebedik Amcho

    Yiddish performance of "In Mein Sheyner Warshe" and "Lebedik Amcho." Radio Leon. Recorded in Buenos Aires in 1949. Side A: In Mein Sheyner Warshe (In mayn sheyner varshe). Arranged by Oppenheim and Heller. Performers: Menashe Oppenheim, voice; Jascha Galperin, piano. (Opening line: "A song dedicated to the city where I lost everything and everyone, a song dedicated to the city where I was born.") Side B: Lebedik Amcho (Lebedik amkho). Folk melody, arranged by Oppenheim. Performers: Menashe Oppenheim, voice; Simon Tenowsky, piano.

  15. Hungarian soldiers fight

    Hungarista Híradó 2. CU of a soldier’s head with a camouflaged helmet slowly emerging from below, peering out through binoculars. A tank fires. The man lowers his binoculars, looks around, and then dives down for cover. Hungarian soldiers load and fire an anti-tank artillery gun. The shot hits a tank in the field, smoke rises up. They reload and fire. The shot hits the ground, missing the two tanks to the right. Brief CU of a tank with leaves camouflaging it. Smoke rises off the field as a tank drives through. Two soldiers with camouflaged helmet fire a different anti-tank gun at an approac...

  16. At sea, ships & landing craft

    Tents in a clearing, France. Stevens, three other men in uniform by train, sign reads: "London (Euston)- Glasgow (Center)." At sea, Stevens, two other men on deck of destroyer, panning shot, cloudy morning, choppy sea. Roughly 50 men looking out to sea. Long panning shot of fleet, barrage balloons overhead. MS, Stevens holds Eyemo camera to eye, ships in BG. CU of Stevens. LS of sea and flashes of firing in distance. LS of ships in choppy sea. Ships' guns firing, large orange puffs of smoke. Pan to landing craft. Passing ships, possibly landing craft.

  17. Kriegsberichterstattung: Bomben auf Castel Gandolfo

    Decelith Folie D. War report by Jaegesen? "Bombs on Castel Gandolfo." Castel Gandolfo is the seat of the Papal summer residence in Italy which was respected by the Germans and forbidden to go to. In February 1944, the place was bombed by Anglo-American bomber formations, and more than 500 people were killed.

  18. Kriegsberichterstattung: Kriegsberichterzug Panzerdivision Totenkopf

    Decelith Folie D. War report by Otto Peter Bühler. Daily report from the combat area northeast of Warsaw and the lower bridgehead at Narev. The war reporter is traveling with Tank Division Death's Head.

  19. US soldiers in uniform

    Men in uniforms with Eisenhower jackets, ties and SHAEF insignias, working with 35mm Mitchell camera. One officer is Capt. William C. Mellor. Man in FG with moustache is a Major. Young, two-star general with khaki shirt and tie greets the other two officers. CU of general (notes indicate that the general may be Gen. Gavin or Gen. Terry Allen). The general appears to be the same man who arrived in the black airplane in the previous story (RG-60.2704).