Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 81 to 100 of 22,191
Holding Institution: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
  1. Oral history interview with Lidia Demarin

  2. Archive of the Delegation of Argentine Jewish Associations (DAIA)

    The collection includes foundational materials, records, photographs of institutional activity, committees, campaigns, complaints, archives of the United Restitution Office, assemblies and public activities, files, work folders, and surveys on anti-Semitism in the form of reports and newspaper clippings. It covers action against Nazism from 1935, as well as different expressions of anti-Semitism in Argentina in the 1960s and 1970s, the military dictatorship, the attack on the Israeli embassy, the AMIA attack, and new expressions of anti-Semitism. Over time, DAIA became the political represe...

  3. Oral history interview with Luisa Congiu

  4. Oral history interview with Harold Thomas

  5. Private Dr. Jacob Czarno private 6th grade co-educational primary school in Polish and Hebrew in Vilnius Prywatna 6-klasowa Koedukacyjna Szkoła Powszechna z polskim i hebrajskim językiem nauczania im. Dr. J. Czarny w Wilnie (Fond 1100)

    The collection contains administrative documentation that includes minutes of the meetings of the pedagogical council, examination records, personal files of students, various lists of schools’ students and teachers, copies of graduation certificates, progress reports, class diaries with information about student’s attendance and grades, statistical information about students and other documents. Students' personal files arranged according to the surnames of individuals, in alphabetical order.

  6. Trims of Russian scenes: children; school; peasants; roller-skating; farming

    TRIMS depicting a variety of activities in daily life throughout Russia. Blond children hanging on railing/fence, one lands a parachute in the field. 01:04:21 INT, school classroom, VAR MSs children at desks, writing in notebooks. 01:04:48 INT, restaurant on boat. 01:04:59 LS, farm with cows. Two women with baby in village. Crowd, peasants milling about. CUs, man drinking from cup. 01:05:21 CU, harness on woman. In city, spectators looking through a fence (seen from behind). Women roller-skating. Crowd. Barn with windmill. Farmer, cows, milkcans. 01:05:40 Woman hoeing in bathing suits. Woma...

  7. Jewish orphans leave Prague for England after WWII

    Scenes showing a group of Jewish orphans leaving Prague for England under a British Home Office plan to transport one thousand orphaned concentration camp survivors to recuperate in Britain before their resettlement. This footage shows some of the 300 children, mostly boys, who were liberated from Theresienstadt and flown from Prague to England on August 14, 1945. They were initially settled at a hostel in Windermere where they received medical care. Boys board a Stirling aircraft on a grassy field at the Ruzyne airfield in Prague. One boy boards carrying a flag. Interior shots of the boys ...

  8. Nuremberg Rally 1934

    Reel 10: Goose-stepping Nazi Labor troops parade in streets of Nuremberg. Hitler, standing in car, salutes each unit as they pass. CU, German high command including Hitler, Raeder, Goering, Hess, General Von Brauchitsch and others. CU, Hitler's arm extended in Nazi salute. Pan to face of Hitler. Various Army Corp units, MSKF, Women Driver Corps, and Hitler Youth passing in review before Hitler standing in open car. Cut- ins, populace leaning out of windows watching review. Various parade scenes: Himmler leads Gestapo troops, greets and shakes hands with Hitler. Soldiers carrying pick-axes p...

  9. Bomb destroyed Europe

    Aerial shot from airplane with bomb craters very apparent. VS from lower altitude of bomb craters. Bill Mellor in plane, underexposed shot of another unidentified man in the plane. Aerial views of unidentified town and river.

  10. Compilation for Cinematography of the Holocaust

    Compilation of newly preserved footage from the Claude Lanzmann Shoah Collection and other collections at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum shown during a presentation given by Raye Farr at the Cinematography of the Holocaust conference in Budapest, Hungary in March 2007. Clips include: Benjamin Murmelstein (12:37); Hermann Landau (5:53); Hansi Brand (24:06); Auschwitz (3:23); and Tom Veres (12:45).

  11. Belsen: Nazis bury the dead

    LS bulldozer digging grave, many SS men surround bulldozer, also digging with shovels. VLS, large group of SS men digging. MLS, naked corpses lined up on the ground, to be loaded onto truck.

  12. Soviet War Memorial; atomic bomb explosion

    Welt im Film Nr. 33, 12/28/1945 "Berliner Bilder" At the Soviet War Memorial in Berlin, a large military ceremony takes place, possibly the dedication in November 1945. CUs of individuals and the memorial. Destruction from the street. People shovel large piles of rubble. 01:01:26 Brief cut of three male runners stand on a track and shake hands with a man in a suit. 01:01:32 Welt im Film Nr. 66, 8/28/1946 "Bikini Atom-Explosion Unter Wasser" A film recording of the second nuclear test in Bikini Atoll on July 24, 1946. The bomb was attached under a boat in 27 meters of water. The underwater e...

  13. Claude Lanzmann, Ziva Postec, and Yael Perlman editing SHOAH, 1983

    "Visiting Yael at Work" Inside the cutting room, Yael Perlman, Ziva Postec, and Claude Lanzmann edit sequences for the film SHOAH. David Perlov narrates his visit to his daughter as Lanzmann describes his approach in French. The voice of interviewee Simon Srebnik in German can be heard in the background. "Yael is working on Claude Lanzmann's film, SHOAH. It is a hard, almost unbearable confrontation for her. Like myself, Yael admires this man who had devoted already years to this project with untiring persistence, no compromise. His approach is dry, unemotional, like that of a legal prosecu...

  14. Hinzert camp; convoy

    Collection du Film Scolaire no. 100101 Hinzert. Includes French titles. Soldiers gather for repatriation of Luxembourgers who died in Hinzert. Official ceremony takes place on March 9, 1946. Military trucks. INTs chapel, ceremony for those who died, coffins, men in striped uniforms. 00:01:40 "Grand Duche de Luxembourg Education Nationale Film Scolaire" title. "Les ceremonies qui ont eu lieu lors du transfert de nos heros vers le sol natal les 9 et 10 Mars 1946" "Dans la brume du 9 Mars 1946, a 8 heures, un convoi compose de 12 camions part pour Hinzert" Snowy, windy field. Sign: "Hinzert 2....

  15. Sport events at DP camp; Eisenhower visits Neu Freimann

    Men and women outdoors doing calisthenics, gymnastics, various track and field events at a DP camp in Germany. Women playing tennis. Crowd of men watching a boxing match. Pan, men's soccer team. Men playing chess. 01:55:32 General Dwight D. Eisenhower arriving at Neu Freimann DP camp, touring buildings, school, warehouse, synagogue. Crowds gathering for Eisenhower. Eisenhower leaving in automobile.

  16. Landsberg DP camp: school, library, children

    CU DP boy in Landsberg, Germany. Hebrew sign. Teacher and children dancing, playing, learning. Children in classroom at desks learning Hebrew. Teacher pointing to map of Israel. Reading posted notices. Men and women outside. Sign reading "Landsberger Szpigel Ojshams Cusztand in Erec Jisroel." Man dictating letter to women with typewriter. The woman at the typewriter has been identified by a patron as Minna Aspler (nee Friedland.) Distributing newspapers. Men smiling at camera. More, reading papers posted on board. CU, Chaim N. Bialik Library sign. Reading in library. Men reading papers at t...

  17. Oral history interview with Charles Farber

  18. Nuremberg: Medical Case No. 1 - Trial of Karl Brandt & others

    Short film produced by the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum's Steven Spielberg Film and Video Archive for screening at a medical conference in Berlin on December 9, 1996. Final Edit dated November 21, 1996. Audio Only from RG-60.2210: Roll call over opening title. From RG-60.2376: HAS, courtroom. Audio Only from RG-60.2210: "The secretary will call the roll of the defendants..." [barely audible]. Intertitle. From RG-60.2376: Secretary calls "Karl Brandt". Audio Only from RG-60.2210: Defendants names are called, including Karl Gebhardt, Kurt Blome, Rudolf Brandt, Gerhard Rose, Siegrie...

  19. Burning buildings, probably in Saarland

    Scenes filmed by Lieutenant Edgar Forsberg of the 257 German Infantry following the collapse of the Polish army on October 6, 1939. German soldier walks toward the camera. Caravan of military vehicles. 10:08:05 Several fires destroy buildings, probably in the Saarland, a region along the southwest French-German border where the 257th Infantry was positioned after their time in occupied Poland. Their post in the Saarland was unusual as few battles between the French and German armies occurred along this Western Front between October 1939 and April 1940. Destruction was likely caused by Frenc...