Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 21 to 40 of 22,191
Holding Institution: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
  1. Compilation for "The Nazi Rise to Power" film

    Research edits for the Permanent Exhibition monitor 4.08 The Nazi Rise to Power. Compilation includes still photographs and step-printed footage.

  2. Prague; German troops; Heydrich; Lidice

    [Modern footage of Czechoslovakia throughout film.] Prague streets with German troops marching. Reinhard Heydrich saluting troops. Burning town; Prague castle. 00:07:14: Women transported to camps via train. Lidice leveled; smoke; rubble. 00:13:07: Women carried back to Lidice. Rebuilding Lidice.

  3. Track and field events at DP camp

    Track and field events at DP camp: javelin, high jump, track races, shotput.

  4. Calisthenics; German refugees; Hitler walking his dog; German troops advance; wounded

    Reel 1, Part 1 shows tuna fishing off the Spanish coast. Part 2, youths dig irrigation channels in Serbia. Part 3, athletes participate in mass calisthenics and sports events in Breslau. Part 4, wrecked U.S. bombers. Part 5, German refugees eat at a field kitchen, are given clothing, are evacuated by boat and train, and are cared for at a hospital. Part 6, Hitler walks his dog and stops to talk with Himmler and Mannstein. Shows Hitler, Jodl, Goring, and Keitel in conference. Part 7, German troops move up on the Russian front. A Russian attack is repulsed with artillery, rocket launchers, an...

  5. Articles relating to the war crimes trial of Bergen-Belsen guards

    Consists of photocopies of newspaper articles relating to the September 1945 war crimes trial of several Bergen-Belsen guards. Included is information about the testimony of Dr. Ada Bimko (a.k.a.Hadassah Rosensaft), selections for the gas chambers at Auschwitz, results of medical experiments on female prisoners, and atrocities committed by the SS guards at Bergen-Belsen.

  6. Belsen: Nazis unload corpses

    Nazi women unload bodies from truck into pit. Nazi woman, scowling, unloading/dropping bodies off truck and into a pit. In BG, pit getting full. Women walking along pit, heaving bodies in (little scratches), dragging woman with shirt.

  7. Trial in the case of the atrocities committed by Germans and a Ukrainian accomplice in and around Kharkov in 1943

    7 reels, titles and voice-over in Spanish. Coverage of the actual trial of Captain Wilhelm Langheld; Reinhard Retzlaff, an official of the German field police; Lieutenant Hans Ritz, an SS company commander, and Bulanov, a Russian traitor. Spectators include people whose families had been murdered. Every statement in the trial was translated into German, and each defendant was represented by counsel. Many witnesses were called, and the defendants themselves testified. Captain Langheld stated that he had personally beaten women to death but pointed out that he was not the only one. "The entir...

  8. Jews in Warsaw, Poland

    Unidentified German footage, some in Warsaw. People walking in street. CUs of old man. Men working in street. Soft shots of Jewish men. CU of Jewish man (seen in newsreel). Unidentified footage of large group of Jewish men seated on ground (round-up). 01:44:48 Street scenes in Warsaw,Jewish district (ghetto). German soldier directs people. Title: "Judentypen" CUs Jewish men on street. Shot of Warsaw main station. Title: "Mit der Kleinbahn zum HKD Gora-Calvaria" Flash of footage. Title: "Juden-Getto in Warschau" Street scene, pedestrians with armbands. CU sign: "Rogatschew" (seen before). 01...

  9. Hungarian conscripts forced to perform labor in Budapest, 1944

    Hungarista Híradó 2. A long row of forced laborers in a field use pick-axes to dig away at the earth. Men in a deep trench dig, throwing the dirt up above, where other men shovel it away. Brief shot of two men in uniform surveying the activity. One looks through binoculars. The laboring men continue to hack away at the earth, with shovels and pick-axes. They sit by tables and pots, prepping food. CU of a bowl of onions and peppers. Men cut away at onions over a bowl and stir soup in large pots in the ground. A man serves others waiting in line for the soup. The Jewish forced laborers lounge...

  10. Belsen: corpses

    CUs of female corpses (bodies and faces), bloody. Mangled pile of bodies. (GRAPHIC FOOTAGE)

  11. Visit of David Teitelbaum to Wielopole Skrzynskie

    David Teitelbaum visits his family in his birthplace of Wielopole Skrzynskie, Poland. The film shows members of the Teitelbaum, Rappaport and Sartoria families, their neighbors, and acquaintances. Individuals appearing in the film include: Oizer Teitelbaum and his wife Leah née Blattberg; the filmmaker David Teitelbaum and Chiel Teitelbaum; Rachel Sartoria née Teitelbaum and her husband Moshe; Sheindel Rappaport née Teitelbaum and her husband Moshe Aaron and their children, Simcha, Chiel, Shlomo, Channa, Chaim, and Etla; Juda Redel and his wife Eidel; and Nathan Lipschitz. Camera rotates, C...

  12. Liberator clips

    Video clips compiled for screening at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum's Days of Remembrance activities in April 2010 commemorating the role of liberators. The videos were displayed in the classrooms on the concourse level of the Museum during the Collections Open House activities. Contents include: Zabin Collection - Omaha Beach in color, b/w (USHMM Film ID 2612, 01:04:49 to 01:12:45) Zabin Collection - Liberation of Dachau; medical unit in color, b/w (USHMM Film ID 2460, 01:00:00 to 01:09:30)

  13. 1 video program about the Holocaust: Eichmann trial

    Audiovisual monitor shown in the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum's Permanent Exhibition called "The Holocaust" (according to exhibition number). Second flor (2.08d) - The Killers: Eichmann Trial

  14. Visiting Polish family, Vienna, Paris, and Holland

    Title card: “With the Faust Family Pabjanice April 1933.” In Pabianice, Poland, three children play with a shovel and bucket in the sand. Three women in fur coats sit closely together on a bench. The Faust family walks down a residential street and poses for the camera. The elder is Herman Faust, a textile manufacturer whose home and business were located in either Pabjanice or Czestochowa (many family members perished during the Holocaust). Lovely portraits of the family. The children make faces and are scolded. The group continues to pose in various spots and groupings for the camera, som...

  15. Oral history interview with Harry Burger

  16. JDC aids DPs

    The clip begins, with a JDC spokesperson speaking at a podium: "...of the 80,000 Jews who have survived in Poland today, at least 70,000 require assistance." Then, voice over narration begins with music in the background and montage of shots described below: "...though the number is tragically small the need is greater than ever, for them JDC alone halts the hand of death..." DPs eating (including children). Medical exam - children. DPs receive clothing from JDC. Orphans from Buchenwald enroute to Marseilles, France and then on to Palestine: Children board train - US army personnel look on....

  17. Personal papers of Hadassah and Josef Rosensaft relating to displaced persons activities and Bergen-Belsen

    Includes information about the emigration of Jewish orphans to Israel, the administration of the Bergen-Belsen displaced persons camp by the British Army, the 1946 Vaad Leumi Session in Israel concerning Jewish refugees of the Holocaust, food rationing in the Hohne displaced persons camp, military activities of the Haganah in Israel circa 1946, the April 1948 protest by Bergen-Belsen displaced persons against world indifference toward their situation, and the activities of Hadassah and Josef Rosensaft in relation to the Central Jewish Committee of the British Zone and the emigration of Jewi...

  18. Jewish children at Whittingehame Farm School, 1939

    Color scenes of Whittingehame Farm School filmed by an unnamed teacher at the school. Between 1939 and 1941 Viscount Traprain (Robert Balfour, nephew of Lord Balfour, author of the Balfour Declaration) sheltered 160 Jewish children from Austria, Germany, Poland, and Czechoslovakia as part of the Kinderstransport program. The children lived in the Whittingehame mansion and learned Hebrew and agriculture subjects that would be useful in Palestine, where they were intended to settle after the war. When the school closed in 1941 most of the children were at least 17 and remained in the UK. Some...

  19. US Army liberates Paris

    Jeeps coming across pontoon bridge towards camera. VS of numerous French tanks and other vehicles coming around curve of cobblestone road. Underlit shot of Leicester Hemingway in hotel room. Stevens and officer, possibly British, walking down French street, enter restaurant. Two-part sign reads: "Route N10 Versailles 32, Paris 52." Top of sign: "Seine-et-oise" right and "Route N306 Cernay La Ville 12, Chevreuse 19." Pan of jeeps, civilians, and soldiers in street. Two military men with red caps. Shot of Stevens smoking pipe with several other officers, including a heavy set older man. Ivan ...

  20. Julien Bryan Collection compilation

    Compilation of newly preserved footage from the Julien Bryan Collection at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum shown during a presentation given by Raye Farr, Regina Longo, Russ Suniewick, and Sam Bryan for the Orphan 5 Film Symposium at the University of South Carolina in March 2006.