Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 22,181 to 22,191 of 22,191
Holding Institution: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
  1. Douglas Smith collection

    The collection consists of unrelated records containing correspondence, documents, photograph albums, and a copy of a book relating to the pre-war, wartime, and postwar Jewish life.

  2. Pressel family collection

    Consists of letters and documents related to the Holocaust experiences of the family of Joseph and Miriam Pressel, who, with son Philip, were originally of Belgium, and the experiences of their immediate and extended families. The Pressels fled Belgium for France in 1939 and survived the war in Marseille, Lyon, and Paris. Includes wartime letters from the Pressels to Eli Schwerner, an uncle of Miriam in New York, requesting help to escape. Also includes similar wartime letters to Susi Pantzer, niece of Joseph Pressel, who lived in London, as well as letters to and from other family members....

  3. Stanley Apfelbaum collection

    Collection of 45 items: documents, coins, scrip purchased by collector and donated to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.

  4. Albert Hutler collection

    These materials concern Albert A. Hutler and his experiences as a soldier in the United States Army during and after World War II. Most materials concern his work with displaced persons after the war. Some of these materials may be combined into a single collection in the future.

  5. Linda and Friedrich Breder testimony

    Consists of a copy of a brief survivor testimony written by Linda Breder (Libusha Reich) during the American Gathering of Jewish Holocaust Survivors in April 1983. The testimony describes Breder's deportation to Auschwitz, her participation in the "Kanada" kommando, her witness to the sabotage of the Birkenau crematoria, and her subsequent incarceration in Rechlin, a subcamp of Ravensbrück. Also included is an abstract of the testimony written in English.

  6. The origin and activity of the Jewish Academic Secondary School founded in the year 1862 in Nove Mésto nad Vahom (Slovakia)

    Consists of one copy of "The origin and activity of the Jewish Academic Secondary School founded in the Year 1862 in Nove Mesto Nad Vahom (Slovakia)" (undated) written by Artur Klein. The essay contains information about the establishment of the school, its curriculum, and its first educator, Rabbi Josef Weisse. Also included is an anonymous English-language summary of the essay.

  7. Nuremberg: War Crimes Trials - Soviet compilation

    Russian film produced by the Central Studio of Documentary Films in Moscow about the War Crimes Trial (IMT) in Nuremberg, 1945-46. War footage: Warsaw destroyed, Operation Barbarossa, transports. Courtroom scenes: prosecutors and defendants enter, seated. Courtroom. Gen. Rudenko, Soviet prosecutor. Reel 1 begins with shots of defeated Berlin, Allied troops marching, hoisting flags and piloting tanks. MS of Nazi officers surrendering. Tracking and still MSs of Goering, Keitel, Doenitz, Goebbels' corpse, Jodl, Ribbentrop. Tracking shot of empty bombarded Nuremberg juxtaposed with archive foot...

  8. Emil and Erich Beamt letters

    Consists of copies of letters written by Erich Beamt and his brother, Emil Beamt, president of the Jewish community of Prostějov, Czechoslovakia (now Czech Republic), during the period from 1939 to 1942. The letters describe the sorrows and anxiety felt by the Beamt family members as they witnessed the Nazi advance during the early years of World War II and the family's strong desire to emigrate to Canada, the United States, or South America before their deportation.

  9. Nuremberg: War Crimes Trial (IMT) - Soviet compilation

    Russian film produced by the Central Studio of Documentary Films in Moscow about the War Crimes Trial (IMT) in Nuremberg. Reel 4 begins with archival footage of Warsaw bombardment: Goering pointing to a map, quickly cutting to an aerial LS of a descending German plane cuts to an aerial shot depicting bombs dropping past lens. CU Goering in courtroom. Montage of archival footage depicting German soldiers entering Paris, often smiling at the camera intercut with MS of French prosecutor addressing court. MS British Prosecutor Hartley Shawcross. Montage of footage of German U-boats under Doenit...

  10. Russian documentary

    Russian film produced by the Central Studio of the Red Flag of Documentary Films in Moscow. Includes footage of a memorial statue to victims of Kzasula village.

  11. Llewellyn Zullinger photograph collection

    Consists of three photographs of the liberation of the Buchenwald concentration camp, and eight photographs of the liberation of the Ohdruf concentration camp.