Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 20,941 to 20,960 of 22,191
Holding Institution: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
  1. Denes and Janos Adler family collection

    The collection consists of a World War I medal, scrip and currency, a Star of David badge, a tablecloth, albums, correspondence, documents, photographs, and a publication related to the experience of brothers Denes and Janos Adler, originally of Szeged, Hungary, and members of their extended families, as well as the family of Eva Timar Adler before, during, and after the Holocaust, when Denes emigrated before the war and Eva and Janos survived forced labor camps and emigrated to the United States following the war.

  2. Ernst and Johanna Weihs collection

    The collection documents the Holocaust-era experiences of Ernst and Johanna Weihs, both originally of Vienna, Austria. Included are identification documents of Ernst and Johanna, certificates of Ernst and Johanna certifying that they were prisoners of Auschwitz and eligible for benefits in Vienna, and an identification document certifying that Ernst was a prisoner at Dachau. The collection also includes two pieces of Theresienstadt ghetto-labor camp scrip.

  3. Jean Jones collection

    The collection consists of wooden toys, correspondence, newspapers, photographs, and booklets relating to the experiences of Jean Jones in Iowa, who received them from her German pen pal, Irmgard Richter, whose parents were teachers in Berlin.

  4. Magdolna Schrieber collection

    The collection consists of two SS Standart Kantine Buchenwald Außenkommando scrip relating to the experiences of Magdolna Schrieber who was a prisoner in Buchenwald concentration camp in Germany during the Holocaust.

  5. Joseph Strip family collection

    The collection consists of an armband, currency, flier, patches, correspondence, diaries, documents, memoirs, and photographs relating to the experiences of the Stripounsky (later Strip) family: Menachem Nathan and Regina Stripounsky and their sons Joseph and Asriel during the Holocaust when they fled Antwerp, Belgium, in May 1940 for France, and, after a year, for the United States, as well as for Joseph's US Army service in Germany beginning in 1944.

  6. Veronika Pártos Lakatos family collection

    The collection consists of a doll and an envelope relating to the experience of Veronika Pártos and her family in prewar Hungary and during World War II when Veronika lived in hiding.

  7. 19th century antisemitic print collection

    The collection consists of five nineteenth century lithographs depicting scenes of antisemitism.

  8. Joseph and Ruth Rosenberg collection

    The collection consists of a comb, scrip, tags, correspondence, documents, and photographs relating to the experiences of Josef Rosenberg and Ruth Wolman, both born in Poland and interned in Łódź ghetto, various concentration camps, and liberated in Bergen-Belsen, where they met, married and had their daughter Bella.

  9. Inge Braunwasser Steinberger family collection

    The collection consists of a cigar holder, correspondence, documents, and photographs related to the experiences of Inge (Braunwasser) Steinberger, originally of Vienna, Austria, and her parents, Simon and Elsa Braunwass emigration to the United States in 1939.

  10. Sutin Family Collection

    Collection of photographs, documents, negative film, and moving images documenting the experiences of the Sutin family in displaced persons' camp Neu Freimann-Siedlung in Germany. The moving images and still photography were shot by Jack Sutin donor in his capacity as photo journalist for the Yiddish newspaper Jidisze Cajtung. The film footage features daily scenes and sporting events in Neu Freimann, Sutin family footage, and a meeting of the Third Congress of the Shearit Ha-Pletah in Munich

  11. Lilienthal and Fraenkel families collection

    The collection consists of a passport case, correspondence, and documents relating to the experiences of Eugen Lilienthal during the Holocaust when he was imprisoned in Theresienstadt ghetto-labor camp and, after the Holocaust, from Deggendorf displaced persons camp, as well as documents related to the emigration of Max and Margo Fraenkel from Germany to the United States prior to the war. Some of these materials may be combined into a single collection in the future.

  12. Vera Hauser collection

    The collection consists of a toothbrush cup, newspaper clippings, documents, and photographs relating to the experiences of Vera Hauser in Sweden after World War II.

  13. Ralph M. Kopansky collection

    The collection consists of a camera, camera accessories, tobacco pipes, silk maps, an armband, documents, and photographs relating to the experiences of Ralph Kopansky in the United States Army before, during, and after World War II, including the liberation of Ohrdruf concentration camp, where he carried his Leica camera.

  14. Eric Junker family collection

    The collection consists of a wimpel, documents, and photographs related to experiences of Erich (later Eric) Junker, his parents Fred and Betty, and brother Herbert, originally of Aschaffenburg, Germany, who immigrated to the United States in 1936-1937, as a result of anti-Semitism in Germany.

  15. Myron Halpern collection

    The collection consists of a captured German flag, correspondence, documents, and photographs and negatives relating to the experiences of Myron Halpern, a soldier in the United States Army in Europe during World War II. The flag was signed by his fellow soldiers of the 75th Infantry Division who captured the flag in 1944 during the Battle of the Bulge.

  16. Annemarie Warschauer family collection

    The collection consists of a tefillin bag, 3 tefillin with straps, two leather wallets, an autograph book, a television interview, documents, photographs, and Trauer albums relating to the experiences of Annemarie Alexander Israelski (later Warschauer) and her family before and during the Holocaust in Nazi Germany, in Shanghai, China, where they fled in 1940, and later in the United States.

  17. Donald W. Rust collection

    Original color drawings created by Hungarian Jewish survivor Erwin Abadi and given to Pfc. Donald W. Rust (donor's grandfather) after liberation near Magdeburg; newsletters & documents of Rust’s US Army unit; photograph of woman depicted in Abadi drawing; photograph of Donald Rust; photograph and obituary of Edwin Rust (Donald’s brother); envelope and original housing material that collection arrived in and was stored in.

  18. Julie Lando collection

    The collection consists of books, notebook, raffia craft kit, baby clothing, carried out of Nazi-occupied Germany by the donor, who was born in Bamberg Germany in 1920 and fled in 1936.

  19. Maureen Graney collection

    The collection consists of one book on Konzentrationslager Oranienenburg and one War Department issued German phrase booklet.