Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 20,821 to 20,840 of 22,191
Holding Institution: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
  1. József Katona collection

    Papers relating to Rabbi József Katona, the chief rabbi of Dohány, Hungary. Inlcudes correspondence, typescript text of sermons, documents, newspapers, and further information about Rabbi Dr. Katona and his family. Some of these materials may be combined into a single collection in the future.

  2. Vice President Henry A. Wallace collection

    The collection consists of a briefcase, two ribbons, a stamp, two portfolios of handmade miniature textiles, documents, artwork, books, photographs, and fliers relating to the French Resistance during WWII and presented to former Vice President Henry A. Wallace in France after the Holocaust.

  3. Zyga Butler collection

    The collection consists of documents, photographs, prayerbook, diary, and artifacts illustrating the experience of Zyga Butler.

  4. Zonligt family collection

    Correspondence, postcards, photographs, pocket mirror, wooden cradle, diary, poesie book, reports, naturalization documents, published works, awards and other original materials pertaining to the Zonligt and Blitz families of the Netherlands, Belgium, and later of the United States. Gerard Samuel Zonligt's postwar work as an U.N.R.R.A. DP camp administor is also covered therein.

  5. Salzmann family collection

    The collection consists of documents, correspondence, medical bags, a prayer book, and smoking pipes that relate to the experiences of Berthold Salzmann, his sister Ernesta Spieler, and their family in Austria, and Germany before and during the Holocaust and the United States during and after the Holocaust.

  6. Lilly Morawetz collection

    The collection consists of a photograph case carried by Lilly Morawetz, a Jewish Austrian refugee, from the Czech Republic through France, including while in Gurs and a jewelry case carried by her when she was deported by the French police from Paris to the Gurs internment camp in 1940 and during her flight through Spain and Portugal. When the family was imprisoned in Spain, this case was taken from Lilly, but because she had lost the key, they couldn’t open it and her jewelry remained safe. She carried the case with her to the US in 1941.

  7. Frederic Zeller collection

    Correspondence; diaries; documents; photographs; interview; of David Borgenicht (one of “The Boys”); manuscript of unfinished chapters of second book: “Friendly Enemy Allien”; negatives; all related to the Zeller family of Berlin: Heinrich Zeller and Fanny Gottesmann Zeller and their two children: Frederic and Lilian. Pocket Watch: which Heinrich Zeller left with a French woman he worked for, when he was in a camp in South of France. Heinrich Zeller left this watch and a suit with the French woman as he was deported to Drancy. The woman located Frederic after the war and returned the watch ...

  8. Vamos family collection

    Documents, correspondence, photographs and artifacts illustrating prewar German Jewish life, flight to United Kingdom and immigration to USA of Ruth Haack Vamos, Arthur Vamos, their daughter Maureen and extended family. Also included are personal oral histories recorded by the family.

  9. Maria Strashnaya family collection

    The collection consists of a bucket and pitcher relating to the experiences of Maria Strashnaya and the Strashnaya family, who concealed their Jewish neighbors, the Gurvits family, in Beleavinţi, Romania (now Moldova), during the Holocaust.

  10. John Van Ellis collection

    Collection of John B. Vanellis, later Van Ellis, pertaining to his years of service with the U.S. Army Signal Corps. Collection is comprised of 2 albums/scrapbooks, unit histories, military commendations, photographs, unit patches, undeveloped film, publications, correspondence, shell fragment, and other original materials. Among these items are period copies of original arrest records of high ranking Nazi officials prepared in Camp Ashcan (Central Continental Prisoner of War Enclosure No. 32) prior to their transfer to Nuremberg for prosecution by Allied authorities.

  11. Collected documents, correspondence and exchange media

    “Statute of Kalisz” published by Artur Szyk in Paris, France; c. 1926-1932; based on a legal document issued in 1264 by a Polish Duke, Boleslaw the Pious, granting Jews civil liberties – in the USHMM Library; documents, scrips, stamps, SS coupons, correspondence; coins.

  12. Dr. Friedrich Rösing collection

    The collection consists of an eye color tool and a skin color tool used as part of anthropological race studies during the eugenics movement in Germany before the Holocaust.

  13. Frederick Gratwick, Jr. collection

    The collection consists of a concentration camp coat and two pairs of pants, relating to the experiences of Frederick Gratwick, Jr., an American military administrator, at Dachau concentration camp after the Holocaust.

  14. Simcha Munzer collection

    The collection consists of a typewriter used by Simcha Munzer (donor's father) before and during the war, and then afterwards by Gisele and Alfred Munzer (donor's mother and donor). 2 photographs of Eva and Lianne Munzer (donor's sisters) which were likely entrusted with neighbors. Napkin ring given to Alfred Munzer on the occasion of Sinterklaas Day from his paternal uncle Emil (?)

  15. Jacques Schweitzer collection

    Photographs, documents, class notebook related to Jacques Schweitzer (originally Jacques Swiczarczyk). Also includes his beret and pants from his service in the Forces Navates Francaises Libres and wartime French currency.

  16. Shlomo Garber family collection

    The collection consists of a Hebrew typewriter, a ketubah, and photographs relating to the experiences of Shlomo Garber and Stella Feidel before and after the Holocaust when they married in Pocking displaced persons camp in Germany.

  17. Ernest Fiedler collection

    The collection consists of dog tags, patches, documents, a photograph album, photographs, and a publication relating to the experiences of Ernest Fielder, before the war in Breslau, Germany, which his family left for the United States in 1938, and during his service in the United States Army Counterintelligence Corps during and after World War II.

  18. Morgenstern and Merkur families collection

    The collection consists of a prayer book, correspondence, documents, photographs, and sheet music relating to the experiences of the Morgenstern and Merkur families in Austria, England, France, Poland, the Soviet Union, and Switzerland before the war, in those nations, Czechoslovakia, and many concentration camps during the Holocaust, and in Austria and Australia after World War II.

  19. Barbara Gramaska collection

    The collection consists of a forced labor badge and a portrait photograph relating to the experiences of Barbara Gramaska during World War II.

  20. Charlotte Zagorska Pogel collection

    The collection consists of prisoner badges, a Star of David patch, documents, and photographs relating to the experiences of Charlotte (Lotte) Zagorska during the Holocaust in German occupied Poland when she was imprisoned in Wolta-Gabersdorf forced labor camp, and after the war.