Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 20,721 to 20,740 of 22,191
Holding Institution: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
  1. Benjamin Meed collection

    The collection consists of ten pieces of Łódź (Litzmannstadt) ghetto scrip relating to the experiences of Benjamin Miedzyrzecki (later Benjamin Meed), when he lived in Łódź, Poland, after leaving liberated Warsaw, where he had been a resistance member in the ghetto and while living in hiding.

  2. Helmut Rosendahl collection

    The collection consists of two Star of David Badges, Westerbork scrip, testimony, and a speech relating to the experiences of Helmut Rosendahl during and after the Holocaust in the Netherlands and Germany.

  3. Harold Lehman collection

    The collection consists of paintings, drawings, sketches, publications, prints and photographs relating to the artist Harold Lehman and his experiences in the United States before, during, and after World War II.

  4. Bernat Berk collection

    The collection consists of a prayer book with loose inserts, a pair of tefillin with covers and pouch, a Tallis with a bag, documents, and photographs relating to the experiences of Bernat Berk as a displaced person in Germany, Switzerland, and Australia after the Holocaust.

  5. Leopold and Herta Stoer family collection

    The collection consists of opera glasses, buttons, textiles, petticoats, a Rorschach ink blot test, and a composition book, relating to the experiences of Leopold and Herta Schwartzbart Stoer and their family in Austria before the Holocaust and in Austria, Belgium, Poland, and the United States during the Holocaust.

  6. Elizabeth Walsh collection

    Censored envelopes sent to Victor Gibbs (donor's uncle) from his mother who escaped to England, and other friends and family in Germany; written testimony of Steffi Aghassi (friend of donor's mother) regarding her experiences during the Holocaust; sound recordings of various Yom HaShoah commemorative events, memorial programs, testimonies, and a school presentation by Herman Haller (donor's father)

  7. Hoexter family collection

    Consists of photographs, postcards, documents, and glass slides related to the Holocaust experiences of Herbert Hoexter, originally of Frankfurt, Germany. Includes pre-war and wartime family photographs, information about his internment in Dachau in 1938, his emigration to England, where he was imprisoned in the Kitchener internment camp from August 1939-April 1940, and information regarding his work in the United States from 1940-1942. Also includes photographic negatives and glass slides and an oral history interview with Herbert Hoexter.

  8. Berthold Meier collection

    The collection consists of a key attached to dog tags, a prayer book, certificates, documents, Deutsches Reich Reisepass, German Kennkarte, and US Army papers relating to the experiences of Berthold Meier in Germany before World War II and in the United States Army during and after the war. Some of these materials may be combined into a single collection in the future.

  9. Oral history interviews of the Andor Andrasi collection

    Interviews about the rescue activities of Pastor Gábor Sztehlo, a Lutheran Pastor in Budapest, Hungary who saved hundreds of Jews from the Nazis and Hungarian collaborators and organized Gaudiopolis, a self-administered children's' town in Budapest following the war.

  10. Rabbi Georg and Martha Wilde collection

    The collection consists of a monogramed tablecloth and napkin rings relating to the experiences of Rabbi Dr. Georg Wilde and his wife Martha in Germany, before and during the Holocaust.

  11. Leonie Roualet collection

    The collection consists of artwork, Catholic devotional objects, household objects, luggage, scrip, shoes, stamps, and documents relating to the experiences of Leonie Roualet in the Vittel internment camp in France during the Holocaust, and in France and the United States after the Holocaust.

  12. Forrest James Robinson Jr. collection

    Collection of American poster stamps, which include remembrances of Poland; the Emergency Committee to Save the Jewish People of Europe, designed by Arthur Szyk; Greek War Relief; America First; war bond drives; Pearl Harbor; V for Victory; and related subjects.

  13. Johnson and Levi family collection

    The collection consists of a hanukiyah, correspondence, documents, and clippings relating to the experiences of the Jonassohn (later Johnson) and Levi families in Germany, Cuba, and the United States before and during the Holocaust.

  14. Mania Baghdadi collection

    The collection consists of one doll and a photograph relating to the experiences of Mania Kleinburd as a young child in a displaced persons camp after World War II.

  15. Max Krause collection

    The collection consists of two drawings and a woodcut created by Max Krause in Dresden, Germany, during the Holocaust.

  16. Museum für Deutsche Geschichte collection

    The collection consists of artifacts and posters related to the history of Jewish culture in Germany and artifacts and antisemitic propaganda posters related to the activities of the Nazi Party in Germany in the 1930s.

  17. Rashel and Haim Eshaya collection

    The collection consists of a Star of David button and four photographs relating to the experiences of Rashel and Haim Eshaya before the Holocaust in Burgas, Bulgaria, during the Holocaust in Gradeshnitsa, where Haim was a forced laborer, and after the Holocaust in Burgas.

  18. Benjamin B. Ferencz collection

    The collection consists of the personal papers of Benjamin B. Ferencz, Chief Prosecutor of the Einsatzgruppen at the Nuremberg Trials. Papers include biographical information pertaining to Ferencz and materials relevant to the Second World War, the Nuremberg Trials, Holocaust-related restitution and indemnification issues, war crimes justice, his activities in the formation of the International Criminal Court in The Hague; his teaching, research, and speaking activities, in particular as director of the Pace Peace Center, but also more generally in the subject areas of world peace, crimes a...

  19. Handcrafted artifacts from prewar Poland collection

    The collection consists of artifacts handcrafted in Poland from 1920-1941.

  20. Johanna Hirsch Liebmann collection

    The collection consists of two change purses relating to the experiences of Johanna Hirsch following her deportation from Karlsruhe, Germany, to Gurs internment camp in France during the Holocaust.