Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 20,481 to 20,500 of 22,191
Holding Institution: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
  1. Lester M. Libo collection

    The collection consists of papers, photographs, and printed matter from the military service of Lester M. Libo. Includes items related to his denazification work including his personal notebook, Fragebogen used in denazification and confiscated items including propaganda material, money, medals, and a piece of cloth with a swastika insignia. In addition, several newspapers and an issue of Army Talks (28 October 1945) and posted military government notices.

  2. Ingrid Neuhaus Kovary collection

    Sewing kit, manicure kit and two perpetual calendars which belonged to Ingrid Neuhaus Kovary and used by her after she arrived in England on the Kindertransport.

  3. Oral history interviews of the Arnold S. Task collection

    Interviews with Holocaust survivors, US liberators, and witnesses to events of WWII, recorded at memorial gatherings in Greensboro NC

  4. George John Meade collection

    The collection consists of documents, illustrations, a Nazi patch, photographs, publication, negatives, and an oral testimony documenting the experiences of George John Meade in Germany as a United States soldier during and after World War II (1939-1945).

  5. Rabbi Judah Nadich collection

    The collection consists of diaries, planners, publications, correspondence, statistical charts, seven unused Star of David badges, a Waffen SS addressed envelope, and a US Army's Chaplain tallit relating to the experiences of Rabbi Judah Nadich as a chaplain in the United States Army in Paris, France, following the liberation of the city by US forces in August 1944, as the first advisor on Jewish Affairs to General Eisenhower, Supreme Headquarters, Allied Expeditionary Forces, and his post-war work with WWII and Holocaust commemoration.

  6. Eugene and Irene Wojcik Wojtas family collection

    The collection consists of a forced labor badge, documents, and photographs relating to the experiences of Eugeniusz Wojtas and Irena Wojcik Wojtas, Roman Catholics who were persecuted in German occupied Poland during World War II when both Eugeniusz, a prisoner of war, and Irena, were assigned to forced labor in Germany, and, after the war, when they met and married as displaced persons.

  7. Käthe Steiner Stecklmacher collection

    The collection consists of a set of porcelain soup and dinner plates with drinking glasses relating to the experiences of Käthe Steiner Stecklmacher and her family in Prostejov, Czechoslovakia, before and after the Holocaust, during which she and her family were imprisoned in Theresienstadt ghetto/labor camp.

  8. Alfred and Elsa Dukes collection

    The collection consists of a man’s nightshirt and a woman’s nightgown relating to the experiences of Alfred and Elsa Dukes and their daughter, Gertrude, in Austria before and during the Holocaust and in the United States following their emigration in 1939.

  9. Stephen Mize collection

    Deutsches Reich Arbeitsbuch für Ausländer issued to Polish youth (Wasyl Nowodejki?)in 1944; Antisemetic Notgeld coupon from Brakel, Germany; dated March 1, 1922

  10. Hersz Berlinski collection

    Collection of documents, certificates, correspondence, wallet, tag, receipt and other papers documenting the experiences of Hersh (Herz) Berlinski, b. March 20, 1921 in Łódź, Poland who survived the Łódź ghetto, Auschwitz (prisoner # 95325) and Kaufering where he was liberated by the US Army in April 1945. After the war he recuperated in Bad Wörishofen hospital. He immigrated to the United States in January 1951 with the assistance of the International Refugee Organization under the US Displaced Persons Act.

  11. Walter Fried collection

    The collection consists of brass knuckles and a Nazi state criminal police warrant disc relating to the experiences of Walter Fried, a Jewish Austrian refugee, while serving in the United States Third Army, War Crimes Investigating Team #6824, Judge Advocate Section during World War II.

  12. Luba Tryszynska-Frederick collection

    Photographs, documents, books, and audio visual materials related to the Holocaust experiences of Luba Tryszynska-Frederick who rescued 54 children left for dead by the Nazis while she was imprisoned in the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp.

  13. The Jewish Community of Cluj collection

    The collection consists of a prayer book stand from the Neologist Synagogue of Horea Street, and a wooden cabinet from the Chancellery of the former local Jewish High School.

  14. Marek and Bronislawa Redner collection

    Documents for Marek and Bronislawa Redner (nee Shrenzel); papers related to the ownership of property in Lvov; Marek Redner's armband from the Lvov Ghetto where he was a medical doctor; Marek Redner's "W" patch; photo of Bronislawa Redner; document for Benjamin-Hersch Lustig (copy).

  15. Hauptmann family collection

    The collection documents the post-war experiences of Ignaz, Etta, and Karolina Hauptmann, including their life in the Ulm displaced persons camp from 1946-1949, immigration to the United States in 1949, and testimony in the trial against SS Officer Friedrich Hildebrandt. Included are Ulm DP camp identification cards, Karolina’s report cards, affidavits and testimony about the family’s Holocaust experiences, restitution paperwork, declarations of intention and naturalization certificates, documents and correspondence related to Ignaz and Etta’s testimony during the Bremen county trial agains...

  16. Frances Doniger collection

    Photographs, correspondence, documentation and drawing surrounding the experiences of the Abusch and Pick families during the Holocaust and of siblings Frances and Max Abusch who fled Vienna, Austria on the Kindertransport. Their parents were able to travel to New York, where Frances soon joined them. Max eventually made his way to Toronto, ON, Canada. The collection also follows the Pick family, relatives of Frances's mother. Her cousin Josef Pick was able to escape, but the rest of his family was killed.

  17. Donald L. Hildenbrand collection

    Collection of materials that document Donald Hildenbrand’s experiences as one of the 350 American POWs selected from Stalag IXB and sent as a slave laborer at the Berga concentration camp. Includes: German patch and knife inscribed April 23, 1945 both given to him by one of his liberators, relics from the tunnels where he performed slave labor, US Army issued medals, pins, and ribbons (some boxed), patches, his German issued POW dog tag #27013 received upon arrival at Stalag IXB, Donald’s Silver Star Medal in box with ribbon and pin, 100th Division challenge coin, POW medallion on ribbon, o...

  18. Stephen Kornreich collection

    The collection consists of documents, correspondence, papers, ephemera, photographs, and a leather travel documents pouch related to Stephen Kornreich [donor's father], a Hungarian Jew who left for Palestine in 1933 and later immigrated to the United States in 1939. Additional materials are donor's audio-recorded interview with her father Stephen Kornreich, from 1981-1984, and a partial transcript of the interview. Also includes a memoir that Stephen Kornreich's brother Beno Korda wrote for, and gave to, the donor.

  19. Ettelson family collection

    Consists of a suitcase, wallet, photo album, photographs, newspapers, clippings, notebooks, documents, correspondence, ephemera, and other original material pertaining to the experiences of Ralph Ettelson who emigrated from Vilkaviskis, Lithuania to the Dominican Republic before the war. The collection includes correspondence and photographs pertaining to Ralph's mother, Itta Ettelson Shimenski, and his siblings Reveka and Max, who perished in the Holocaust. Additional photographs, correspondence, and clippings pertain to Jewish communities, and Jewish refugees, in the the Caribbean and Ral...

  20. Gutmann family collection

    Collection illustrating the experiences of Herbert Gutmann and the Gutmann family in Germany and their immigration to the United Kingdom and the United Sates before and during WWII.