Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 21 to 30 of 30
Language of Description: English
Language of Description: French
Language of Description: Polish
Holding Institution: Hrvatski državni arhiv
  1. Ustaško povjereništvo za grad i kotar Koprivnicu

    • The Ustasha administration for the town and the county of Koprivnica

    The collection holds partially saved lists of prisoners, mostly Jews, such as prisoners in Jasenovac (vj. 1941), women and children in Ðakovo camp (SD, 26.2. And 06.03.1942.), and Loborgrad (sd), deaths in Ðakovo (09.12.1941.) and Loborgrad (1942), list of young people who had been taken to camp Danica (1941), a list of 507 deaths from the camp Ðakovo buried at the Jewish cemetery (kr.1941-1942), and in particular 49 children in Ðakovo, with the same cemetery (SD). Preserved are shorter lists of prisoners of Serbs from Danica (sd and 06.07.1941.) and Loborgrad (sd), as well as requests to c...

  2. Savska Banovina: upravno odijeljenje

    • Sava Region Governance: Department of Administration
  3. Pokrajinska uprava za Hrvatsku i Slavoniju

    • Regional administration office for Croatia and Slavonia

    Department for Religious Affairs; Department for the issue of national status and citizenship

  4. Zbirka vjerske zajednice

    • Religious communities collection

    Box 2 (51-135); Box 3 • 2/1365, Izv. broj 131/ Document #131, Rad nove cionističke organizacije/ The work of the New Zionist organization, pgs 2 • 2/1365, Izv. broj 132/ Document # 132, Postupak njemačkih izbjeglica/ German refugees, pgs 2 • 3/ 1365, Izv. broj 159/ Document # 159, Gospodine podbane/ “Mr. Deputy Governor”,pgs 2 • 3/1365, Izv. #144, Cionistički.../ Zionist..., pgs 2 • 3/1365, Izv. #147, Boravak predsjedništva/ The visit of the presidency board

  5. Zbirka gradiva za povijest Židova

    • Collection of material related to the history of Jews

    The (somewhat modest in size) collection includes (random) documents about few Jewish individuals from Croatia. Part of the material consists of documents related to the work of Jewish societies and unions in Varazdin and Zagreb, and their correspondence with the Union of Jewish Communities in Belgrade, as well as the minutes from meetings of the Alliance of Belgrade. Also, the collecton includes a book'Israelite charity in Varazdin, 1926-1941'with information about donating and donors for engagements, weddings, wedding anniversaries, promotions, etc. A list of books has been preserved - ti...

  6. Savska banovina, odjeljak upravnog odjeljenja za državnu zaštitu

    • The Sava County, state security administration unit

    The collection contains reports on the monitoring of prominent political figures (V. Maček, I. Pernar, M. Radic, M. Šuflaj, A. Trumbić); reports of district city police; information on the political situation and events listings of separatist-oriented state and self-government officials, information on the assassination of King Alexander I, the writings about the founding and the combat of illicit organizations of former Croatian Farmers Party members, writings on liquidation of estates and districts bordering with Hungary, inspection of arms and ammunition, the data on foreign citizens, em...

  7. Projekt Dotrščina: Zagrepčani - revolucionari, antifašisti i žrtve fašističkog terora 1941. - 1945. (podserija)

    • The Dotrščina Park Project: citizens of Zagreb, revolutionaries, anti-Fascist fighters and victims of fascist terror 1941-1945

    The Dotrsicna park in Zagreb is the site of the mass murder where around 18 000 citizens of Zagreb and its surroundings were shot during the Fascist regime due to their ethnic background, or the fact they were anti-regime. Thanks to archivists Josipa Paver and Igor Graovac, there was systematic work on the names of the victims from 1967 until the late 1990s. The project started in the State Archive back in 1967, and lasted, with interruptions, until April 1985. The project examined the records of the Croatian State Archives, the former archives of the Institute of History of the labor movem...

  8. Ministarstvo vanjskih poslova Nezavisne Države Hrvatske

    • The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Independent State of Croatia

    Some files from the Minister's cabinet have been saved, on the most important issues of foreign policy, as well as his correspondence and reports admitted from the Croatian embassies in other countries. A significant portion of the collection consists of the writings of the Political Department, relations with the Croatia's allied countries: Italy and Germany, as well as countries in the neighborhood. Usually the Ministry followed the Italians relationship with Serbian Chetniks and the Serbian population and exceeding of the Italian authorities on the ground of ISC; follow the realization o...

  9. Hrvatski državni sabor (Nezavisne države Hrvatske)

    • The Parliament of the Independent State of Croatia

    Although the majority of the collection deals with the most general level of policy-making, and various parts of the creation of everyday life in the newly proclaimed ISC, some parts of the collection might be interesting to Holocaust scholars (passing of the laws; reports on how laws will be implemented, general religious affairs, school system, etc.).

  10. Hans Helm - policijski izaslanik pri Poslanstvu Trećeg Reicha u Zagrebu

    • Hans Helm - the representative of the Third Reich police administration in Zagreb
    • Hrvatski državni arhiv
    • HR-HDA-1521
    • English
    • 1942-1945
    • 39 boxes (material relating to Jews: two binded books)

    Collection contains records on members of the German intelligence service, the members of the intelligence and police authorities of the ISC and the British intelligence services; a list of members of the various intelligence agencies, and information about them, information about members of the state apparatus of the NDH/ISC/ Ustasha officials, on various nationalist organizations, participants of the'People's Liberation Movement'(anti-fascist fighters); communists and the partisan leaders, Home Guard officers (NDH/ISC) gone into the partisans,"white Guards"in Sušak and Rijeka, Masons, Che...