Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 1,481 to 1,500 of 1,615
Holding Institution: ארכיון יד ושם / Yad Vashem Archives
  1. Card file of the German Ministry of Justice, regarding revocation of citizenship

    Card file of the German Ministry of Justice, regarding revocation of citizenship The card file includes names and basic details of emigrants from Germany, whose citizenship was revoked following their emigration due to their being considered Enemies of Germany. During the first stage, this applied in most part to members of the Left, but later on the Jews constituted the majority of the people in this group; The card file is arranged in alphabetical order, according to the last names.

  2. Documentation collected in the context of the "Research project regarding the contribution of Holocaust survivors to the State of Israel", from Kibbutz Sde Nehemia

    Documentation collected in the context of the "Research project regarding the contribution of Holocaust survivors to the State of Israel", from Kibbutz Sde Nehemia Testimonies: 1. Liza Gidron (1986); 2. "Mijn vlucht uit Westerbork" ("My escape from Westerbork"), by Herman Italiaander; Articles: 1. Yaakov Naeh, "With the children on the train to Auschwitz", "Davar" (18/03/1993), pp. 3-4 [regarding Aharon Mancher]; 2. Dan Amtel, "From Czechoslovakia to Israel - in four years ..." [regarding the aliya of Yehuda "Boki" Boksbaum]; 3. "The great escape", "Sofshavua" ("Weekend"), ["Ma'ariv"], Apri...

  3. Collection of Hauptabteilung soziale Verwaltung (HSV), the Labor and Welfare department of the Generalkommissariat zur besonderen Verwendung in the Netherlands, 1942-1944

    Collection of Hauptabteilung soziale Verwaltung (HSV), the Labor and Welfare department of the Generalkommissariat zur besonderen Verwendung in the Netherlands, 1942-1944 The department was established in order to draft Dutch laborers to factories in Germany and Eastern Europe, the Arbeitseinsatz; Included in the collection: Documents from the Hauptabteilung soziale Verwaltung (HSV), regarding the draft of Dutchmen to labor in the East, and their labor conditions, 1942; Documents from the HSV, regarding the regulations for the draft of Dutchmen to the Arbeitseinsatz, 1942; Letter to the Rue...

  4. Documentation of the Executive Committee of the Molotovskiy neighborhood, in Belostok, 1941

    Documentation of the Executive Committee of the Molotovskiy neighborhood, in Belostok, 1941 The Collection includes lists of delegates of the City Council in Bialystok; list of residents in the city; documentation regarding employment in the city and other matters.

  5. Census of the Jewish population of Latvia, August-September 1941

    Census of the Jewish population of Latvia, August-September 1941 Lists of residents compiled as part of the census conducted in Latvia, August-September 1941, including the names of Jews.

  6. Documentation collected in the context of the "Research project regarding the contribution of Holocaust survivors to the State of Israel", from Kibbutz Ein HaHoresh

    Documentation collected in the context of the "Research project regarding the contribution of Holocaust survivors to the State of Israel", from Kibbutz Ein HaHoresh Testimonies: "Testimonies: Stories of members of Kibbutz Ein HaHoresh during the Holocaust period", 5750 (1990) (two copies): Gita Alexandroni; Dov Amitai (1990); Rosa Amitai (1984); Eva Efrat (1983); Shmuel Becher (1983); Tamar Blau (1984); Yehudit Haze (1983); Raya Yaakobi (1990); Saraleh Kochavi (1979); Willi Moher (1990); Zeev Mandel (1990); Zipora Mandel (1983); Marta Nimrod (1983); Daniella Nathan (1990); Reuven Peleg (198...

  7. Documentation from the Bundesarchiv (German Federal Archives) regarding the Holocaust

    The Yad Vashem Archives has systematically gathered documentation from the Bundesarchiv, as well as documentation from the Militärarchiv in subsection M.29.Fr. The Records Groups in the Central Archive from which Yad Vashem gathers this documentation belongs to two Abteilungen (sections) of the Archives: - The R -Deutsches Reich Section which houses documentation from state institutions. In this section, only files from the 1920s until the end of World War II regarding Jews and the persecution of Jews are checked;- The NS Section is which the documentation regarding the Nazi party instituti...

  8. Righteous Among the Nations Collection.

    The files concern rescuers recognized as Righteous Among the Nations and honoured by Yad Vashem. It is only an indication of the actual number of rescuers, since it is based on the cases brought to the attention of Yad Vashem. Most Righteous were recognised thanks to the requests made by rescued Jews. By January 1st 2014, there were 1665 files of Belgian rescuers. There is a file for every rescue case, containing the documents gathered through the process of recognition. One will find correspondence, notes, sometimes photographs, and material related to the recognition ceremonies.

  9. Dr. Arieh L. Kubovy Collection.

    This fonds firstly contains several files with correspondence concerning i.a. economic relations between Israel and Czechoslovakia, immigration from Poland, the Israeli embassies in Warsaw and Prague, the International Genocide convention, the trials of Mordechai Oren and Simon Orenstein, the indemnisation of Czechoslovakian Jews who immigrated to Israel, … and roughly covering the years 1949-1952. We also find correspondence of Kubowitzki with family and friends, and correspondence and notes mostly dating back to the war years (1941-1947). The fonds also contain notes on post-war Polish Je...

  10. A. Werber Collection (Poale Zion Left Party in Belgium).

    In this fonds we find the following material: documents related to Linke Poale Zion in Belgium and Jewish associations during the war [JM/1038]; the newspaper Unzer Vort (1941-1944) and other newspapers published during the war [JM/1039]; personal documents, biographies and photographs of members of Linke Poale Zion [JM/1040]; documents on the situation of Jews in Belgium during the war, lists of communists and members of Poale Zion, documents on the resistance in Belgium, correspondence on the relations between Christians and Jews [JM/1041]; documents concerning Jewish life in Belgium afte...

  11. Maxime Steinberg Collection.

    This collection contains photocopies of original archival documents collected by Maxime Steinberg and used to write his magnum opus L’étoile et le fusil. The documents concern topics such as Jewish resistance, rescue of Jews etc. during the German occupation.

  12. Archives in Belgium.

    For the sake of completeness we mention this collection, which consists of copies of archival material from various official and institutional archives in Belgium (such as state, provincial or city archives). At the time of writing it mostly contains material from the city archives and provincial archives of Antwerp.

  13. Collection of Historical Photographs.

    This is the largest collection in the world of historical photographs related to the Holocaust. It documents Jewish life before and during the Holocaust, the life of survivors in the post-war period, but also various activities and ceremonies commemorating the Holocaust all over the world. Searching for keywords such as ‘Belgium’, ‘Brussels’, ‘Antwerp’ etc. yields a result of over 1000 relevant images, from various collections. We find portraits and group photos (scenes of everyday life, Shoah victims, resistance members, partisans, rescuers); pictures of youth movements (i.a. Bar Kochba, H...

  14. Personal documentation on Jewish life in Belgium during the Holocaust.

    This fonds contains various documents (in many cases, copies) pertaining to the fate of the Jews in Belgium during the Second World War – including copies of the newspaper Le Flambeau, a list of Jewish children hidden by the Comité de Défense des Juifs, lists of resistance fighters, documents concerning war criminals, … and many other copies documents from archives kept by various organisations and institutions in Belgium.

  15. Testimonies of Holocaust Survivors collected by the Central Jewish Historical Commission in Poland, 1944-1947

    The collection consists of approximately 7,200 testimonies collected by the Centralna Żydowska Komisja Historyczna (Central Jewish Historical Committee) in Poland during its active years, 1944-1947. After the establishment of the ZIH (Jewish Historical Institute) the documentation was transferred to the ZIH Archives, and catalogued as Records Group 301. In the collection there is a large variety of testimonies given by Holocaust survivors regarding their lives in the ghettos, labor camps and concentration camps, as well as testimonies from survivors who fought in partisan units and survivor...

  16. Documentation from Regional Archives in Ukraine, 1934-1966

    In the collection there are files from the following regional archives in Ukraine: the State Archive in the Lvov region, the State Archive in the Ivano-Frankovsk region, the State Archive in the Chervovtsy region, the State Archive in the Khmelnitskiy region, the State Archive in the Vinnitsa region, the State Archive in the Kiev region, the State Archive in the Rovno region, the State Archive in the Ternopol region, the Central State Historical Archives of Ukraine (Lvov), the State Archive of the Office of Internal Affairs in Ukraine, the State Archive of the City of Kiev, the Vernadskiy C...

  17. Zydowska Samopomoc Spoleczna (ZSS-Jewish Self Aid) activities in the Generalgouvernement, 1939-1943

    In the documentation: The ZSS documentation includes correspondence between the administration of the organization in Krakow and the branches throughout the Generalgouvernement, and correspondence with the German governmental authorities, the Judenrats, and various Jewish relief organizations, such as CENTOS, ORT, TOZ and welfare organizations outside of Poland, mainly the JDC. In the correspondence there are requests for social welfare in various areas, itemization of aid and welfare activities including assistance to those in need and Jewish refugees, the establishment and maintenance of ...

  18. Archive of Dr. Israel Kasztner, one of the leaders of the Relief and Rescue Committee in Budapest, and Collection of Dov Dinur, Kasztner's biographer

    in the Collection there are 4,500 pages of original documentation, mostly regarding the following subjects: A. The history of the Jews of Hungary during the Holocaust;B. Efforts of the Relief and Rescue Committee in Hungary in whose framework Dr. Israel Kasztner was active, 1942-1944; C. The role of the Jewish institutions that were active in the Free World countries working to rescue Jews;D. Documentation regarding the Nuremberg Trial at which Dr. Kasztner testified on behalf of Kurt Becher; E. Documentation regarding the Kasztner Affair in Israel, 1952-1958;F. Documentation regarding the ...

  19. Joseph Kermish Collection, Director of the Yad Vashem Archives, 1953-1979

    Dr. Joseph Kermish's personal archive includes personal documentation that recounts his experiences during the war and following it. The archive also contains extensive correspondence with public figures in Israel and abroad and with various organizations and entities extending over a period of more than 50 years. The subjects covered in the correspondence include the Yad Vashem Communities Registry Project, collecting the material for the Eichmann Trial, publication of Emmanuel Ringelblum's archive, "Oneg Shabbat", publication of Adam Czerniakow's diary and the history of the Warsaw Ghetto...

  20. The CHGK Collection: Documentation collected by the State Extraordinary Commission for Investigation of Nazi War Crimes in the Soviet Union, 1943-1945

    The collection contains documentation regarding the history of the Holocaust in the Soviet Union, and serves as a source of information concerning the extermination of the Jews in the towns and villages throughout the Soviet Union that had been under Nazi occupation. The collection includes lists of those who perished, lists of Nazi criminals, lists of collaborators, maps, sketches of extermination sites, photographs of the faces of the criminals (low quality), investigative reports, surveys, protocols prepared by the investigators, statistical data and more. This documentation provides a d...