Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 21 to 40 of 1,615
Holding Institution: ארכיון יד ושם / Yad Vashem Archives
  1. M.52.DAPO - Documentation of the State Archives of the Poltava Region

    M.52.DAPO - Documentation of the State Archives of the Poltava Region History of the Archives: The Central Historical Archives in Poltava was established in 1918. Afterwards, the archival authority of the Poltava sub-division was established in 1922 when the Historical Archives became subordinate to it and its name was changed to the Historical Archives of the Polatava sub-division. In 1925 it became the Historical Archives affiliated with the regional archival authority. In June 1925 its name was changed to the Regional Historical Archives of Poltava. In 1930, following the re-organization...

  2. M.52.DALO - Documentation of the State Archives of the Lwow Region

    M.52.DALO - Documentation of the State Archives of the Lwow Region History of the Archives: The State Archives of the Lwow Region was established in December 1939 on the basis of the State Archives of Lwow. The archive was called the Regional Historical Archives in Lwow until 1941. It was called the State Archive of the Lwow Region during 1941-1958, and was called the Regional State Archives in Lwow during 1958-1980. As of 1959 the documentation that was in the Regional Archives in Drogobych was transferred to it. Since 1980 it has been called the State Archives of the Lwow Region. The Sub-...

  3. Documentation of the Soviet Extraordinary State Commission, regarding the murder of the Jewish population in the Stanislawow region during the German occupation, from the State Archives of the Ivano-Frankovsk Region, 1941-1945

    Documentation of the Soviet Extraordinary State Commission, regarding the murder of the Jewish population in the Stanislawow region during the German occupation, from the State Archives of the Ivano-Frankovsk Region, 1941-1945 Documentation of the Soviet Extraordinary State Commission, including data regarding the overall number of people who perished in the cities and districts of the Stanislawow region, and announcements by representatives of the Jewish community regarding the abuse and murder of Jews in the Stanislawow Ghetto and in Bolszowce, Halicz, Kosow, Rohatyn and Gorodenka during ...

  4. M.52.DAIFO - Documentation from the State Archives of the Ivano-Frankovsk Region

    M.52.DAIFO - Documentation from the State Archives of the Ivano-Frankovsk Region History of the Archives: The Archives was established in December 1939 and was called the Regional Historical Archives of Stanislawow until 1941. Before its establishment, all of the documentation was kept in institutions of the authorities and in public institutions. This documentation began to be collected by the Stanislawow UNKVD as of November 1939 in the new regional Archives after the same institutions and organizations were cancelled by the Soviet authorities. The name of the Archives was changed during ...

  5. Materials from the Reichssippenamt (Reich Genealogy Certification Office)

    Materials from the Reichssippenamt (Reich Genealogy Certification Office) Included in the collection, among other documentation, are security photographs of the Registration Books (Matrikel und Personenstandsregister) of Jewish communities in Germany, prepared in winter 1944 by the Gatermann company in Duisburg-Hamborn - Part A of the materials, which includes a variety of personal documents of communities to the east of the Oder-Neisse Line (reels JM/22659 - JM/22668). In addition to these materials, the Record-Group also includes a collection of personal data of Jewish families that was c...

  6. Lists of transports from Lodz to annihilation camps and concentration camps, 1942-1944

    Lists of transports from Lodz to annihilation camps and concentration camps, 1942-1944

  7. M.41.GAOOGr - Documentation of the State Archives of the Public Unions in the Grodno region

    Documentation of the State Archives of the Public Unions in the Grodno region A History of the Archives The Communist Party regional archive was established in Grodno in March 1940; in February 1992 it became the Union and Public Organizations Department of the State Archives of the Grodno Region. In June 1992, a branch of the State Archives of the Grodno Region was established in the city of Grodno based on the regional archive department of the Communist Party. In 1996, it became the State Archives of the Public Unions in the Grodno region. From July 2012 it underwent further changes, and...

  8. M.41.GAGr - Documentation from the State Archive of the Grodno Region

    M.41.GAGr - Documentation from the State Archive of the Grodno Region History of the State Archive of the Grodno Region Following the handing over of most of the area of the Belostok region to Poland and the establishment of the Grodno region inside the Belorussian Republic, the Archive of the Grodno Region was established as part of the system of the People's Commissariat for Interior Affairs (NKVD) in September 1944. In 2007, the Archive acted under the head administration of the Ministry of Justice in the regional Executive committee. Included in the collection: Soviet documentation from...

  9. M.41.ZGAPin - Documentation from the Regional State Archive in Pinsk

    M.41.ZGAPin - Documentation from the Regional State Archive in Pinsk The Regional Archive of Pinsk was established in 1940. During the German occupation, the Archive's activity was halted during 1941-1944 and was renewed only in August 1944. The Archive changed its mission following the dissolution of the Pinsk region, and it became the Municipal State Archive of Pinsk in 1954. In September 1996, the Archive changed its definition again, and it became the Local State Archive of Pinsk. As of 30 June 2001 and following, the Archive has been known as the "Scientific-Methodological Institution ...

  10. M.41.GAVt - Documentation of the State Archives of the Vitebsk Region

    M.41.GAVt - Documentation of the State Archives of the Vitebsk Region The State Archives of the Vitebsk Region was established in 1919. In 1927, documents pertaining to the region were transferred there from the State Archive of Belorussia. In 1947, the documentation from the period prior to the Revolution, which had been in the Regional Archive of Vitebsk, was transferred to the State Historical Archive in Mogilev. In 1992, the documentation in the Regional Archive of the Communist Party in Belorussia was transferred to the State Archives of the Vitebsk Region. In the Collection there is S...

  11. M.41.TsAKDB - Documentation of the State Security Committee Archive in Belorussia

    M.41.TsAKDB - Documentation of the State Security Committee Archive in Belorussia Investigative reports regarding the establishment of ghettos in Borisov, Zembin and Minsk; indictments of Belorussian collaborators who participated in the murder of Jews, and survey reports concerning the murder of Jews in Minsk and Borisov.

  12. M.41.TsNANANB - Documentation from the Central Scientific Archive of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

    M.41.TsNANANB - Documentation from the Central Scientific Archive of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus The collection includes testimonies and memoirs of residents of Belorussia regarding their experiences in the ghettos, including the establishment of Judenraten, forced labor, starvation and murder of Jews, underground activities, and service in various partisan detachments and in the Red Army, 1941-1944.

  13. M.41.BGOMIVOv-Documentation of the Belorussian State Museum of the History of the Great Patriotic War (World War II)

    M.41.BGOMIVOv - Documentation of the Belorussian State Museum of the History of the Great Patriotic War (World War II) The history of the museum starts with the establishment of a Documentation Collection Committee regarding the Great Patriotic War, 02 June 1942. The museum was established by the Central Committee of the Communist Party in Belorussia which was in Moscow at that time. V. D. Stalnov, the Committee Secretary, was appointed the first director of the museum. A short while after the liberation of Belorussia, the Central Committee of the Communist Party in Belorussia decided to es...

  14. M.41.GAMn - Documentation from the Minsk Region State Archive

    M.41.GAMn - Documentation from the Minsk Region State Archive History of the Archive The Minsk Region State Archive (GAMn Archive) was established in 1938. The Archive was not active during the period of the German occupation, 1941-1944. All the documents describing the period before the October Revolution (the Bolshevik Revolution) were transferred to the Belorussian Central State Historical Archive in 1963. 600,000 files from the Minsk Region Communist Party Archive were given to GAMO in 1996. Material from the period of the October Revolution in 1917 until the present time has been prese...

  15. M.41.NARB - Documentation of the National Archive of the Republic of Belorussia (Natsionalny Arkhiv Respubliki Belarus)

    M.41.NARB - Documentation of the National Archive of the Republic of Belorussia (Natsionalny Arkhiv Respubliki Belarus) History of the National Archive of the Republic of Belorussia The Central Archive for the October Revolution of the Belorussian Soviet Republic was established in the city of Minsk on 28 May 1927. The Archive moved to the city of Mogilev in 1930. The Archive underwent reorganization in 1938, and became the State Archive of the October Revolution and the Socialistic Construction. Following the outbreak of the war in 1941, the Archive's activities stopped. The Archive renewe...

  16. Documentation of the municipal administration of Bobruysk, 1941-1944

    Documentation of the municipal administration of Bobruysk, 1941-1944 Included in the documentation: Directives from the municipal administration of Bobruysk; a census; obtaining winter clothes from the population; appointment of municipal workers; an inspection of the movements among the population in the city; organization of the work in the kolkhozes; municipal sanitation; directives from the Generalkommissar of Belorussia and the Kommandatur; directives from the Generalkommissar of Belorussia and the Kommandatur of Bobruysk including: draft of workers for labor in Germany; establishment ...

  17. M.41.GAMog - Documentation from the State Archive of the Mogilev Region

    • ארכיון יד ושם / Yad Vashem Archives
    • 10431971
    • English, Hebrew
    • 1941-1944
    • Appeal to the authorities Application Correspondence List of forced laborers List of healthcare workers List of Jewish residents List of residents List of workers Official documentation

    M.41.GAMog - Documentation from the State Archive of the Mogilev Region History of the State Archive of the Mogilev Region The Archive was established on 05 July 1938, and its documentation is comprised of documentation that was found in the regional archives of Mogilev and Kalinin. In 1941, it included 1,316 original collections that contained 650,000 conservation units. During the war, some of the documents were evacuated but most were destroyed (1,200 original collections). The Archive resumed its activity in the city of Krichev in 1943, and in Mogilev in 1944. During the same time all o...

  18. Documentation of the municipal administration of Mogilev, 1941-1944

    Documentation of the municipal administration of Mogilev, 1941-1944 In the collection there is documentation of the municipal administration of Mogilev, including requests from the public to the administration on various matters, correspondence between various bodies and lists of residents. Bibliography 1. Mогилев: Энцикл/ справ./Сов.Энцикл.; Rедкол. И.П. Шамякин (гл. ред.) и др. Мн.:Бел СЭ, 1990-472 стр; 2.

  19. Personal documents of Jews, from the Stadtarchiv Muenchen (Munich)

    Personal documents of Jews, from the Stadtarchiv Muenchen (Munich) In the Collection: Three reels from the Bestand Volkskarteikarten - Card file with personal details (reels 31171-31173); Three reels from the Bestand Kennkarten-Doppel, including identity cards of Jews (reels 31170 and 31174-31175) An additional reel with Kennkarten (Identity cards), not attributed to a record group in the Archive (reel 31168); Two reels from the Bestand Kennkarten Antraege, including requests to receive identity cards (reels 31167 and 31169); One reel with Fremdenpaesse - Passports for foreign residents (re...

  20. Files from the Kommunalreferat jued. Vermoegen in Munich

    Files from the Kommunalreferat jued. Vermoegen in Munich